Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Heat stroke in the cold

Heat stroke in the coldNo wonder when the first signs of cold or flu we want to go home, drink hot tea and lie down in a warm bed. Heat is the best helper in the fight against viruses and inflammation. So why not help yourself and not to warm up the body using a simple and proven recipes. 1-2 days of such a "warm-up", and sickness will be over.


Please be pre-mustard and balm "Asterisk" - these rescuers will help you to prevent development of the disease even in the workplace. Reflexogenic zone of the upper respiratory tract - foot. At the first sign of a cold wet mustard in warm water and put to the heels, sabinaite polyethylene wear socks and keep the mustard as possible (up to 2 hours). Then remove them and while fast walk. Or draw the letter "T", "star" on the soles from the toes to the heel bone, put on socks, and after 2-3 hours you'll feel good.

Warm nose

If you have a runny nose with clear (not purulent) discharge, pour on the hot pan vinegar and breathe in the steam for 2-3 minutes. Or do 1-2 times a day dry compresses (trivial heated buckwheat or salt in the bag). Alternative - warm drops: 2-3 cloves of garlic and 1/4 onion chop and add to heated oil. Leave to infuse for 2 hours in a warm place. Bury 3-4 times a day 2 drops in each nostril.

Do hot rubbing

Take a bit of a goose (or pork) fat, 1 tbsp dry mustard powder, 3-4 cloves of garlic, a few drops of peppermint oil. Pre-heat the butter and mix the ingredients. RUB this mixture on the neck and chest, and if necessary, and upper back. Sabaites woolen scarf or scarf down and leave overnight.

Warm hands and feet

If you were freezing hands, and you are prone to inflammatory diseases of the joints, then come home and spend a simple procedure: pour water (37 °C) in a bowl, add 1 dessert spoon of mustard and arms. Every 3 minutes, add hot water, gradually increasing the temperature to 45 °C. After this, rinse your hands with warm clean water and put it on 30 minutes woolen gloves. The same can be done if the feet are cold "to the bone", but instead basin take a bucket and hot water pours only to maintain a warm temperature.

Warmed by the throat

If you are prone to sore throats, at the first sign of sore throat, make a warm compress. Internal (wet) layer make from a piece of pure dense, but soft cloth (gauze napkins from 6-8 layers). Soak it in alcohol solution (1 part alcohol to 2 parts water). Medium (insulating) layer of suitable plastic film, outer (insulated) - wool layer 2-3 cm or scarf. Place the compress on 6-10 hours, and then leave only a warming layer for another 4-6 hours. If compress imposed correctly, its inner layer is still wet.

Put mustard

If you still ache is not a joke and you kept hacking irritating cough - it's time to put mustard. If you don't have a ready drugstore, you can make yourself. For this dry mustard mix with flour in a 1:1 ratio, mix with warm water until the pulp. Next, cut the fabric into a rectangle twice as much than you need for yellow cards: one half spread a thin layer of the obtained composition, and the other seal. Put the envelope on the back for 5-7 minutes (homemade mustard stronger pharmacy). Then rinse the skin with warm water and wrap yourself. You can also make mustard wraps: moisten a cotton sheet or diaper in a mixture of 100 g of dry mustard and 2 liters of hot water, wring out and wrap her chest from collarbone to navel. Top take cover woolen blanket and soak 30 minutes. After the procedure apollonides.

Do inhalations

This is the most gentle method of treating the common cold. Why poison the entire body pills, if the disease is concentrated in the respiratory system? At the first sign of a cold dissolve 4 tsp. of baking soda in 1 liter of water and pour the solution into the pot with a narrow neck. Put it on the stove, and as soon as the kettle boils, put the spout cardboard funnel. Breathe for 15 minutes 2 times a day. So when the bronchitis will be easier to depart the sputum.

Alternative recipe: make a paste of onions or garlic, strain it through cheesecloth and mix the resulting juice with hot water (1 part juice to 10 parts water). Pour into a bowl and breathe for 10 minutes under a blanket. This therapy relieves inflammation of the tonsils, and the sweet smells of onions and garlic kill practically all types of pathogenic microbes.

Also you can buy in the pharmacy needles of pine, fir, cedar, juniper, dried leaves of eucalyptus, oak, birch, lime flowers, chamomile, mint, lavender, sage, leaves of a black currant. Crush them, pour 1 tbsp of the mixture with a glass of water and place in a water bath. Evaporation of these plants have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

And if you tortured dry cough - pour 200 ml of hot (80-90 degrees) of mineral water in an enamel pot. Put it on a dry towel, necrolytes blanket and breathe. This procedure helps to clear phlegm.

