Friday, April 25, 2014

Learn to compromise

Learn to compromiseHow often we say to ourselves: "that's All! Tired enough to spare others, it's time to finally learn to love and respect yourself". However, such words suggest any healthy person to feel a sense of pity. As you know, if we we start to regret - we relax, become soft and vulnerable. The modern woman is not just a pretty picture in fashionable clothes, with exquisite makeup. The woman is first of all the person who needs understanding, love and care. Of course, the life, career and family causes us to be stronger and sturdier. But, unfortunately, not always such autonomy is the woman on the favor. With age comes to us confidence and makes us more resistant to stress and life's hardships, but our personal relationships begin to collapse from the sudden pressure of his person. But most of all suffer our favorite. The relationship with her beloved husband becomes more cool and unusual. And all because the passion is hot and love lost to the position of the ordinary and habitual.

The woman ceases to be so unattainable and air. Now, it knows no compromise and mercy towards her man. Precisely this is the cause of frequent misunderstandings and family problems. It's so important to keep the mutual respect that will be filled with love and support. That's why you need to learn to compromise. This allows to avoid unnecessary quarrels and disputes, which often remain somewhere deep in the soul. This burden accumulates and creates a negative impact on the relationship between two loving people. And then, constant conflicts and distrust and misunderstanding each other and, sadly, divorce.

So what is the compromise?

A compromise is a solution that is beneficial to both parties. The compromise allows you to focus on communication with each other, and not make us regret the interlocutor. Typically, a feeling of pity to lose its relevance, and unresolved issues come to the surface. It is very important to evaluate not only their interests, and to learn to understand each other. When people find common interests, their lives inevitably become entangled.

But because we are all different and have their own worldview, opinions of other very often is not similar to our own. You should not consider himself an egoist or a person who is not able to accept someone else's opinion. Each person sits a little worm that gnaws inside and makes our "ego" to be expressed through conflict and dispute. It is important to force yourself to repay this worm is to learn to compromise, contrary to your interests, but in favor of the interlocutor. There are a few rules of competent dialogue that allow you to be more flexible and accept someone else's opinion.

So, here are the rules:

Rule 1.

Never take your partner as the enemy. After all, even the most different topics of communication have common ground in which opinion both of them are guaranteed to coincide. In addition, it is not necessary to exert psychological pressure on people. Thus, it can annoy your opponent, and then any normal conversation turns into a trivial conflict.

Rule 2.

Learn how to listen. We very often see such advice in clever books on psychology, but, in fact, do not understand what you are talking about. The ability timely to listen very important because it distinguishes educated, interested person from indifferent and reserved. To listen not only with their ears, and "whole body". There are even entire directories verbal and nonverbal means of communicating with people. It is worth noting that to listen to it "whole body", because it allows to Express the human interest in it. Eye contact, which makes the conversation much more warm and liberal, no "locks" of the body and a pleasant, friendly facial expression - all this allows to achieve the desired attention and position of the interlocutor to a productive conversation.

Rule 3.

Do not provoke the person on frivolous disputes. The best option communication will become attentive listening, strong eye contact "eye to eye", and participating in the conversation. This method will allow you to Express your inner interest in the person, but you will be clearly to pursue their objectives.

These three rules you must follow in dealing with your friends and family with superiors and subordinates. Rules are always current if you need to build relationships with people. In addition, it expresses the noblest traits of your character, which contradict the egoistic impulses.

The compromise leaves us with disapproval, however, it is only at the first stages of the conversation. Further, one realizes that the optimal solution in the dispute process is much more beneficial to all than the usual misunderstanding and disrespect of each other's interests. The compromise allows us to develop not only the external and internal resistance to conflict situations. He teaches us to find the most appropriate point of contact in communicating with the people who surround us.


Women's Magazine

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