Saturday, April 26, 2014

One cigarette per day doubles the chances of premature death

One cigarette per day doubles the chances of premature death

Occasionally women smokers, including those who smoked only cigarettes a day double their chances of premature death. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of Alberta (Canada).

For three decades, experts monitored the health of 101 thousand American nurses. By this time it was registered 315 sudden cardiac deaths (when the heart suddenly stops). In people younger than 35 years, this is due to hereditary problems in the heart. But the older this may be the first sign of coronary heart disease - a condition in which the heart arteries are blocked by fatty deposits.

From 315 75 deaths accounted for current smokers, 148 happened among those who have quit Smoking long ago or recently, and 128 victims never smoked. It is noteworthy that smoked a little and moderately (from 1 to 14 cigarettes per day) are twice as likely non-smokers died from a sudden heart problems. Every five years the area has increased the risk by 8%. However, those who refused addiction, the likelihood of premature death decreased over the years: 20 years after the last tightening the risk was reduced to the level of nonsmokers.

The results of the study published in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology.

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