And remember that inhalation is carried out through 1-1, 5 hours after a meal. Diseases of the nose to inhale and exhale the medicinal substance through the nose (without voltage), and in diseases of the throat, trachea, bronchi, lungs through the mouth. During the course of inhalation no Smoking: nicotine constricts blood vessels and prevents medicinal substances to absorb.

Sticking plaster

Reflexogenic zone of the larynx - the base of the thumb. Therefore, as soon as a sore throat or hoarseness, line the phalanges of the thumbs on both hands with strips of pepper patch. When cold it can be glued on his chest and calves. Cough (wet or dry) on the upper part of the sternum, back, between and under the shoulder blades.


Steam and warm treatments are contraindicated when the temperature rises above 37, 5 °C and when nasal bleeding, sinusitis, diseases of the lungs, heart, allergies, rash, and pustular skin diseases.



Science homework

Science homework"My Dunya Dunya, Sweetheart Avdotya. As our Dunya That was a beast. Was it skotinka All given by name: Mare Manila, Stallion Gabriel, Cow Alain, the Bull was Erema..."

- Mom, I can't learn! Here is unclear word! And no rhyme. Mysterious Dunya, Neily, mares and stallions refused to be remembered by all known methods. On memorization not have time. Anger Sasha began to shout poem, and it became clear that this poem is rhythmic chants, and well-remembered music in the style of rap. Had to write the exercise in the recipe, do the math and homework on the world...

The lesson Sasha was faced with another obstacle on the path to excellent rating. Telling the poem, all the time she broke into the home in a rhythm.

This sad experience has taught her three things, which she strictly follows six years:

1. Not to postpone lessons on the last day.

2. Never start doing lessons with the memorization of verses.

3. To learn poems have in the rate at which going to tell.

- Like all people, " says psychologist Maria Baulin, children differ from each other in temperament: there is a "dimwitted", which are dominated by the phlegmatic and melancholic, and there is a "meteor", which usually are choleric and sanguine. Both options are the norm. Parents can only teach children to properly manage your time.

Thus, if the student long sitting at the lessons, you need to artificially limit the execution time homework. The fact that longer than one hour the child is difficult to survive, so the further seat at the table just doesn't make sense. Slow schoolboy better to do lessons in two-three approach, and in between doing other useful things.

Learning to learn is a science. It is no accident today in some schools impose a special course "Technology of educational work".

But one of the simplest methods homework parents can teach children and themselves.

Begin to do homework

Children love rituals and easily follow them. Let the cooking lessons will be one of the ritual.

The first thing to restore order in the workplace student. You need to check whether all is for homework, whether it is convenient located on workplace writing materials and textbooks, properly-lit table.

Now open the diary and classify tasks according to the principles of:

- simple and complex;

- written and oral;

- favorite and least favorite.

No need to start with the most complex tasks. Because of the difficult takes sometimes a lot of time, something not possible, the child feels a failure, he has no desire to work on. To begin to do the lessons cost from the favorite subject - what exactly happens.

Teach the rule

Arithmomania passage always remembered worse than the verses. However, the rules need to know word for word. To remember the rule, you must understand it and be able to explain in their own words. And now saubrigues".

Several times we read the rule aloud.

- Close the tutorial, try to repeat. If not immediately, then you can have a peek.

Then write a rule from memory, without preliminary peeping in the tutorial.

- Scanned by the book. Errors corrected with red paste.

Again close the textbook, write, test, fix bugs.

And so up until the rule will not be recorded without errors. And now I must come up to him examples. After a couple of hours repeat the rule again. Thus, it is delayed for long term storage.


For solving tasks in mathematics or physics first, see how it rule. Determine what formulas you need to know to solve it. Look at what is already known of the conditions and what you need to know. Make a drawing, diagram, drawing, describing the problem and a brief account of the conditions. Make a plan for solving the problem: that we must learn eventually, and what steps will be intermediate and will lead us to the correct answer. When the problem is solved, check the correct answer from two perspectives: from the point of view of common sense (not to get half digger) and do a mathematical proof.

