ToLAN Coppola
Boy, born on the eve of Orthodox Christmas in 1964, kinship with the great
Francis Ford Coppola brought more troubles than benefits. Little Nicolas Kim Coppola since childhood felt the pressure of the great continutiy, the member of which he was to be born. His grandfather was a great composer, his uncle is one of the most influential Directors (on account of his paintings, including "The godfatherandApocalypse now"), the older brother became an actor, and the average tried hand at directing.
Parents nick also were creative people: the father taught literature, and her mother worked as a choreographer. Joy Forsling and August Coppola lived a rich life, which is not always had time for children. When Nick was very young, his mother was treated for a prolonged depression in a psychiatric hospital, and after prescription electric shock, the woman started to have problems with memory. Boy's relationship with his father deteriorated significantly after during another family drama Joey told my husband that Nick is not his son.
Nobody asked Nicholas what he wants to be when he grows up. And so it was clear the boy was destined to continue the family business. Not to say that such a prospect was pleasing to the nick, who desperately wanted to become a sailor. The young man resisted, not wanting to put up with "family". Having a birthday video, he pointedly refused to unpack the gift.
But, despite the rebellious character of Nicholas, the genes did their job: the boy was one of the best students of drama class in high school Beverly hills, and upon graduation, went to work at the Studio of his uncle, where finally became interested in cinema. Sitting on the holidays to acting classes, Nicholas decided to leave school. Passed the exams without attending classes and in 1981 he made his debut in the television series "Best of times", and in 1983 he played a rock musician with fiery red hair in the movie "the Girl from the valley". The guy was ready to participate in any, even the most dubious productions, the least he wanted to play the role of "nephew of the great Coppola". Thus was born Nicolas cage, replacing Nicholas Kim Coppola.
A matter of honor
The young man took a creative approach to the choice of alias. Love nick to Batman, Superman and other comic book heroes was much stronger than his loyalty to the family, so the guy decided to "intermarry" with Luke cage - grotesque character with stone fists and steel chest. Nicholas saw many similarities between themselves and fantastic freak: both were ashamed of their strange appearance, but if this were the real heroes.
Looking for a tall, lanky young man with a sad and at the same time mocking eyes, the Directors of the TV series were less likely to be able to think that this guy is a member of the Coppola clan". The guy with understated looks, stupid name and more than a modest acting talents hours sat at the doors of Directors and was glad of any suggestions about the work.
Francis Ford Coppola last learned that the nephew took the nickname and decided to become a great mimic. It was found that, when the Director found among the photos of the actors selected for his new film "
Fighting fish"that picture of nick. Cage has achieved what he wanted: work at Coppola's he got on a common basis. Unfortunately, the uncle did not appreciate integrity cage. "Francis has made 42 of the double scene with me - later recalled Nicholas, 42 times forced me to repeat the same passage! And then called my father and said that I'm a good actor will not work".
Slowly but surely cage went to the target: after a disastrous movie "Peggy sue got married" he was on the set "
The power of the moon". To get a role in a romantic melodrama nick helped singer Cher, which saw record samples actor, insisted that the producers chose his candidacy. When during rehearsals Nicholas began to throw chairs, trying to get into the role, the woman realized that she was not mistaken in it.
Method of Stanislavsky in the interpretation of the actor shocked Directors and colleagues. During the filming of the movie "
Kiss of the vampire"where Nick played a crazy writer, he ate a real cockroach, refusing sham beetle. Everyone who was at that moment on the set, gasped at the horror, when Nicholas, douvas brought into a matchbox insect, smiled: "I wanted everything to be fools. How else can make the viewer believe that the hero went to the roof? "
For the sake of "Birdy" directed by
Alan Parker the actor was asked to pull him two healthy tooth without anesthesia, and preparing for the filming of the movie "Resurrecting the dead", Nicholas was on duty around the clock with a team of doctors. Of course, when the question arose, who will be able to play a romance-killer sailor Ripley in the film of David Lynch's "Wild at heart", no one doubted that the role should be given to crank the cage. It was after this work, the name of the actor has become synonymous with "talented fool. Recognition was left to wait a little longer: for her role in the film "Leaving Las Vegas" Cage won an "Oscar".
Runaway bride
His first wife, actress Patricia Arquette cage met in 1987 in the cafe "Kanter" and after an hour of fellowship made a proposal to the girl. Instead of calling the guy a madman, Patricia supported joke, and brought before the cage three unacceptable conditions: as a wedding gift to the actress demanded black Orchid, which does not exist in nature, autograph Salinger (it is known that the writer never and never wrote anything by hand) and the wedding dress women Fox tribe of South-East Asia.
Nicholas did not bother requirements Arquette: flower he painted from a sprinkler, a note Salinger was bought for $2500 with an unknown collector, and dresses Arquette she refused, being impressed by the extravagant behavior of the gentleman. There was nowhere to retreat, and Patricia gave his consent to the wedding, which cage decided to celebrate in Cuba.
Certainly the actor would be able to complete tasks with the Arquette the game to end, if not a computer glitch, which the couple could not buy the plane tickets. Nicholas rolled his huge scandal airport employees, and the girl, taking advantage of the situation, escaped.
Met lovers only 8 years later. Regretting how stupid she missed such an interesting, and now a rich man, Arquette has done everything to achieve Nicholas, who at the time was engaged to model Kristen Zang (at the time of separation, the actress managed to get married to businessman Rossi Sex and give birth to a son, Enzo).
