Pantry magnesium
Just 150 grams of watermelon is enough to meet the daily need of a healthy person in magnesium. Simply put, magnesium in watermelon is more than enough. Therefore, people with hypertension should include it in your diet.
In addition, watermelon is good prints cholesterol, which is also important in cardiovascular diseases.
Alkali for kidney
The uniqueness of the watermelon in the fact that its juice contains almost no natural acids and salts, which cannot be said about many other berries and fruits. But in the presence of alkali. All this makes watermelon amazingly useful for the urinary system.
Therefore, nephrologists often recommend the watermelon those who are prone to the formation of urate or oxalate kidney stones. If pestering acute nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, watermelon, too, will benefit. Experts advise to eat a day to 2 kilos of this delicious medications. And for variety, you can drink watermelon juice - 2 cups juice 1 teaspoon honey.
Down with excess fluid!
Diuretic properties of watermelon stronger than any other representative of the flora. By the way, this action has not only watermelon pulp, and peel.
From cover, you can prepare a decoction, which will get rid of edema associated with heart disease, kidney. And this watermelon therapy can be used year - round as dried in the oven, the crust is stored for a very long time. For preparation of decoction dry crust pour water in the ratio 1:10 and boil for about five minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and taken half a Cup 3-4 times a day. This drink is also good for gout and rheumatism.
Not worse pumpkin seeds
Watermelon seeds - effective against helminths, simply put, worms.
In the case of cleansing the body of parasites they can compete with pumpkin seeds. Dried watermelon seeds crushed in a grinder or coffee grinder and mix with milk in a ratio of 1:10 - natural remedy is ready. Take it in 2 Cup 2 times a day separate from food.
The calorie
In 100 grams of juicy pulp contains only 38 calories. Therefore, the watermelon is very attractive for those seeking to lose weight. It can be used to reduce appetite. Watermelon quickly gives a feeling of satiety, not exacerbating the problem of excess weight.
In addition, watermelon is folic acid, which normalizes the metabolism of lipids.
Watermelon is used for cosmetic purposes. If mash with a fork juicy pulp and apply it on the face for 20 minutes, wash off the mask, you will find that the skin is visibly rejuvenated.
Help for liver
Watermelon juice dissolves and removes toxins from the liver. So when her chronic diseases and acute food poisoning watermelons should not be neglected. Well from the heart to eat these striped berries after treatment with potent drugs, such as antibiotics. Those who have recently undergone surgery with prolonged anesthesia, watermelons, too, are shown. The juice helps the liver to quickly cleanse the body of drugs.
Loud watermelons
The maturity of the watermelon can be identified by the sound it makes, if you knock on the skin. Watermelons with a dull sound immature. And too much "ringing" on the contrary, are already overdue. Select needed something loud watermelons. In addition, Mature watermelon tail darkened, dull and dry skin elastic - nail will not prodnose.
Natural life podpevanija Arbuzov - end of August-September. Therefore, those who arrived before August, probably gave the desired dose of fertilizers. "Nacimiento" pulp can be recognized by yellow streaks and whitish thickened sections.
A little caution
If you're going to eat watermelon, try for 2-3 hours before not to use selenaselena products. The same time will have to live without chips, roach, salted nuts, and upon completion of watermelon feast. The thing is that the salt retains fluid in the body. And juicy watermelon can be an extra burden for the patient's heart or will cause swelling.
Those who suffer from chronic bowel disease, watermelon should not get carried away. It can cause bloating.
Diabetes and if there is swelling in the last trimester of pregnancy from watermelon is better to abstain.
Watermelon iron
The iron content of watermelon is second only to the lettuce and the spinach. Watermelon iron easily absorbed by the body because it is organic. Therefore, in the treatment and prevention of anemia watermelons are a great help.
Women's health
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