Thursday, April 24, 2014

Skin care babies

Skin care babiesSoft and tender skin of the baby is defenseless in the face of aggressive manifestations of the external environment. In infancy the protective function of the skin is not yet well developed. The dermis layer 3-4 times thinner than an adult, the surface layer (hard coating) are also more subtle and gradually increases with age. Any minor for an adult, exposure may cause irritation and redness on the skin of the baby. Caring for baby's skin using the right tools, we increase its resistance to aggression.

How to properly take care of the delicate skin of your baby?

To skin damage often leads to mechanical impact diapers, especially when their irregular change. Changing a diaper every time it is necessary to process the ass and groin area cream nappy. This will protect Your baby from diaper dermatitis, prevents irritation and redness in the area "under the diaper". When you do this, use

creamthat never closes pores, without causing skin to breathe and can be easily removed. It is desirable that the cream contains vitamins B5 and F, which help to relieve irritation and promote skin regeneration.

Easy to use

cleaning wipes. They are especially good for taking care of the buttocks of the child after each urination or defecation. Cloth soaked in a weak solution of antiseptic and is also suitable for wiping the skin of the face.


powder to remove excess moisture from the skin and skin folds of the baby. First, the powder poured himself on the palm of the hand (quite liberally), and then applied to the skin of the child. Thus it is necessary to ensure that the powder does not "fall down" (she can turn into a grayish lumps, resembling dirt).

To remove from the surface of the skin fat and sweat suit

baby lotion. Mandatory lotion is used during the morning wash face. It moisturizes the skin and prevents dryness. From cleansing lotions for adults, it differs in that it does not contain alcohol.

One of the oldest of my grandmother's money - it

cottonseed oil sterilized in a steam bath for two hours. Has two disadvantages: bad smell and greasy spots on clothes baby. But it is easy to cope with ponickau.

Baby oil used during a massage, and in some countries, for example in the UK, even when added to water when bathing baby. It is better to put it on dry (not wet! skin after bathing in a small amount. Usually the oil is well absorbed and does not leave the skin oily film. It is vegetable or mineral (typically, in the latter case, this is a product of oil refining).

Bathing as a way of skin care

Water treatment quenched and improve blood circulation and nutrient processes in organs and tissues. In the first six months of life your baby will need to bathe him daily, in the second through the day.

The water temperature in the bath should not be below 35 degrees, ideally it should be 37 degrees. Fill the bath is not more than half or two-thirds of the total. And bath time at first may not exceed 2-3 minutes. Bathing baby is preferably in the evening hours. Do not abuse detergents.

Daily wash the child with soap and water is not necessary. Soap is sure to be a child, it does not cause drying and irritation of the skin of the child. Baby soap is good to undermine the child, because you have to do this repeatedly throughout the day. In addition to all the kids soap is ideal for hand washing baby diapers and clothes.

When washing the child, send them to your hand, and do not drive the soap on the baby's skin. To wash your hair, use baby shampoo does not cause eye irritation (shampoo "without tears"). Wash the head of the infant can no more than once per week starting at 2 weeks of age. Approximately 1 month to detergents to add foam for swimming. In its composition there is absolutely no soap. It is very soft. Foam add in a baby bath in a small amount just before bathing. After bathing, wipe with a baby, and blot it with a towel. Do not forget to use baby oil.

If a full bathing your baby for any reason not possible, you can resort to the procedure referred to as "gelatine sponge" bath: baby gently wipe with a soft sponge dampened with warm water.

From where does the dry skin

At kids first three years of life in the late autumn, winter, and early spring months often appear dry skin. Most often suffer separate areas of the face, sometimes the entire surface of the skin. Many believe that this resulted from exposure of the skin to cold wind and low air temperatures on the street. This is partly true. But dry skin can be caused not only by the cold weather, but the air in the room. When heating, increases the dryness of the air in the room. "Sin" excessive drying of the air and air conditioning. So in winter you need to take care about the source of additional moisture in the house. It is best to get a special device "evaporator" (aka "vaporizer"). Help home remedies, for example, hanging on battery wet towel or placing in the nursery is open containers with water.

Walks and leather

As for walking outdoors in cold weather, you can use vitamin a ointment. It will protect the skin of the child when walking in the winter, and the correct application of lotions, creams and oils will keep the elasticity and softness of baby skin at home.

In summer, when solar activity reaches its peak, care must be taken to protect the skin of the baby from possible burns and formation of dangerous skin diseases. The simplest and most effective means of protection from the sun - special baby sunscreen lotions with varying degrees of protective factors (depending on intensity of sunlight).

Remember, the pharmacy is the best place to buy care for the skin of babies, as all funds that are sold in pharmacies, have passed strict quality control. Means of skin care products should not contain mineral oils, since they make it difficult skin to breathe Your baby. Remember that baby oil, cream or lotion is sure to have a shelf life (or optimal implementation), which must not be exceeded. Watch and storage conditions of children's cosmetics: dark, dry and cool place, undamaged packaging.


A. Juric


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