Friday, April 25, 2014

Haircut in shorts

Haircut in shortsSometime in the 1970-ies familiar couple asked me to read a strange erotic stories of his 20-year-old son. One of them was about a man who could only have sex with my partner, which was completely shaven pubis; when a man is deceived and the woman at the last moment was thick pubic hair, he flew into a rage and killed the prostitute. Even though the guy was clearly not lacking talent (emigrated to the USA, he became the author of many erotic works), to me this story also seemed exotic. Today shaven pubis no surprise.

Axillary and pubic hair is located in the area where a lot of the endocrine glands, help to disperse and migrate attracting members of the opposite sex sexual odors. The representatives of different cultures relate to this vegetation varies. Muslims consider removing the pubic hair, trimming the mustache and plucking the hair under the armpits as mandatory, as circumcision and trimming nails. Cultural and aesthetic norms can be different for men and women. The first adult is a sign of masculinity, the second hair is not necessary, but bare genitals may look provocative.

In recent decades, starting in the 1980's, the removal of pubic hair and genitalia everywhere is becoming more common, if not mandatory. Why?

The first thing that comes to mind, and hygienic considerations. Removing or at least reducing Bush of pubic hair facilitates cleanliness and helps eliminate pubic lice and other parasites.

Second, in my opinion, the most important argument is equally significant for both sexes - the prevalence of oral sex. In the past, fellatio and especially cunnilingus in the Christian world was considered marginal, exotic and even sinful. In the twentieth century, these prohibitions have disappeared. According to the above-cited German survey on the extent of its prevalence and acceptability of oral sex occupies the first place among the sexual practices of both sexes, they are engaged in 91% of the respondents. But oral sex places high demands on aesthetics, appearance and smell of genitals. In addition, neither men nor women would never get pleasure from ingesting pubic hair.

Equally important is the focus on the images of mass culture, including pornography. In this area the development was controversial. Until the 1970's female and especially male frontal nudity on TV and in the movies were banned, it was extended to the pubic hair. American sexologist Vanessa Chic compared published in "Playboy" women's pictures, it appeared that dominates the image, devoid of pubic hair like a Barbie doll. Show pubic hair first ventured "Penthouse", which had to withstand several trials on charges of obscenity.

The question of the admissibility or inadmissibility of image pubic hair is often caused considerable controversy. On the one hand, hairless woman, as well, and the man who looks younger and less sexual. On the other hand, such images are difficult to distinguish from child pornography. What should be the ideal of beauty in everyday life and how it depends on the media?

"I'm 20 years old, I want to shave or trim their pubic hair, but I'm concerned that I will say about this doctor, when will my nose and all... Besides, I don't know how to do it". The issue with the American student forum

So far we have discussed the General motives for men and women. But between them there are also significant differences. More women than men remove hair not only in Germany. Of the 235 respondents Australian students regularly remove hair on the legs and under the arms 96%, 60% as arrive with the part of the pubic hair, and 48% remove them completely. According to the Russian cosmetologists (the sample time and the degree of reliability of the survey is unknown to me), about 40% of women do nothing with pubic hair, 35% podbivaet their sides and cut with scissors to the minimum length, 20% periodically shave pubic hair completely and 5% do hair removal not only the bikini line and bikini deep, but pubic hair.

The main female motive - the desire to look more feminine and attractive to men. Some theorists see this as a sign of the traditional female dependencies: instead of proud and feel mistress's own genitals, a young woman adapts to the tastes of every guy she sleeps! However, these concerns do not seem particularly convincing. Many girls and young women before sexual life feel discomfort from having a rich and unkempt vegetation, the removal of which, according to them, enhances the erotic sensitivity of their skin. In addition, it gives women an added sense of bodily openness, freeing typical of the traditional culture of consciousness "stigma" genital sphere as such. Removing or trimming pubic hair often correlates in women with greater sexual looseness and freedom.

Men's motivation is more controversial. Although the removal of pubic hair is often the desire to please, women's tastes in this, as in other matters, is not the same, especially as the hair growth is perceived as a common sign of masculinity, high potency, and so on, One woman shaved genitals her boyfriend like, and the other sees them as prickly cactus and prefers to feel the tickling from the "normal" long and soft hair.

In favor of hair removal for men there are other considerations. First of all, it can significantly increase the apparent size of the genitals, which men attach great importance, much more than their girlfriends. Next, in men as in women, increases the erotic sensitivity of the skin. There are "non-sexual" reasons. In some sports the removal of pubic hair is more or less a General rule. Regardless samples show business on the behavior of men and boys is strongly influenced by increased openness and sexy underwear, beach and swimwear, clothing. If the old "family" briefs or modern boxers can be worn every man, thongs or "mini" require not only a slim figure, but also care about the hairline.

The appearance of pubic hair for a boy - a matter of pride, an important indicator of maturation. Hair removal diminish the socio-age status of men, symbolically turning it into a little boy. Forced shaving of the pubic hair is widely represented in the ancient rites of male initiation and modern hazing. But for all participants in this procedure, it is extremely sexy, so she is often associated with homosexuality. Although the comparison of young Homo - and heterosexual men shows that their "hair" installation and bodily practices are more or less the same, the differences do not depend on sexual orientation, and individual traits, stereotypical views on this subject quite tenacious. When several hundred American students of both sexes were asked what they think about people completely remove their pubic hair, it was discovered that received so women are perceived as "hot" and "sexy" and men as "gay" or "nachala". And the student probably concerned not so much with the opinion of the doctor (he will not say anything), how many possible ridicule of his friends in the locker room.

In short, "intimate hairstyle is an important part of the modern culture of the body. Some even sexologists recommend heterosexual couples do it together, on the basis of reciprocity, thereby transforming complicated procedure in exciting sexual game. The question of whether to do it or it is better to use the services of a professional, as well as the pros and cons of different methods, from simple haircuts to laser hair removal, in my jurisdiction are not included.

Shave pubic hair do you?

According to an Internet survey conducted in Germany, 2008 (19 respondents 787 man)

fully basically a little no
Men 31, 2% 28% 15, 2% 10%
Women 55, 7% 30, 8% 8, 0% 1, 4%

* The youngest (16 to 34 years) respondents make it much more senior.


Con And.


Our Psychology

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