Retells the text

A summary of the text always begins with his careful and thoughtful reading. If a child learns in elementary school, then please read aloud. We specify the dictionary of obscure words. Prepare a plan for the story. It can be based on keywords, asking questions to the text, or by using the plot of pictures illustrating the text. While the talent of the painter doesn't matter - enough characters or diagrams. It is important to have a dedicated main ideas of each paragraph of the test. Select words describing the characters of the story. Then try to restore a story composed or drawn plan.

Preparing for the oral response

Many students do not consider it necessary to prepare for the oral response. But in vain!

To the acquired knowledge could be the basis for the subsequent study material, you need to repeat the material covered in class, and at home.

To do this, read the given paragraph, teach definitions, dates, all that bold. Retells the text, answer the questions at the end of the paragraph. Job to the material.

Teach poem

If you can catch the poetic rhythm, memorization of the poem turns into a pleasant experience. You can sing the poetic line, in accordance with the rhythm shaking his head and waving his arms. But it also happens that the melody of the poem escapes, and then teach in a traditional way.

We read the book. Imagine everything it says. You can imagine a cartoon or mentally draw a comic for work. If you come across a strange word to look up in the dictionary. Read, trying not to peek.

Close the book and tell from memory. How many assembled - many times even tell.

The poem, as the rule, it is necessary to "rest up" in my head. After a couple of hours again read it and tell.

Learn foreign words

On small strips of paper with one side write foreign words, and on the other, the translation to them. While I write to remember. Then take a strip of paper, read the word and select the translation. You can translate from a foreign language into Russian, from Russian into a foreign language. After a few practice strips is a lot, you can catch retinoscopy, and not throw out, and from time to time to repeat the words remaining from previous lessons.

For a start, you must help the student and monitor progress. And when the child will learn this way, he is quite able to do without help.

To understand and learn

Ekaterina V. Komarov, President of Applied education CIS" teacher of the course "learning to learn" company "city class":

Barriers can be divided into three:

- violation of the principle of gradualism;

- funny word or symbol encountered in the text or speech;

- no idea about the subject.

If it violated the principle of gradualism, the child does not get the complete picture of the studied subject. Losing one link in the chain of reasoning or not doing practical work, the student loses the opportunity to continue learning. Therefore, parents should ensure that the student gradually performed all the tasks.

If the child slowed down the pace in training, he felt that he thinks is worse than 15 minutes ago, it means that he met on his way funny word. This is the most serious and most common obstacle, and eliminated it is very simple - with the help of a dictionary. After identifying the cause, are as follows:

- Find in the text above the word that the child does not understand (the meaning of which can not convey in your own words).

Open a dictionary, we find the interpretation of the words.

- Include the word in colloquial speech (the child invents a few sentences with this word).

- Read the entire text, and if the interest in the text is in no hurry to appear, return to the first item.

If, after the child has read the dictionary, the word is not understood, then we are talking about not understanding the subject matter.

To resolve this obstacle, you need to make the subject clear: show a picture, sculpt it out of clay.


Romanova A.


The health of the schoolchild

As to guess that you are deceived

As to guess that you are deceivedLearning to track the signs of deception when a person or companion we are deceived, we will be able not only to detect a lie. Although it is, of course, important. We can also learn to manage their gestures and facial expressions, when we have to be very honest with other people. Try to track your gestures and facial expressions, and you may find that you sometimes deceive themselves without realizing it. Sometimes it is when the deception may not even be absolutely necessary. Why do we do then?

Using the language of facial expressions and gestures, you can better know ourselves and others.

The sign of deceit No. 1. A sudden glance at partiesy

Communicating with a person who is not the first time, know the features of its behavior. He looks at you, slightly to the side, like all people... And suddenly you noticed that he was on a longer than usual time eyes to the side. Note that, remember the information that he spoke at that time and shortly before. Most likely, it was a lie. If someone is not very familiar to you, but he basically does everything not to look you in the eye, he or cheating on you, or simply motive of his communication with you is not quite what it declares. Perhaps he understands that you can not guess about something that he has concealed or omitted.

The sign of deceit No. 2. Blush

It is spontaneous (sudden and not associated with a physical load) glow neuroscientists consider the reaction of the nervous system, which is difficult to control. And even professional scammers and players keep track of the slightest change in color of the face of others, so do not be deceived. Not necessarily cheeks man should become Burgundy. Enough and a small blush to think about the veracity of the words.

The sign of deceit No. 3. Smile

When a person smiles sincerely, he smiling all over the face and eyes, and forehead, and cheeks and, of course, the mouth. But the smile of the deceiver has three distinctive features:

- Smile with his mouth only.

