Friday, April 25, 2014

As the girl to choose skis

As the girl to choose skisWinter took his third, the idea is that the snow stage. Fit to go skiing, snowboarding or popaj, who knows how. Girls who stopped in the first embodiment, but never stood on skis for any minute with interest and a bit apprehensive about this trip. If you do not have the ski equipment, and you don't even know where to start, our article you'll definitely come in handy.

Today sports shops filled with ski-different types and brands. But for many girls they're all the same species and color, only few understand the brands and types of skiing. How not to make a mistake when choosing?

Of course, an experienced consultant sportmagazine will always help and answer all questions. But I don't want you to lose face in the dirt and set at least leading questions.

You will be interested to know that the producers share skis into three types:

recreation, tourist and sporting. Naturally, the most popular are the first two types. The exercise is designed for those who love to drive several miles in the sunshine in the Park or field, travel - for fans of long walks on the ski in the thicket or long family trips.

Today, most models of skis on store shelves are made of plastic. Wooden harder to find, but it is also possible, of course at a price much lower than plastic. Remember one thing: wooden skis at zero temperature impractical - they are very much sticks snow, while any plastic temperature is not a hindrance.

There are two styles of skiing: classic and skate skiing. Depending on what style you are accustomed to ride, or do you, as a beginner, I advise friends and acquaintances, you should choose the stiffness of the ski. If you like the way the classic ski - choose for themselves a softer ski, and skate suitable rigid and elastic.

Classic skis are available in three versions for different snow types: soft and dry cover experts recommend softer when wet and hard harsher. If you purchase skis for walking, you'd better stay on instances of small and medium hardness. It is also advisable to choose skis, based on its own weight: the higher the weight of the skier, the greater must be the stiffness. In addition, there are ski "back country": they are wide, strong, with a metal frame, designed for long hikes and passes over the hard snow. They are scored on a sliding surface that eliminates the need for lubrication.

As for the length of the skis, it is optimal for the classical course is the formula "growth+25-30 cm, and for ridge - "growth of+10-15 cm". Skis should also be examined for symmetry and the absence of curvature.

Stick to skiing deserve separate attention. Experts say that the lighter the stick, the better. Today in stores you will find poles made of fiberglass and carbon fiber (carbon fibre). The latter are more expensive, but they are lighter weight. But fiberglass is not a bad option, they are also quite lightweight, durable and for the price very affordable. Beginners are recommended to select the height of the sticks by the standards of his own armpits (the tip of the stick on the floor, tip, respectively, at the level of the armpits).

Ski boots - also a very important factor when riding. Of course, if not comfortable shoes, any walks not in joy. Classic skiing is recommended traditional, low shoes, and the ridge they should be high, with fixation of the ankle: otherwise the foot will be too fast to get tired. The size of the ski boot must be the same size legs. And remember: shoes save: best buy expensive and high-quality that will last you 10-15 seasons than cheap and good for nothing.

Girls, you will also need

attachment for skis. Now, of course, skis are sold with mounts - fully loaded, as they say. But they are very expensive. So experts recommend to assemble the kit parts. Fastening for shoes come in three types: front, "groove" and "rails". From the front you should be familiar: such was mounted on the ski, on which all rode in childhood (divided into "right" and "left", with three pins and shackle). Now they are on sale, and boots to them, too you can find, and the price is acceptable. But they are not fashion - that's what it is. Mount "groove" is mainly for fans of high speed and athletes, "rails" for walks and tourism. Shoes for "groove have a single longitudinal strip to attach the boots to the "rails" or two. Modern mounting is much more practical and reliable. But it all depends on financial possibilities. You can ride with any bindings.

Many girls can forget about this item as

the lubricant for skis (if you have the model with notches, the lubricant is not needed). Wooden skis, of course, require lubrication. And plastic, though, and go without it, but over time wear out, become rough and bad start to slide. Remember to RUB skis need a special paraffin 2-3 skiing. You can find and lubrication sprays, which are applied before each walk. As a rule, the choice of lubricant is carried out depending on the weather: the lower the temperature, the higher must be the lubricant. Apply the ointment in several thin layers, rubbing each tube and preventing the formation of lumps (this will affect the quality of the slip). It is sold in the same stores as the skis.

Light you explore and enjoy your stay!



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