Why Monday? After all, itself a Monday rather stressful day: after a relaxed state of the output of the existence of" go suddenly to working life. Get up early and go to work. And then there's this "new lifestyle". Well, not to him you will be in Monday.
So tip # 1: don't try to start a new life on Monday.
And in General, the beginning of "new life" should not be delayed even for a few days, otherwise the time commitment you have to poyavitsya, and forget to you can about his good purpose. Ideally to start a new life - Saturday: nothing will interfere with your plans to change any habits or abandon them. Unless, of course, on Saturday you are not working. Better yet, start a "new life" in the day when your mind came up with this great idea.
Dreams about getting rid of bad habits can go a long way to cherish your brain until you finally decide to take things into their own hands. But it takes work and willpower. Some will wave my hand and say, "Ah! Still a couple days to break. It is pointless to fight with you." Meanwhile, to fight, or rather, with their addictions, not only possible, but necessary, because it brings up the character, strengthens will power and leads to a healthier body. Very often blame the usual laziness and habit of living on the thumb script.
Before you start "a new life", ask yourself: why do you want to do this? What you want to achieve? What sacrifices are you willing to go for this?
Here tip # 2: make a minimum program.
Do not try to break world records! Otherwise will undermine not only health, but also the psyche. Better if all this will be recorded on paper in the form of a table, where columns can be designated as follows:
1. The name of the bad habits.
2. Why I want to get rid of it?
3. What I want to achieve in the end?
4. What am I willing to do?
5. The first thing I will do after you achieve your goal?
Here's a simple example:
1. Eat a lot of fatty and sweet.
2. As a result of this power are overweight. It does not only spoil my figure and makes you feel tired, but sometimes dramatically lowers my self-esteem.
3. Want to lose so many pounds. To keep weight within normal limits. I want my figure admired the closest people to me, and I regret to contemplate his reflection in the mirror.
4. Ready to eat right, limit the consumption of such products, sports.
5. Will update the wardrobe will go camping, etc.
Be sure each item to paint in great detail. You need to understand that obesity is not a bad habit, as a consequence of a bad habit, like "eat everything and a lot". Laziness is also not a bad habit, and the state of the body, a bad habit in this case is "doing nothing" or so and write: I can not bring myself to play sports, to go out for a walk, etc.
But to make the program not enough, we have to develop a complex struggle with their addictions. Therefore, the fourth paragraph should be left more places and describe it in detail. For example, if item 3 is "want to quit", not right at the 4-m to indicate "ready to quit" is the Correct option: "I Will smoke 1-5 cigarettes per day less than usual during this period of time, then it will reduce the number of cigarettes..."
Everyone knows that to lose one day of the habit is impossible. There is a method 40 days. If you want to get rid of bad habits, or, conversely, to purchase any good habit, for example: walk before going to sleep.
So tip # 3: be patient.
Sometimes struggle with these addictions can be solved non-standard way. If you need activity and you need to spend more time outdoors, but you have no way to force yourself to change your lifestyle, get a dog. But not the mini version, and such a good big dog that you will be regularly walk, regardless of your desire and mood.
To get rid of habits, "there are a lot and everything, start to cook the right foods, learn new exotic cuisine - let it be your hobby. Then cooking will entice you more than its absorption. If you absorb food from have nothing to do, extend the range of his interests. Seizing the stress is not output, the stress is your enemy. Don't feed it, and to beat as it should. Weapons to choose from it can be any sport, any interesting Hobbies. For example, some Housewives believe that a good way to relax and relieve tension is to bring order in the house.
Tip # 4: apply the creative thinking.
The fifth paragraph of your mini-program is a bonus that you should also to some extent, to motivate and to be closer to the target.
The most important thing in this fight is your desire to change your life, get rid of bad habits and everything that bothers you and makes you miserable.
If you don't have goals, then you just don't see in what direction you go.
If you are ready to love yourself the way you are - it is your right.
If you have decided to start to respect yourself, then soon you will notice that the attitude of other people towards you has also changed.
In the end - tip # 5: respect yourself and take care of your health.
School of life
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