- Quickly appears and suddenly disappears.

- A smile, one corner of his mouth raised.

The sign of deceit No. 4. Neurotic touch

Tricking the person experiences discomfort and tension. And he unconsciously tries to weaken them, touching light and frequent movements of the cheeks, forehead, nose, neck. It happens when people simply understates the truth. Especially it is easy to see the truth, if a man covers his mouth and (or) the lower part of the nose.

The sign of deceit No. 5. Control over the upper half of the body

Look to the deceiver - often its upper and lower halves of the body "act" differently. Deception requires effort and concentration capabilities. Typically, control subject only to the upper body and the lower at this time may be relaxed or to Express nervousness (shake a leg or usual swing).

The sign of deceit No. 6. Hands in the clutches

The movement of human hands at the moment of deception can become constrained and even a little clumsy. To hide it, he instinctively tries to cross your fingers or hiding your hands under the table in his pockets.

Now you are armed with knowledge about how to guess that you are deceived. Begin to apply them in practice, tracking the behavior of others and identifying signs of deception. And aerobatics to learn how to handle themselves in any situation.


Encyclopedia of women's life

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

Shadow - as many in this word between us, girls. Shadows can enhance the beauty of our eyes, to give them expression and brightness. The use of shadows, according to makeup artists, can completely transform a person, or maybe Vice versa.

That's why it is so important to properly select and apply eye shadow. It Makup eye determines the style of makeup in General. To master the art of eye makeup can each of us. But before proceeding to the creative act, to consider the basic requirements.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows


- Colors of eye shadow should be chosen in accordance with your natural color type (four - autumn, summer, winter, spring), as well as the colour of clothing.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

- Fully shades, as Matt is NOT recommended for sagging eyelids. For them, it is highly recommended to use a shade with a discreet sheen and slight pearl.

Too shiny (with sequins and clear mother of pearl) shade appropriate for exclusive Macapa - New year disco, podium, etc.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

- You must first apply a light shade, then dark.

- Only need apply eye shadow applicator and a brush to shade. Wet the applicator and a special base under shadows make eye makeup more persistent.

Darkening and lightening

This two techniques that are used to highlight and adjust to the natural shape of the eyes. As for the first and for the second dose, there is the basic range of colors.

For clarification - white, cream, creamy, light beige, ivory, champagne color, purple, pastel pink, pearl light gray, green, blue, yellow, etc.

For dimmable - black, dark grey, dark brown, grey brown, dark olive-green, blue-black, dark purple and contrasting green, gold, brown, purple, blue, orange, etc.

It is important to know that light colors visually closer and enhance your eyes, and dark - postpone, reduce, make less convex. Now learn a simple technique of applying shadows.


1. Tonal base align eyelid and preputium it.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

2. On the entire surface of the century (in the direction from inner corner of eye to outer) apply basic tone (i.e., light or so-called highlighter).

3. The dark tone is put on the outer corner of the eye, gently shading it in the right direction. Dark tone should not contradict the basic and harmoniously accompany it.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

4. Apply and additional shaded (contrasting colors).


Carefully fasten the makeup translucent loose powder.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

There are at least seven ways of applying shadows, but the image below best demonstrates the basic principle.

Basic rules for the application of cosmetics shadows

Many experts in the field of fashion and style advise women not to be afraid to experiment on your own appearance - only in this case it is possible to form a harmonious and unique image. The above rules will help you make all your experiments was completed successfully. And let your eyes always Shine with happiness!


Eugene Demyanova

A glass of milk will make your little hardier.

A glass of milk will make your little hardier.

Scientists at the American University McMaster investigated the problem of fluid loss in the body during physical activity. They found no water, no special drinks, which are consumed by athletes in training, will not be able to restore the water balance in the body, as it makes ordinary cow's milk.

The head of the Department, who was involved in the investigation of this problem among children, Brian Timmons explained that milk replenishes sodium loss that occurs during intense sweating.In addition, milk contains trace elements such as calcium, proteins, carbohydrates and electrolytes. The loss of the last, actually leads to disturbance of fluid balance in the body.

The lack of protein that comes along with metabolic processes in tissues, will cause damage to the development of muscle fibers. Roughly speaking without protein (steroid) muscles of the child will be partially atrophied.

It is the milk helps to fill this valuable stock of this protein.

