Thursday, October 2, 2014

Where to start 8-my March? Of course, with Breakfast in bed!

Where to start 8-my March? Of course, with Breakfast in bed! About how to spend the evening of the 8th of March we wrote in the category "Leisure", and here we will talk about what should be the morning of International women's day in each of the fair half of mankind. For anybody not a secret that the morning has to begin with a good Breakfast, about how it should be and tell Women's Magazine.

Remember the famous phrase " we are what we eat? Going into any of Stolovich, convinced of the truth of these words. Say, how many people - so many opinions, I would have continued this phrase words: how many people - so many tastes. We will not go into a deep psychoanalysis and to investigate the implications of various foods for a meal, but just let's try to approach this important question - "what to cook for Breakfast? "with full responsibility.

French Breakfast for a romantic natures

Many romantic dream, sitting on the balcony full of flowers, to admire the Eiffel tower, sipping cappuccino. If Your woman just dip it in the story and prepare Breakfast in French. What French Breakfast can do without warm, breathable croissant?


- 500g test

- yolk

- 250 g butter

- 100 g of chocolate

Method of preparation:

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, after it's thawed, and roll out into a square of size 40x40 see oil 2/3 of the dough, to minimize overlap. First "overwhelm" on one side and then the other end. Roll again to make a square. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Pull again to repeat the operation: roll, brush with oil, turn. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. This procedure must be repeated at least 3 times. In the end, be sure to put the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.

After that roll out the dough into a rectangle. And cut it into triangles. Put in the basis of chocolate or fruit. Secruty in a tube. To give it the shape of a croissant, slightly cocked. Lubricate the yolk. Bake at 220°C. Serve very hot with coffee!

Breakfast in English for intellectuals

English Breakfast - food lover, they are very hearty, calorie, but one such Breakfast could last all day. And if Your girl days sitting at the BGC books, she certainly knows that Breakfast is one of the most important meals, and therefore are very happy with Your choice.


- 1 sausage

2 strips smoked bacon

- 1 egg

a few mushrooms

- 1 tomato, cut in halves or slices

- 1/2 cans of beans

- 2 thick piece of bread

- butter and oil

Method of preparation:

Much more delicious sausages and bacon frying in oil, but it is healthier to cook on the grill. They are cooked at a low temperature of the grill, first, sausages, then bacon (he is prepared much faster). I must say that the sausages are eaten Englishmen, nothing like the Russian dairy, it's rather thick, very fatty pork and sausages.

In a small amount of butter and vegetable oil to fry the mushrooms and tomato.

Heat the oil in a pan, add the egg and fry. If You fry the bacon in a pan, put in the same pan bread and fry it until brown. Otherwise, dry it in the toaster. Put everything on one plate and do not forget the tea.

Italian Breakfast for athletes

An Italian Breakfast is of great importance for the local population. What is the symbol of Italian cuisine? Pizza, spaghetti? It wasn't to be. It turns out that currently the most important representative of this country is cappuccino - Cup of coffee with whipped milk foam. For 32% of Italians cappuccino is the most popular national dish.

On the tray with cappuccino you can also put the toast with jam, milk, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit and fruit juices. Most importantly - no heavy meal for Breakfast.

How to make Breakfast?

A few details that will help strengthen the impression of a cooked Breakfast. Wake up to your favorite tender kiss. Tell me how much You love her. Bring Breakfast with dignity, without the hustle and bustle. Tell us something nice or say good night's sleep. Wait for the meal and remove devices.

Try to avoid talking about how heroic is Breakfast in bed, take it easy and don't talk about the process, even if you really want to share how difficult it was to do, to think, to get, keep, put). In the end, even an ordinary sandwich with a Cup of coffee, served with heart and affection in his eyes, it will be much nicer dishes from expensive products, but prepared without a soul. Give a good mood with ease and love each other!


Women Magazine

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