"You look well, Mr. Gahan.
Thank you.
When we talked with you last time, you remember, was going through difficult times. Just overcame heroin addiction, even tried to commit suicide - and got ready to go to a concert tour.
"Was it long ago. Ten years have passed. I then ended a difficult period, and I was very scared the first performances in the new round. I was really scared.
- Not afraid to deal?
"I was afraid for the first time in my life to be on stage completely sober. At that time I totally had quit drinking and for six months had taken no drugs. But my mind and body were, if I may say so, very vulnerable.
Rock stars and drugs is the eternal theme. Why is it so?
I have no idea. If I was not so apertum, did all in their own way, my life would be wonderful. (laughs) you Know, I grew up without a father. The mother money was not, she literally had to survive. We can not say that I went to the best school, but my mother did everything to us how to educate. She always had several jobs and still she was able every night to cook us dinner. The house was clean, we did not need. Although we do not particularly had a mother copes. Being a mother is the hardest job. This I tell you as a father of three children.
Is she gave you power already from a young age to speak in front of thousands of people?
- She. Every time we met her, I thank her, especially because she always understood me.
Soon you will have to go out every night on stage in front of sixty thousand people. Has not become for you routine the art of crowd control?
- I never have anything on the thumb. I always terribly nervous. Some time later I cope with anxiety and much more focused on the performances. But it takes a lot of energy.
A rock concert is a demonstration of your ego. On stage, I always give everything. You should enjoy the concert, but at the same time I can not take myself too seriously, otherwise you will not know it, will be in the abyss.
During the last tour I three long months spent away from his family, from their children. And very because of this suffering. One evening I was talking on the phone with his seven-year-old daughter, who was tired of me getting bored. She asked: "How many times will I have to go to bed before you come back"? And I said, "Another 48 times".
- An eternity for a child
- Yes, she drifted away from me, and it broke my heart. After the tour we took a lot of time to become again the family. I don't want to lose touch with their loved ones. From my side it would have been too great a sacrifice, that I will not tolerate. My family gives me strength, for without it I'd never have made many months touring.
Other artists simply take our children with us. You this is not an option?
"In fact, they are busy in school, but sometimes you can see during the holidays.
How your children react when they see their daddy turns into a diva: riding bare chested in front of a 60-strong Horde of fans crazy with his music and Messianic postures?
My daughter is terrified. She often repeats that I'm not the Pope, whom she knows. But recently she said she also wants to write music.
- Are you happy or upset about this?
- I will support her if she really wants to. She now only nine. More than anything, she felt protected. I myself am a child did not know this feeling, and not the fault of my mother. I had a feeling of uncertainty in the future. It took 46 years to say that I am pleased with himself. In most cases, at least.
- When you're on stage, thousands of people are copying your every move. Does it give you a sense of satisfaction?
- It's not in me. It's more of a collective experience, people want to be part of something larger.
"But you still play the role of catalyst. Have you ever felt omnipotence?
"No, up close and nothing like this felt. If there is something, so this sense of responsibility. Public, group, myself - we are all part of the same mosaic, one state, one energy, which is released within two hours of the concert. We are all involved in this.
I think that it is strange to use common sense, to focus on responsibility when talking about the collective insanity.
"I see it. I can't relax. Sometimes my common sense tells me that I'm too exhausted and not be able to hold a concert. For example, if the aching vocal cords. If I don't overstep yourself, all over the fact that I really believe that is unable to speak, and I can not afford.
- What do you feel when the audience doesn't react the way you would like, or as you used to? Mick Jagger once told me about such moments of frustration. He said that sometimes you just had to jump on stage like a maniac, so that energy is not left to waste.
- Visited and I have such failures. You have to turn himself inside out to get apathetic, indifferent public. Once one musician suggested Jagger tilting the Cup after the concert. Jagger just exploded: "What was that? You saw what I was doing on the stage?! You seriously think that after such a speech, I'll sit through his pants in the club and get drunk to stupor? Before each round I Wake up early in the morning and do some Jogging eight miles to stay in shape".