Children of primary school age should regularly take the milk, as in this period they are not only the most active, but are in the process of adaptation to the hard life of a student. This and the lack of sleep, and stress in the classroom and serious brain activity during training. This is certainly not the vault, but the adrenaline affects water loss in the body.

Brian Timmons also noted that the loss of just 1% of body fluids, 15 times reduces the productivity of sports, due to heart palpitations, which only exacerbates the loss of water, as well as disorders of thermoregulation.

Sending a child to exercise, be aware of the reactivity of the child's body and the risk of developing heat stroke.

In order to avoid such incidents include the child's diet is a glass of milk before school or kindergarten.


The choice of hair masks

The choice of hair masksHair masks - it is the most proper way to care for hair. The mask will protect the hair from environmental influences, will make it Shine, make them silky. They will give so they need nutrients. In addition, masks are the most effective and simple remedy for hair care. If you have curly hair, the mask will help to make the concern curliness healthier, and if you straight hair, masks will make them more expressive.

In that case, if the hair is sick, the mask is recommended to do 2-3 times a week, in order to prevent rather than once a month. For best results, experts recommend to change them periodically. In this article we will tell you about all the variety of means on care of hair. All the masks you can prepare yourself at home. They do not cause allergies and efficient.

Before you start to make the mask, you need to know a few rules. First of all, apply to hair can only freshly prepared mask, which is well pounded until smooth. Keep the mixture on the head should a certain time, then the hair should be well washed.

The most effective and, at the same time, the most gentle, are clay masks. Mask of clay well cleanse the hair, scalp, add volume, increase microcirculation. When this bear antiseptic function and does not make the hair heavy.

Clay hair mask is very easy to prepare, and therefore, make them at home is not difficult. Clay is sold in pharmacies in the form of pastes and powders. To breed it should be specified in the instructions proportions. The optimal consistency of thick cream. Make a clay mask 1-2 times a week. The mask is applied to damp hair and leave for 15 minutes. Then the hair gently massage and wash off the clay. If the clay is washed off a lot of hair, don't worry - it's already dead hair, which is temporarily held in the bulbs. Yellow clay is effective for dandruff, white - by breakage and hair loss, red when irritated scalp, green for oily, blue clay nourishes the hair with oxygen, protects and cleanses the hair.

For dry and normal hair more suited mask of yogurt and kefir. The composition is rubbed into the hair and skin, then the head is covered with the film, and the top tied up with a towel. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with water.

And if your hair is burned in the sun, they will help mask with kastorovym oil, honey and aloe juice. All ingredients you must shift in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of castor oil and aloe juice 1 tablespoon of honey. The mask is held for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with water. The honey will help your hair to restore its structure to become soft and silky

Hair looks great after bread-herbal masks. Take equal parts of chamomile, plantain, oregano and sage and make the bottom of the flask. This infusion should soak black bread. RUB the mixture into the hair and skin. Put on the head of a polyethylene cap. To keep the mask on your head to 1-2 hours, then wash it off with warm water.

The technique of makeup in the style of "nude look"

The technique of makeup in the style of If you do not dare to make complex tattooing, makeup in nude style for you. In the make-up style nude look important rule when the application is creating the effect of a lack of cosmetics on the face. The main work in this style, is with the skin, the so-called bare effect, therefore this style we will not be able to distract imperfections bright lipstick or eye makeup. The tone is supposed to be perfectly smooth, without redness and enlarged pores. How can I achieve this effect?

Senior helpers is a tonal resources, which are selected correctly. Skin care should start with daily treatment, wash and then apply a toner and moisturizer on the face. Base, applied under makeup, will help to eliminate the defects, and increase the sustainability of makeup, moisturize the skin and eliminate unwanted Shine.

After that, you must use a corrector to correct the deficiencies in the eye area, dark circles and redness. All these procedures are necessary to prepare individuals for the application of Foundation. A very important choosing the right color of Foundation, it should be suitable to your natural color, it can be lighter, but in any case not darker than your skin color. Be sure that the color of the skin on areas of the body that are open, was no different from the color of the skin, coated with a voice-frequency cream.

The cream can be smudged with Spongia, brush or your fingers. It is important to carefully apply the cream on the face, not getting on eyebrows as hair cream will be very visible. Special attention in the feathering of cream it is important to focus on the boundaries of the face and the line of hair growth in these areas should be carefully and accurately process the cream. From above it is possible to apply the powder, it should be the same color as the cream. The powder will help the make-up gently to look and be preserved longer. In this style, makeup for the eyes, does not take much time. Enough to put a little mascara on the tips of the eyelashes, lots of mascara to use is not necessary, because we want to achieve naturalness and eyelashes should not be too large.

