I like to play a womanthat confident in myself and who always passes by you, holding your posture and lifting her chin.
In school I was
a real goth. Perhaps the white powder on the face and black lipstick looked not very attractive. Besides, my mother was constantly telling me that I look horrible and disgusting, and on the faces of passersby I saw the shock. I didn't feel beautiful - rather, I just felt uncomfortable.
I'm a big fan of fashion. That's the thing that I love, but can't afford. Because I like turnure (accessory womens dresses in the form of pillows, which were worn on the waist to give shape volume. - Esquire), corsets, powdered face and red lips - Marie-Antoinette and everything.
Suits me to be an actress
. Because I always wanted to nurse on stage in costume and watch how they look at me people.
Most importantly is not to look in front of the camera like a fool.
I remember when "Mad men" (glorified Hendrix series about a fictional American advertising Agency in the 1960 H. - Esquire) received Emmy, I felt slightly drunk, as it happens after the surgery. And it was cool.
Any man can become an actor, if you really know how to observe life.
Big Breasts are able to shatter your dreams of a career runner. So from time to time, I think, as well, that I never wanted to be.
I learn more and moreand it is impossible to get used to. I scream: Hey Christina! "and I say: what?
Seems to be something I've madebecause many women tell me that my role in "Mad men" has forced them to take another look at their large busts. And now they are no longer trying to hide.
The man who starts with that staring at your Boobs, can hardly be those with whom you will live a happy life.
Women like menthat order Scotch whiskey. This is a most impressive selection. This is a classic, and it's sexy. Glass, smell and no fruit juice. This whisky. And you're eating it.
There is a much more beautiful wordsthan "beautiful". "Glowing", for example. Strange and unused word - "you Shine". And "charming", "sparkling", "intoxicating", "charming" and "seductive".
Marriage does not change. Intelligence, sense of humor and you smell that entices a woman, when you're single. And this entices a woman when you are married. Because in marriage, everything works exactly the same - only the mind and sense of humor become more important. Because the most sexy thing in the world is to know you.
Apparently, I am still capable of something to awaken in the people. At least, because once a woman said to me: "you Know, every time my husband and I are finishing to watch the next series, we have sex".
I don't always clear my success. Maybe it's just a well placed light?
I have a strange habit: when people ask me "well, well? "I always say "no".
I can see in "Esquire" this phrase
: "Believe me, I know pork".
I don't thinkthat should allow people to understand who you really are. It's interesting for everyone, and you, and people.
I often meet peopleabout whom do not even get to say "it's just not his day." Because it is more accurate to say "it's just not his year, and in some cases "not his decade".
If you don't greet someone for two consecutive years, is unlikely to start on the third.
I like people
that when they meet me, saying, Lord, Lord, and you are so young.
I want to star in a romantic Comedy. I want to play in an epic Western. The main thing is to catch a bit of everything, so it seems to me. And hopefully I still have time for it.
Closer gown
- more Boobs.
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