Friday, October 3, 2014

Cotton swab can deny hearing

Cotton swab can deny hearing

When the cotton swab comes into the ear canal too deep, can occur perforation of the eardrum. People will be able to understand it, feeling a strong pain in the ear, dizziness and even paralysis of the facial nerve. If any of these symptoms appear, you must report them promptly to the otolaryngologist.

Many of us are so accustomed to the procedure, ear cleaning: took a cotton swab, quickly cleaned and ready. But is it worth to risk your health?

This especially applies to the cleaning of the ears in children because the child is often simply not given to clean your ears, and you can easily injure his ear, if he will activate his head.

That offer specialists instead of cotton buds to clean your ears? They suggest the use of such mixtures: equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and boiling water or vinegar and water. Instill a few drops in each ear. Such procedures do not more than 1-2 times a month.

An even better option is to visit a doctor. He will be able to remove your earwax quickly and reliably.

When you break eardrums, most lesions heal itself and does not require surgical intervention.

In 97 % of cases the rupture heals on its own within 2 months. Also, in the course of the research, it was found that a common cause breaks drum walls are ear cotton buds.



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