It is best for such a perfect makeup brown and dark gray ink. The lipstick color should be chosen as close to your natural color, good fit transparent lip gloss. After this "bare makeup" style nude look, can be considered as finished. This makeup will naturally look great in any situation and is ideal for the office.

Hair styles and care

Hair styles and careThe hair is divided into three types: dry, normal and oily. Normal hair has a flexible structure, the well comb and have a healthy Shine. The scalp without dandruff, fluffy hair is not observed. Dry hair is prone to thinning, easily confused and have damaged ends. They are fluffy and thin, often look lifeless. Oily hair thicker than normal. They are covered with fat, and they have to wash every day because of this. And there are mixed types of hair, much depends and care for them. In any case, it is important to contact the Department of trichology centre, where you will help to identify Your hair type, choose the proper care and if necessary treatment.

The care involves a hair wash, strengthening them with masks and massage, hairstyle, haircut. Need to correlate hair care with their type - for example, dry hair need constant hydration and nutrition, careful attitude. Suitable for such egg hair mask: it is necessary to mix two eggs, add a little of bread and apply this paste on the head. After about 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. You must use a special shampoo and revitalizing balm.

For normal hair is easier to care: they need time to wash (about 2-3 times a week shampoo for normal or mixed hair), not to confuse and just in time to prevent problems. Such useful hair rinse with boiled water and dry in a natural way, without a hair dryer and not tightening them in a tight towel. Otherwise, normal hair can be dry out. For gloss will help a weak solution of vinegar.

Oily hair should be washed much more often than other types of hair - up in a day or two, and better every day. It is necessary to limit consumption of fatty and fried foods - it provokes excessive sebum, making the hair become dirty faster. For such hair will suit lemon mask: mix the shampoo for oily hair and 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice, keep it on the hair 3 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Shampoo should not be much, but in addition to lemon, you can use berries that are rich in vitamin C.

The Solarium is a safe and beautiful tan

The Solarium is a safe and beautiful tanThe Solarium is a great opportunity to get a beautiful and even tan at any time of the year. Many think so, but I don't know that to achieve this result it is necessary to follow some guidelines and rules. What you should know about tanning?
Choosing tan in the Solarium, you should consider who can and who cannot tan in this way.

- various inflammatory processes on the skin;

- diseases of the thyroid gland, oncopathology;

- pregnancy;

- the first phototype of the skin (fair-skinned is not recommended for such procedures);

- pigmentation disorders;

- administration of oral contraceptives, antibiotics, antidepressants.

The basic rules of indoor tanning

1.Consultation with a specialist to determine the phototype of the skin, as based on this chosen dose of time, during which you can stay in the Solarium, and power.

2.After the winter period should start tanning with minimal time procedures for 3-5 minutes, then the dose can be gradually increased.
Many experts say that around 50 procedures per year 10 minutes each - sufficient normal to the body.

3.Coming to the Solarium, it is important to wash off the makeup in cosmetics perhaps the content as sunscreen components, and photooverlay that can lead to skin damage, such as burns. Perfumes (toilet water, perfume) also refers to such means, so useful and showering before Solarium with moisturizing agents. Because drying of the skin caused heavy sweating and loss of moisture in the tanning process, it is important to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

4.Sensitive spot on the skin should be closed when you visit the Solarium, it touches the lips, eyes, mammary glands, hair.

The choice of the type and form of tanning depends on the preferences of the person (vertical, horizontal, turbo-Solarium). It is worth considering that in a turbo-Solarium power is always higher and it makes sense to tan in a tanning bed, when the skin is already prepared. Tanning bed safer and more comfortable. Vertical Solarium is possible to achieve a uniform tan, because the body is not in contact with the lamp.

Important points you need to know about tanning

1. Professional whether Solarium.

2. About facilities Solarium professional equipment can tell the presence of at least 28 lamps 100 watts, good ventilation. Must also be a control system with emergency off button, adjustable air supply and the time spent in a tanning bed.

3. Works correctly Solarium.

4. Lamp change is a basic requirement for proper operation of the Solarium, on average lamp works 650-700 hours. It is necessary to clarify when replacing the lamps, if 800 hours or more, it is better to abandon a visit to such a Solarium. 650-700 hours is this average, after which the lamp is no longer able to protect from the negative effects of ultraviolet light. It should also be noted that in the recently opened tanning beds, lamps will be stronger warming. Conclusion about the change of the lamps should be placed in a conspicuous place in the Solarium, be made by the administrator at the request of the client.

