Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lose weight without dieting! 25 ways

Lose weight without dieting! 25 waysWomen's Magazine will tell you about simple rules, following which you will be able to get rid of extra pounds.

1. Multiply your ideal body weight in pounds (one pound = 0.454 kg) at 14, if you want to know how many calories you can eat daily.

2. Use Eastern medicine! People who resort to acupuncture once a week, lose an additional 4, 5 kgs within 3 months, because using acupuncture can suppress appetite.

3. Refill your yogurt cinnamon to burn fat. Half a teaspoon a day will speed up your metabolism.

4. Laugh! Laugh for 10-15 minutes each day increases weekly consumption at 280 QC.

5. Eat more red pepper, firstly, it contains capsaicin, which "accelerates metabolism by 25%, and secondly, it has lots of vitamin C (6 times more than tomatoes), which, in turn, helps to turn fat into energy.

6. Breathe deeply! Job stress is the main cause of overeating. Control your breathing for 2 minutes, paying special attention to the movement of the diaphragm, it helps to ease the hunger.

7. Practice in the morning! So you will burn fat faster than any other time. Your body will be forced to draw energy from fat depots.

8. Turn off the TV during meals due to the fact that you are distracted by the TV program, you eat more than you need. This way you can get rid of 3, 5 kg per year.

9. Periodically add in foods soy sauce! Studies show that soy proteins interact with receptors in the brain that tell us that we are full.

10. Run! Treadmill is the best "gadget" at the gym, designed for burning calories in no time.

11. Sliced fresh slices that can be cut into slices! Because of this you will eat 20% less calories as you eat at 27% slower.

12. Turn on the radio, which broadcasts to relaxing music. You will eat less, as will chew slowly.

13. Have sex more often! Besides the fact that you will burn 150 QC every 20 minutes, your body will produce another hormone that increases metabolism and affects muscle growth.

14. Eat grenades! The oil contained in their seeds, reduces the body's ability to store fat, in addition, they are sweet and sugar free.

15. Don't forget the spinach, it has twice as much fiber than other greens. Fiber speeds up the process of jerseyana.

16. Replace your ordinary cheese made from cow's milk to goat, it will allow you to "save" 40 % of the calories.

17. Sit down at a table to eat. You will eat about a third less than if you were eating on the run.

18. Add to your diet lentils, if you haven't already. Thanks for the 10 weeks you will be able to lose more than 7 pounds. Legumes contain the amino acid leucine, which helps burn fat faster.

19. Eat Breakfast! Someone who skips Breakfast, eats a day at 100 QC for more.

20. Eat an Apple 15 minutes before a meal. So you will consume 187 QC smaller (compared to your usual calories).

21. Refill the salad with a small amount of olive oil. "Good" fatty acids contained in it will help you not to overeat.

22. Make sandwiches with tomatoes, this will allow you to maintain a sense of satiety. Tomatoes inhibit the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the occurrence of attacks of hunger.

23. If your food does not grow, walked and swam, don't eat it! Products that are processed, contain very unuseful for the health of TRANS fats and artificial sweeteners.

24. Avoid energy drinks, when they use the energy released too quickly, you can gain weight.

25. During the day the interval between meals should be no more than 3 hours. This ensures a stable metabolic rate.


Women's Magazine

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