Women appreciate a strong, confident men. Such a life work, and housing will provide, and children to grow will help. Masculinity and tears are incompatible concepts, however, situations in life are different. Do not panic and give up on his companion, if he found him crying.
When a man can't hold back the tears, the situation requires emotional involvement and manifestations of tact on the part of women. The reason for this emotional behavior can be anything - the news of the death of a relative or friend, the collapse of the firm or even the theft of a new machine. A man would not cry over a broken nail or a lost bag, and then there was something really serious.
What if the man crying? No need to ignore the situation and wait until you calm down and he will tell you. It would be more correct to pay attention, to show their willingness to help. Perhaps there was something very sad. If the incident that made the man cry, smile (for example, lost in the multi-day online game or lose a bet sports Cup), in no case it is not necessary to show their contempt for the problem. Moreover, one cannot ridicule the tears of men. It is best to show compassion, to offer to discuss the situation and look for ways of its resolution.
And what if the man is crying all the time? Of course, bad. If this person is not consciously trying to manipulate family with his moods and tears, and simply unable to cope with the flood of emotions, it can help him a doctor. Need to go to an endocrinologist (hormone fluctuations can cause Hyper-emotionality) or psychotherapist. Not every man will agree to recognize that they have problems and go to a specialist. But anyone can be persuaded, finding motivators. For example, convincing him that not having a treatment, he can cry at a football match at all. Or that one day he will cry for an important meeting, unable to bear the message of the fall of the shares. The main thing is to approach a man.
What to do with the crybaby-the pretender? If a man cries and “aching”, harassing relatives complaints and illnesses (often invented), it is not in any case impossible for him to indulge. You need to talk to the pointing device and strictly not to get involved in the discussion of sorrows and problems. Perhaps in the beginning it will start to come up with something even more “scary” to return the attention from himself. You need to be persistent. Find something that you can praise, and do it accidentally, but often. Let him learn to be in the spotlight for the real merits, and not because of diseases and failures at work.
The man has the right to tears. Of course, his mentality is more resistant to stress and the storms of life, but he also feels different emotions, sometimes strong and negative.those pendants.
Women's Magazine
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