Tanning in solariums

The funds that are available for sunbathing are divided into categories, which are the developers of tan, fixers, stimulants tan. They usually contain pigmentbased substances that increase blood flow. There are also tools that give the skin a bronze color, that is, already contain pigment, which increases under the action of ultraviolet radiation. The choice of means is an individual matter.

Beauty salon Otradnoe metro has in its list of services and a Solarium. If you are first time in the Solarium and have not sunbathed, it is necessary to sunbathe 2-3 minutes using sun protection, which is desirable to apply until, until the skin adjusts, then you can increase and tanning time.


FaceliftWhat woman does not dream to be forever young and beautiful? Unfortunately, over time you receive the excess skin on the cheeks and neck, and down the corners of the mouth, betraying our senile person view. Fortunately, thanks to modern methods of treatment that can be corrected. There are methods of thread face lift is a non-surgical methods. Facelift surgery is designed to remove excess skin and wrinkles. This is perhaps one of the few procedures to look 5-10 years younger.

Preparing for facelift

Before surgery the doctor should examine your medical history. Also, you should analyze blood clotting and ECG. Two weeks before operation it is necessary to abandon the use of preparations containing salicylic acid and aspirin. A month before the operation, you should minimize the number of cigarettes smoked and avoid alcohol.

The operation

Facelift is one of the most complex surgical procedures. It must be done with maximum precision, because the treatment effect will be seen every day on this depends the whole future life of the patient. Facelift is performed under General anesthesia, and in some cases, under local anesthesia. The whole procedure takes about four hours. Top notch for each patient individually, but most often the incision is made, starting from the temporal region along the surface of the ear, then making a soft curve in the natural folds of the skin around the ear lobe. After that is the exact stretch the skin and removing the excess water, optionally simultaneously with the lifting is pumping out excess fat from under the skin of the chin and the cheeks. In order to prolong the effect of a face lift during the operation, the surgeon tightens the facial tissues and muscles. At the completion of operations on the line of the incision are sutured.

The postoperative period

After the operation provides for special bandages, which are removed within two weeks. During this period it is advisable to limit physical activity (to avoid sudden movements and physical effort). After the braces on the face are stored swelling, feeling of tightness, numbness and bruising. All these negative effects usually disappear within 7-10 days. Normal appearance of the face takes about 10-12 days, complete healing takes about one month. The final effect of the treatment is visible three months after surgery.

Possible complications

In rare cases, complications may occur that includes hematoma, which sometimes cause the need for re-treatment. Another complication may be the infection that requires antibiotic treatment.


A necessary condition to perform the face lift is in good health, and a satisfactory result basic laboratory tests. Contraindication for surgery are: anemia, diabetes, HIV, chronic sinusitis and purulent inflammation of the skin. In addition to improving the appearance after a facelift, you can make a neck lift, forehead and temples. To achieve the greatest effect of rejuvenation surgical face lift is often performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty.

The demon sugar

The demon sugarAbout the dangers of sugar is said and proven so many times that when she ordered tea in the café and asks for more sugar, it looks like something provocative. But we still use sugar in large quantities - if not in its pure form, with other products, but new research major research centers, specializing in health and beauty, again and again confirm the consumption of sugar in large quantities, it is hurting us, not only health, but also appearance. In short, sugar directly affects the aging process.
In a recent conversation with Dr. Daniel Maes, Vice President of engineering and research company Estée Lauder, we have talked about how proper nutrition is important for health and beauty of skin and what role this plays sugar.

"Sugar interferes with the production of collagen and blocks the main enzymes which are responsible for the protective mechanisms of the skin cells, protecting them from free radicals. We conducted many tests, and it became obvious that as a result of excessive consumption of processed sugar (this does not include the natural sugar found in fruit) skin cells lose their antioxidant properties, and it becomes less elastic and elastic. With proper nutrition, the skin gets enough vitamins and trace elements, which protect cells from saturated fats and sugar. This does not mean that it is absolutely impossible to eat sweet, just everything is good in moderation. We strongly recommend to include in the diet of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and fresh meat and fish," says Dr. Maes.