I have exactly the same thing. By itself, no need to overdo it with the preparation for the tour and to exercise too vigorously, because you wouldn't be able to get pleasure from the show. You need to maintain energy and thus be able to have fun. The essence in the balance sheet.
- When you have already played the last encore, how do you cope with adrenal stress, since drugs is not an option?
Usually we are a quarter of an hour or so sticking together in the dressing room. Joking about the show: "did You see that girl with the poster? "Oh, Yes, I did." Something like that. After that I prefer to be alone with him.
- Enjoy the silence?
Are you correctly noticed. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than the rest. I return back to the hotel, take a hot shower, eat something and relax.
Usually by this time I already stick together eyes. Adrenaline still rushes through my body, as the Express train, but I have no desire someone to talk to, I just want to recharge your batteries.
The concert is very different from recording in the Studio. In the Studio you have all the time in the world to think about every detail, but on the stage there is no time for reflection. When we play in front of 60 thousand stadium, something happens. Something bigger than ourselves. Something that has nothing to battle excessive samanani, which are attributed to the members of our group, and nothing to do with the fact that I am supposed to grieve over the fact that on the new record enough songs for my composition.
- Mr. Gahan, you already 25 years with "Depeche Mode". You can imagine that there would be another twenty years to spin on stage spinning?
The time beyond the control of anyone. Of course, sometimes I ask myself if I should do the same in 10 years? If this is possible and I will still have the desire, then fine.
When I went to school, I was sure that all my life I will wash dishes. I was a bad student and most of the time spent at the window, waiting, when will real life, when something finally happens. What happened in the class was not for me. The teacher all the time acted smart: "What's so interesting, Mr. Gahan? " And it seemed to me that the outside is damn interesting. I knew I needed to stick his head out the window and just to see it.
I partially remained the same, I am very open and curious. Today I'm happy to see how my children. I ask myself, what will be their life, what they will be when they will have children of their own?
"Yeah, global you have questions. Even in the beginning, when your cute appearance "Depeche Mode" was touted as the teenage group, even in the very early songs like "People are People" you were in search of meaning of life: who we are, where we are, what we believe in.
Almost nothing has changed in this sense. The same thing can be said about our new album.
- In one of the new songs you ask for the world. In the single "Wrong" to say that something is wrong with our society. These are your observations in the period of financial crisis and political turmoil?
- If you like. Contemporary art is always asked such questions: what is right and what is wrong, why I'm here. Careless love songs - "I love you, you love me" - have they never worked.
When we sing about love, on the surface there are darker things, some obsession. We all aspire to something like religion or spirituality. We are all looking for something, what would itself be identified in this constantly confusing world.
The song "Peace" describes the quest for peace, the song "Wrong" - the complete opposite. When you have children, you ask yourself these questions. You may ask yourself: what kind of world I brought forth?
"I took heroin, but not now. But I have a dependency on dark chocolate".
"I have very prone to addiction personality, so I am careful when I want something beyond that, what I need, even chocolate. I like the dark chocolate from the shop "Chocolate Box" in the East village, and I like chocolate "Lilac". Fans know about me and chocolate, so I always pass a few chocolates on stage".
"I so much liked the movie "the Wrestler" that I was actually upset when Mickey Rourke has not received the Oscar for his role. I truly identified himself with the return and redemption of his character".
"I'm not really a reader. It's hard to beat the book, as always, but I recently read and re-read "Dandy in the Underworld" Sebastian HORSLEY".
"New York pizza is the best. I like "Joe's" on Sixth Avenue and "Carmine"".
"I have a tattoo with Buddhist chanting "Om" on the body".
"I watch a lot of TV, maybe too much. I like "family Guy" - in fact, the whole band loves this series. And I watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and his wife".
To listen Depeche Mode online
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