When I was a dancerI worked in a night club with Monique van Vooren, singer. We two guys danced and she sang. At the end of the show she represented us, and one night said, "you Know, Ronnie (real name Walken - Ronald. - Esquire), I'll call you Christopher". I replied: "of Course, as I want to." Now they call me Christopher, except for his wife and brothers.
People consider me strange
. I have really a lot of oddities, like anyone with five years in show business. All my education, all my experiences, all my acquaintances, everyone with whom I grew up, all I know, all of show business. I have always lived in it. Of course, I'm weird. I'm from another planet.
I played a lot of villains. Perhaps because they looked younger than their years. Now, maybe I'll play the good guys. I would like to receive the father's role with the dog. To have a house and children, and so they asked: "Dad, what do I do? "and I would answer: "You must do the right thing".
My weakness
as a Director was that when I was asked what to do, I always said "Do what you want". I think the Director must be a bit General. And the General came out of me would be horrible.
Once I almost starred in Scorsese. He tried several times to do "the Last temptation of Christ". At some point I had to play Jesus. I stayed with him for some time, but then the Studio would not allow him to withdraw, and the project was postponed for ten years.
Whenever possible I look at baby pictures. The impression is that among them there is no bad. It's always a bit interesting.
Before to read the scriptI emphasize the name of my character, remarks concerning the circumstances of the action, everything, "he tells her with a cold". Then I reread it again and again until I hit a phrase which for some reason could say in life. It's a door, through which I understand his character. Since then, everything goes by itself.
Salaries in the film business
beyond explanation. Until I turned thirty-five, I never earned during the year eleven thousand dollars. And by that time I was an actor for twenty years.
When did TVmy parents hooked on it. They bought the biggest TV. To me sometimes come the ghosts of those years: for example, monkeys on motorcycles. Was very famous monkey, Jay Fred mags, she had her own bike, she was a star!
As a child I worked
in the private circus. Owner name Carol Jacobs. He wanted him in the circus room was attended by his son, dressed exactly the same. But he had no son, and he was put in the room with me. I was not paid salary, I worked there because it was interesting.
I have a theory about words. There are a thousand ways to say "pass me the salt". It can mean "I Nedelina food" or "I love you". Or maybe "I am very angry at you" - this list can go on. Words are small bombs, in which a lot of energy.
When I was a kidit was such a rule: if you can't swim, I must throw you into the water and you will float. I had to be fished out of the pool. I still can't swim.
When I disappear - I'm in Venice. I lived there for a couple of months, I learned the streets, I even know where Chinese restaurants. I found a place for lunch gondoliers. The problem is that, having arrived in Italy, I can gain six pounds in one week. For an actor it's bad. Actors better to go where there's food worse.
In cinema the actor corresponds to a plot. It is clear that I'm a bad guy, " I myself don't have to be bad. Everything I do is already bad. I come to work, I say my words and go home. I think the real villains are doing exactly the same. They probably have families.
One day I was in a small town, a dusty, hilly town in southern Italy, and met a woman with a child. He was probably about eight. He looked at me and then said, "Max! " - referring to max Shrek from "Batman". Here is the power of cinema.
The most difficult thing in the life of an actor is to remain in sight. Lost in showbiz too easy.
I knowthat I look very strange. I in the childhood was so - see pictures. But I don't feel strange. While playing a simple guy with your street, it is difficult for me. The camera turns strange in deed.
I don't like violence. Only in very good movies. But really strange I think a society in which adolescents have automatic weapons, and a serial killer calmly riding down the highway.
In the theater I have played many great roles - hamlet three times, Romeo three times, and can say that he played poorly. I played all these darkest of Shakespeare's heroes, but I think that I ought not to do.
People pay attention on the actors, because actors play well, not because they know what they speak of. Have to watch their words. In order to play well, no need to be smart enough to be a good actor.
I dressed in blackbecause it is practical. You look thinner, you look clean, even if it is not actually so. Asians knew this thousands of years.
I have to read the tabloids. Wherever otherwise I knew what was going on, that someone who made who leaves it and converges again? Do you interesting about just open the Dead sea scrolls? Isn't it important? For me is very.
In a sense, to write a memoir
if you don't plan multivolume work, it's like signing his own death certificate.
Right now I would love to see a movie about zombies. The zombie movies are interesting because they can be done with any budget. You can rent them for free, and you can spend a lot of money, and it will still be a zombie movie.
I don't have a computerI have no mobile phone and no wristwatch.
It would be good if the actors
have tails. The tail is very expressive. The cat immediately clear if she is angry or frightened, because she raspuxaet tail. If I had to play scared me enough fluff tail. If actors have tails, it all changed.
When was the Cuban missile crisis I had a Volkswagen, and once I sat in it with a girl. We listened to the radio, and it was like the end of the world. The bomb was coming, and it seemed very realistic. I was about eighteen years.
Professional dancers never go to dances. It contradicts their religion.
When he released "the deer Hunter"
, there were reports in the Newspapers about people playing Russian roulette. Assholes are everywhere, and I don't think a movie has to do something. Think about the world in which we live. People who have a stake in the arms business 5-10 percent, become billionaires. And then talking about the liability of cinema. The movie has no meaning.
The older I get thethe more confidence that everything in our lives - from good luck. And punctuality. If you arrive on time, all goes well.
I once went to a psychiatrist but it was so strange that I left immediately. I did not need the help, but someone told me to go and talk to him. I said "okay" and went - I decided that he needs help. He took in his apartment, and called him to the phone. For a moment through the door I saw his kitchen, she was all dirty dishes. He was, obviously, very sloppy, and I decided: you can't advise me how to live, if not able to cope with dirty dishes. But I really want to play psychiatrist. I would be well turned out.
People ask me: "Where you go to relax? " I do not go. Cinema is a picture for filming usually choose picturesque places. I have been in places where I never would have gone on vacation. Never. I was in the jungle, on top of the mountain. I was also in place in Hawaii, where did the "Jurassic Park", in the reserve. It's like back in the Dreamtime, you won't believe that on earth there are such places.
My favorite pastime - sitting at home with the script and teaching role. I'm an actor, I have no Hobbies, no children, and I don't like to travel.
Filming I always say one draw. For this we need to get up early in the morning to go to criminology trailer, and while the make-up artist works on your face, pretending to be very sad. Sooner or later she will ask: "What happened? You look depressed today". I say, "All right." Then she says, "Well, anyhow, what happened? " And I say, "Today is my birthday, and I am sad because I will spend it alone and without a cake". And then say, "Just don't tell anyone! " To lunch all already aware of, and cake is very funny.
I can't walkas an ordinary person. No one who was engaged in dances, I can not. Although in women it is less noticeable.
Filmography Christopher Walken
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