8 April 1995 27-year-old Patricia and 31-year-old Nicholas were married. A pair of cage - Arquette received the status of the strangest Hollywood family. It seemed that the actors are perfect for each other. Both talented, vivacious and rich with big names pedigree (father of Patricia was a popular comedian and TV presenter, father and sister - actors).
Their marriage was not exemplary: most of the time the couple lived in different houses, spent half the money she earned at the completion of the collection of rare cars (cage laid out $440 000 for the Lamborghini Miura", previously owned by the Iranian Sheikh), played together in the movie and quarreled right on the set. This cage has repeatedly stated that she and Patricia - soul mates, destined to find each other.
The marriage of this odd couple, where the husband for the sake of accuracy roles eat live cockroaches, and the wife during the tumultuous youth ran away from home and shaved bald, lasted six years and was terminated on 18 may 2001. The reason for the divorce has traditionally been the "incompatibility", but in the court of cage claimed that their marital relationship lasted only 9 months.
Love, the Queen
Second wife of John cage became the most enviable bride of America is the only daughter of the king of rock-n-roll Lisa Marie Presley. Circumstances Dating Presley and actor were no signs of romantic continue. Cage does not come up with anything more original than to dress up like Elvis, which made Lisa Mary. "For all my life I have not met a single person who would at the meeting talked with me about anything, except my father," said Presley.
The heir to the $100 million state, the former wife of musician Danny Kika and pop icons
Michael Jackson was famous for its bad temper. But it did not bother cage. The news that the chief adventurer Hollywood and the best bride of America get married, have made a lot of noise. The wedding took place on the resort Mauna Lani" Hawaii in the 25 th anniversary of the death of the king of rock and roll.
At the ceremony were invited to just 20 guests, among whom were the children of the newlyweds, closest friends, widow
Elvis Presley and not a single journalist. The place for the ceremony was chosen because it was here at the time, the bride's father took one of his famous paintings - the musical Comedy "Blue Hawaii".
And after 109 days after the Royal celebrations in Hawaii, the couple filed for divorce. Cage, started building a house for $8 million in Beverly hills, where he planned to live with his young wife, was silent, and Lisa Marie Presley said that the decision to get married was a mistake. Rumored to be the cause of the conflict was the fact that his wife ventured on the most valuable thing that was in the cage, insisted that the actor got rid of their vintage cars and collections of comics.
For a man who has changed the name Coppola cage and bought at auction a collection of stories about Superman in 1938 for $1, 5 million, such a requirement could be sufficient cause for divorce. "This is a typical situation when two too stubborn to give up, " says Nick, a year after her divorce from Lisa Marie. - What to do, she didn't like that I work a lot, love machine and comics".
God loves Trinity
Having survived two "star" of marriage, the actor has decided to bring to life the story of Cinderella, oschastlivit unknown waitress. Third wife of Nicholas became a 20-year-old Korean Kim Ellis, working in Los Angeles sushi bar. The only merit of the girls was the fact that she served the table, behind which sat Nick with each other.
The meeting took place on Valentine's Day, and soon 40-year-old actor was leading his new girlfriend on the red carpet at the ceremony of "Oscar". A month later romantic Nick gave Ellis a wedding ring with a huge emerald and diamonds, and three months later the couple were married at the ranch cage in California. As a wedding gift Nick decided to present my wife is the best in the district restaurant.
Cage calls his third marriage is "the most happy". Young wife tries not to disappoint spouse: October 3, 2005 Ellis gave birth to the actor's son. "I want to call son Kal-El, " he said with a threshold cage, coming to his wife in the hospital. Only, please, don't ask me why I chose this name! " "And not think, " he laughed in response Ellis. - This comic is hanging in our living room, and I while I was waiting for you from shooting, managed to learn the names of all the main characters. Let our son be a superhero. Like his father".
Profession - "criminal"
"Someone drinks or prickly, and I sit behind the wheel and two rush hour with a speed of 160 km/h, thinking only about how to survive"the ACTOR, a member of the club "20 million" (that is how much Nick gets for the role) seriously believes that comics play an important role in American history. "The Greeks had their own mythology, and have our own, " says he, " Mickey mouse, Superman, and Coca-Cola is something we can be proud of".
On the shoulder of a nick tattooed cartoon lizard in a tall top hat, and all the walls of the house are covered with butterflies and illustrations of favorite books (early childhood actor collects not only comics, but also insects).
Producer of the film "
Rock" Jerry Bruckheimer still can not forget the suit of Nicholas, in which he appeared for the premiere: "Nick was dressed in a bright orange hat, orange sweater, yellow-green shoes and mirror blue glasses. Apparently, this outfit matched his mood that day". Director of the film "Air prison" she remembers with horror as Nick regularly tried to climb on the wall: no this actor run threw themselves at the wall of the pavilion, somehow miraculously stick to it and hung until he was asked to get off. During the filming of "Mandolin captain Corelli's mandolin" Nicholas got it into his head that he has to learn to play the instrument than shocked neighbours at the hotel, displaced night to listen to his music exercises.
After the actor played in the movie "
Gone in 60 seconds"the General public has become another passion cage - racing cars. "Speed is the only alternative to valium, is justified Nick. - Someone drinks or prickly, and I sit behind the wheel and two rush hour with a speed of 160 km/h, thinking only about how to survive".
Filmography Of Nicolas Cage
Arguments and facts
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