Friday, April 25, 2014

Makeup that makes you old

Errors in the make-up that have old

Makeup that makes you oldThe reasons why the woman looks older than his years, are different. Take genetics. It was frequently said that want to know how will look in about thirty years, look at her mother. If the test results are not encouraging, too, to not get upset. How fresh and fit to be our face in adulthood, depends not only on genetics (though from it too), but of good behavior: from personal care to skilled makeup. However, sometimes efforts in the wrong direction, may on the contrary lead to a Mature mind and wrinkles in the shortest way. Here are five strategically wrong ways to look young.

Mistake # 1: fatal makeup
Tan, chiseled facial features, mouth-watering lips, smooth skin - all this is associated with youth. But attempts to simulate these characteristics make-up often lead to the opposite result. Nothing makes you look older woman as representing tan concealer darker skin color, " warns makeup artist and educator model Agency Russian glitter" Svetlana Rudenko. Another bug - chasing the smoothness of the skin, apply concealer in two layers. This is a great way to impersonate an old lady in full makeup. Today, makeup artists recommend fluids, which merges with the skin tone (shade of Foundation is better to choose a pink - it refreshes). Another misconception - use powder instead of Foundation or habit powdering nose every hour. By evening, the layer of powder on the face will become redundant, and you'll be zaverennuju old.

If you have the need to constantly fight with oily Shine on the forehead, the powder is better to buy a special "anti-Shine" (colorless).

Brown and bright blush, and attempts to draw chiseled face darkening the area under the cheekbone, in the eyes of others will look like age pigmentation. Blush (shade of rose and peach) apply only to the "Apple" of the cheek (the protruding area when you smile).

Older woman and makes a circular eyeliner. To avoid this effect, makeup artists recommend not to use black and brown eyeliner - and only on the upper eyelid. Moreover, the arrow should always look up (otherwise there is an effect of degraded century, as women age). Same with lip - clear eyeliner suggests that under it - lost the contour of the lips. In the end, that lipstick is not overstep the border, there is a lip pencil without color. And finally, very old and classic attributes fatal women - deep-wine and plum shades of lipstick and thin eyebrows in amazement curved thread. The latter reminiscent of retro ladies of the past. And must remain the same - old photos.

Mistake # 2: hungry year
Slimness is associated with beauty and youth. But for zeal in the diet (with the alternate set, and weight loss) also ever have to pay prematurely Mature. Skin tone depends on what is actually under the skin is. And it is there under the skin, fatty tissue and in what condition it is. "If the woman manages to keep fatty tissue on the face, her face looks healthier. Worn thin faces of the women, especially the dramatically changing the weight, always have more sluggish, atonic skin", - said Olga Golodnikov, dermatologist clinic Zubareva.

It is known that most young people look (and how long they are) those that are called "blood with milk" (those who, in his youth, grieve their owners "chubby cheeks").

Error No. 3: burnt by the sun
Girls who do not tan, sometimes considered sunscreens overkill - but it's not. Photoaging is especially noticeable in women in hot countries. Almost all ladies over 40 in abundance spots and wrinkles. Even if you are dark-skinned and not burn (that is, the rays of the type responsible for the darkening of the skin, you "do not take"), the long rays of the type And penetrate into the dermis and destroy the DNA of cells. By the way, A-active rays throughout the day and penetrate even through window glass.

Error No. 4: girlish frivolity
The main sign of maturity - mesh wrinkles and dry skin. As told Professor of dermatology C Tatyana Reshetnikova, if the moisture in the skin is not delayed, the face is covered with small, almost invisible wrinkles. Especially age so-called "pouch" - fishnet vertical wrinkles around the mouth. Usually occurs in smokers. By the way, Smoking itself dries the skin for even that lowers the amount of estrogen in the body and this hormone is responsible including the skin's ability to retain moisture. Tip: to assess the true condition of the skin, look at your neck. Sometimes women forget about it, and eventually the neck may look 5-10 years older than the person.

Women who habitually neglect even a simple cream to moisturize and wash the old-fashioned soap and water, often have a damaged lipid barrier of the skin.

That is, the moisture leaves the epidermis, without stopping, and this is a new wrinkle prematurely. What skin forgives 20 years, spoils the whole picture 35. At this age most doctors are advised to review the care for the face and for the first time to include anti-aging remedies (if no problems).

Mistake # 5: excessive force

Who loves to look at pictures gossip, you had to notice the paradoxical fact: women, almost all my life in conducting the beautician, sometimes look older than his age. What's the matter? "Any radical treatment stimulates the skin and its reserves. Because each cell has the ability to share a certain number of times. Roughly speaking, excessive activity and uncontrolled procedure rebuke this process, and the cells themselves get used to the stimulation and fail to respond adequately to care," said Olga Golodnikov.

The same happens when the passion for Botox: first cell obezdvizhivayutsya - you lose wrinkles and rejoice. But then a muscle cell, deprived of work, die (this is called apoptosis or programmed death of cells).

The result: a person acquires a special "stone" expression, which is associated with "age" stars on the cover.

This applies to buying creams. Assets in slowing the aging process, if applied on the skin under the age of 30-35 years (this is the period when cell division slows down sharply), deprived of its ability to heal itself. Moreover, the restoration of the skin hurts even excessive use of seemingly harmless softening and moisturizing creams. So, a well-known beautician Anna Margolin in his textbook "New beauty" describes how the occlusal (slowing down the evaporation of moisture from the skin) the first hydration, then peruvianum, and eventually lead to its increased irritability and accelerated aging.

Moderation is what distinguishes the woman watching him from the sacrifices of the beauty industry. By the way, beauticians estimate the age of the patient not only as individuals. They look at the hands, the neck, the overall tone and... posture. The way a woman holds herself says about her true age much better facial wrinkles.

Irina Kisner



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