I remember well when I decided to become an actor. It was in 1956 when my father (kirk Douglas. - Esquire) has completed work on "Lust for life" (adaptation of the novel by Irving stone about van Gogh. - Esquire). I was something between eleven and twelve years. I remember I went to the cinema and watched this film, completely forgetting that in front of me father. And the youngest brother, whom I took with me, and fled from the hall in the middle of the show. He was unable to survive the moment when van Gogh cuts off my ears.
Once my son Cameron asked me: "Dad, who are you Chinese? " And I said, "Well, I am half Jewish". Then he asked: "And what about me? " - "And you're a quarter Jew". He thought, pouted, and then said: "Dad, I want to be a half-Jew".
When I watch for my family, I can only laugh.
Once I grew a beard. Kids instantly loved her. And the wife hated. She said, "Hey, Michael, sbra this beard to hell". Then I've changed. Going outside, I wore dark glasses to avoid being recognized. But it did not help, because I immediately began to be confused with Rick Rubin (the famous music producer. - Esquire). I screamed "Hey, Rick! "and I said, "hi, guys".
When I had childrenI'm not much has changed. Just from that moment I decided that I would only be lifted in such movies are not ashamed to show to children.
Many say: first career then family. I thought so too once. But it was a long time ago.
Neither life crisis nor divorce is not able to get people to seriously reconsider your life.
I am very good in changing diapers.
I don't knowwhat drove brad pitt, when he parted with a beautiful woman and went around the world in search of the orphans for Angelina. I just want to know how long it will last.
If you are happily marriedthe difference in age ceases to be noticeable very quickly. We Catherine (Catherine Zeta-Jones. - Esquire) did not remember about it.
To be the familythwhere both parents have one award from the American Academy, is pretty damn cool.
I don't know no negative sides to get Oscar.
At last countmy father has been shot in 88 films. I can barely count to 30. But then there were other times.
At some pointwhen you get older, you suddenly realize: "So, but, I guess I'm just an old bstun". And then you correct myself: "well, I hope it will be fun".
One day my father asked me: "You know, as sure to realize that you have become quite old? "No, father," I said. "It's very simple. This is when you say what you have wonderful crocodile shoes. While you're in that moment, standing barefoot".
Now I'm finding it harder to meet a beautiful womanbecause my environment is people who have learned a good deal in drugs, and that evening warm feet in the basin with warm water. Most beautiful women that I meet, consider me a man who can only identify something new in their career.
If men and women and there is something in common is the fact that both prefer male company.
Yellow Newspapers always writet that I am obsessed with sex. Here is the stuff! Simply fucker some! Of course, I never said I was a Saint. But I'm not f*cue, as all it seems.
I don't know about Kim Basinger. Just what everyone wants to see the first lady was like her.
When we shot the "Basic instinct" we were invited Kim Basinger the main role. But she just started filming "9 1/2 weeks". She said, "I'm there, doing that." But Sharon stone was also nothing.
Many Actresses fear is not to please the audience. And me it is just fun to be around.
I'm an actor. But I also producer. However, I don't like to be a producer. I like to play, I like to be on set as an actor. This is great. "Have you got there all right, Mr. Douglas? To bring you something? " - "No, I'm fine, thank you." "Mr. Douglas, I think we just finished a movie. - "Fuck you! " And then everyone starts hugging. And then diverge to meet already at the premiere.
I'm too lazyto be a Director. It is a solitary craft. You should always be the first one who comes, and should always be the last one who leaves.
Most of the actors shake over their carefully constructed images that sometimes even asking to change the script to fit that image. And I just want to play good movies.
I never not filmed in fiction.
I have heard a lot about itthat before agreeing to the role, I am supposed to sit on the couch with a calculator and calculate how much I will bring a picture. Nonsense it all! It is especially annoying when you play a man whose heart is broken, and you suddenly ask, how much you earned on this film.
I'm very busy. Sometimes, time does not remain even for Golf.
Sometimes I think that being lonely is damn good. Great sense of irresponsibility!
What the hell I cinephile? I almost never watch movies. All I watch is sports. Unlike movies, you never know what will happen.
I often misinterprets when quoting. This was a really good tradition for many magazines: take some vulgar, controversial quote - especially one where mentions a couple of Hollywood celebrities, and place it on advertising marketed rooms. And all this only in order to increase sales. One day I was talking to a journalist about 20 hours. Armed with a tape recorder, she followed me everywhere - at home, in the office, in the restaurant. This recorder has always worked. And in that moment, when I asked her to scroll me what I said, she reported that the recorder was broken. After this incident I decided that now I will have a recorder that I can record everything.
Let me tell you a secret: I look shitty in tights.
Filmography Of Michael Douglas
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