I was born in the family
of the military. My brothers was born with a life plan - organized, predictable, and honorary. They went to the same school as their father, grandfather and great-grandfather, since my childhood I learned to shoot and lived rituals. I thought the boy to be much easier. They had more fun.
I always knew that is not beautiful. This is a great advantage. All my beautiful friends sooner or later blew his appearance in the circulation. I'm not only about sex. They always remember that they have blonde hair, blue eyes, plump lips, and they should behave accordingly. It's a lot of pressure, which I was deprived. I was not perceived as a girl, and I myself have it and not believed. I disabled sexuality in itself and found it very comfortable.
I can forgive parents
except for private schools. There we were not allowed to listen to music. For this reason I don't like Harry Potter. It facilitywide private schools.
In nineteen I joined the Communist party. Influenced by his Cambridge professors. I am very grateful to them, they taught me the possibilities of collective efforts. It drew me in 19 years and attracts up to now.
We are constantly toldthat hopeless alcoholics. Most truly interesting, energetic and alive people I met were alcoholics.
From booze
makes me sick. And from drugs. Around me all blow, but I can't stand the grass. Once I had tried ecstasy, twenty years ago, in new York, and for four days I sat silently in the corner.
I am a quiet person
. I am happier when I am silent.
I model. And furthermore design product. I'm not interested to study acting. What does it change? Each story that you play, even if it is a realistic scenery, still artificial. You have 90 minutes to present the idea of his character. If you only use a couple of scenes, we have to work very quickly, and in any case you play unreal man. Therefore, to portray the White Witch or a housewife washing dishes - about the same. The witch is even easier: if you are not a person, it is in some sense more honest.
At the Oscar ceremony I went as a tourist. Imagine you got tickets for the final of Wimbledon, sat on the podium, and you call and give the racket. I was terrified when he called my name. To stand on stage in front of three billion viewers is an injury. It would be better if they sent the prize by mail.
"Oscar" means almost nothing
for my household. They didn't even know it, because don't watch TV. They were just as interested as if I came home with cucumber, put it on the table and said, "Look what I have! " I starred in experimental films, even if some of them cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The people with whom I worked, knew it, and those who do not understand me, not even close. One agent told me: "Tilde, when will you act in something that you don't like, for diversity".
My favorite linepersons donkey from the movie "at Random, Balthazar" (a film by Robert Bresson, 1966. - Esquire). Quite seriously. Whether because he perfectly plays, or just because he's a donkey. I identify myself with him. This, in my opinion, is the function of the actor to the audience themselves at him projected. Certainly not to play.
To me it
ask, "sir", in elevators or on the street. Probably because I'm tall and don't abuse lipstick. Once I passed the customs control at the airport, and I had seen the officer-man.
English culture tend to punish artists. The only way to survive is to ignore national borders, because cultural boundaries is much more important. You can be lonely in his native city, and somewhere in Tokyo, new York or in Belgium to feel among relatives and neighbours yard. At least I have always so.
I don't think about the future
and I don't want to know what will happen. I don't need no guarantees.
In my opinion
that question makes us human. No doubt even the righteous will lose not only a sense of reality, but also a sense of self. No doubt there is something insane.
Our best role modelsfrom female characters, Lara Croft and Erin brokovich. They are beautiful, but why constantly make a film about the extraordinary women? Is it only then that constantly make films about extraordinary men worse.
Too well hung languages theatrical writers gave rise to the myth that anyone able to clearly Express his thoughts as they come to him. It is not true. I strive to work with Directors who are interested in the grammar.
At the age of Kira Knightley
I didn't put out. Avoided major and romantic roles. I really wanted to be forty years. Maybe it's for the best that I wasn't on the radar and did not have time all to death bored.
I never not ceased to be a Communist. Just the Communist party of great Britain no longer exists. She became the party of the democratic left. My membership in the party was an act of faith in the ideals of justice and the welfare state. The parliamentary left has abandoned these ideals.
I'm gladthat helped the old man to Walt D. (disney. - Esquire) to collect more than $ 700 million (for the film "Chronicles of Narnia". - Esquire). Perhaps this is the most expensive advertising my previous experimental films, which it was possible to imagine. In addition, I believe in the message of Narnia. In my universe Beavers know how to talk.
At work I'm a real soldier. Only chance of survival for me above.
To 17 years I sucked your thumb. I don't remember why I stopped. Since then, several times tried, but it doesn't work.
I try to write George Clooney in every new contract. It's not easy, but I make every effort. In consolation I shoved brad pitt. We with George hope someday to share in the movies at least a couple of kind words.
We live in the power of the people who are the heroes of God's messengers, draw us into war. Righteousness goals now justify anything. It is amazing how easy it has purchased. Religious extremism occurs everywhere, but blame the fascist approach and the language of absolutism, coming from Washington.
We are used to storiesthat last thirty minutes, including advertising, is it any wonder that we are not ready to wait for the outcome more than 90 minutes, including popcorn.
I fight for the documentary. For rebelene face and uneven gait. For emotionally reliable family scene. For the agonizing choice of words. For the open, and maybe the unfortunate ending. For who are frequent heel shoes, and the movement of the foot, in order to correct him. For a broken egg and spilled milk. For the idea of tongues. For the space movie in which nothing happens, but everything is possible.
I'm too seriousto be a dilettante, and to be a professional, I do not have enough qualification.
I am very funny just no one notices. All scare long people with serious faces.
I was always attracted really bad guys. In school I read "Paradise Lost (John Milton. - Esquire), and Satan struck me as damn sexy. Fluffy and soft characters scare me.
When the twins were bornI woke up in all respects. Stopped idling. I haven't had a second of free time in a few years.
Three things can pull me out of bed
: my kids, the movie, which I removed, and the film I want to watch. I am very lazy.
Once the whole week I was lying in a glass box with her eyes closed, eight hours a day. As an artistic performance (at the Maybe in 1995. - Esquire). When it was over, I decided never to do anything like that. But now I want to repeat. I want to die when I get old.
I live with the father of my childrenbut each of us has long been his own personal life. I don't think it's so strange. For us nothing has changed. We lived happily for five years in this configuration. Then I won BAFTA" (prize of the British Academy. - Esquire), and I was interested in the press of some kind.
Sayat home continuous Orgy. It's a fantasy. It's very simple: the couple had children, she ceased to be a pair, formed new relationships and raising children. Unfortunately, we don't sleep together. Everything is much more boring.
Children often go against the parents. Probably my grow accountants-fascists.
The "adult"rating my liking. More adult films!
My house zone, free from shame.
Travel we play at gowned. It is a card game invented we Sandro (artist Sandro Kopp, boyfriend Swinton. - Esquire). In the hotel or in the airport lounge we unpack the card and play gowned.
All that I was interested in childhoodin my family caused the curse. In relation to art my extraordinary parents bigots.
I look exactly like my fatherif you shave. I like David Bowie. Not only externally, but also the uncertainty of the floor.
I never expectedthat will understand me.
I perfectly parked reversing.
I very very
Biography Tilde Swinton
Filmography Tilde Swinton
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