The question arises: what to do strong sweet tooth? If you feel that without sugar, you can not do, try Resilence Lift Extreme from Estée Lauder - this tool will neutralize the effects of sugar on the skin. Dr. Maes says that

in the laboratories of the company is constantly testing new tools that would be able to control the relationship of sugar to the cells of our skin. While they were still prototypes, but in the near future, such ingredients will be part of any funds from Estée Lauder.

In fact, these tools are designed not only to those who the day can not live without cakes. As sugar enters the body, not only in pure form. He enters the body of pasta, bread, potatoes, rice in General, of products containing carbohydrates. And even if you don't eat anything sweet, eating these products, you still provide the skin cells with sugar. Incidentally, the equivalent of one potato - some candy, so much sugar gets out of it your body.

While many people suffer from dependence on sweets, sugar - almost a drug. Such people while drinking sweet dramatically increases the level of sugar in the blood. And as soon as the person stops eating sweets, the sugar level drops, which can lead to lower mood and even depression. The main symptom of sakharozameniteli" - periodic acute attacks of desire to eat something sweet, as if it were a matter of life and death.

What to do in such cases? Just keep yourself in hand. To reduce sugar consumption to a minimum, and preferably to zero. Very soon, as soon as the blood sugar level comes to normal, you will notice the amazing "side" result: your skin will become more and more elastic. When these "withdrawal" will be left behind, you will be able from time to time to afford a chocolate or other sweets: you will overcome the dependence on sugar.


Panaeva A.


Harper's Bazaar

10 steps: how to save the marriage and live together happily ever after

10 steps: how to save the marriage and live together happily ever afterFind your "Long. Happily. Together" - this is largely how to care for the garden. You sow the seeds. Watered. Hoeing weeds. Gnesi back. Rejoice when something grows.

Then you do another. Do, because one grown berry is worth all of the hard work that you have invested in the cultivation of these grapes, which have not grown. And marriage. You are working. Work hard. Something is successful. Something - no. If you will persevere, you will constantly see things grow. But always want to do everything well sure, how do you learn this material.

Step 1: Find yourself

It's easy to blame in his unhappy life of her husband. But the truth is that unhappiness man gives himself. It comes from within. You are in charge of your mood, happiness and good health. Take care of you - not your husband. Take care of yourself - your work. Your husband here with you to support you in this.

Step 2: Identify your problem

What in your marriage works and what doesn't? Look into your own future. Imagine a beautiful day in a beautiful marriage. What does your husband? How do you communicate with each other? Imagine the sex. Love. Happiness. All this together. Then make a plan that will lead you from point a "to Desire the death of her husband" to point B "the Perfect marriage".

Step 3: Engage in the work of her husband

Tell your husband about your feelings. Explain what you want to do and why. If he resists, insist.

Step 4: Forget old grudges

Everyone likes to accumulate resentment. If it were not so, none of us this would not have worked. Each time a new quarrel we disturb old wounds and say this: "I am better than you. It's all your fault. See? See? See?! "

But your husband may not be at fault. Partly is your fault. And, more importantly, memories of old grudges interfere to improve the marriage. If you're stuck in the past, we will never be able to create a better future. Nobody argues, very hard to forgive. But you should try...

Step 5: Do sex

If you don't want to have sex with her husband, then something is wrong. You can have a health problem that makes sex painful. Contact your doctor. If not, it is usually women do not ISF sex because: 1) indifferent to her husband; 2) can't stand her husband. With this need to do something.

Work on your marriage. You don't want sex with a man whose presence you can't stand. Talk to him about what's wrong. Then set a date to resume their sex life.

Step 6: Learn to be romantic

Arrange a date. Touch each other. Animates. Saying "I love you" and Express their feelings and actions. Remember the early days of your relationship. What he did then and does now? Think about the husbands of her friends, especially those who are romantic by nature. As they are romantic towards their wives? Think about romantic men from the movies and books. As they care for women?

Step 7: Learn to speak out loud... but not too loud

Stop that require him to read his thoughts. He has no psychic abilities. He never was and never will be. It is better to deal with problems sooner rather than later. If you're going to leave then, to solve them will be harder - it's like trying to scrape off leftover food from the dishes, which is already a week lying in the sink.

Step 8: feel the understanding

Aim to know your husband better than anyone else, and let him, in turn, better to know you. If he doesn't want to talk about the meaning of life, let it. You're married not for Iodine. Your husband - man. Appreciate it. Instead of the meaning of life find out what concerned him the most. What are his Hobbies? What he loves the most? What he imagines a perfect day? What are his favorite books and movies? What he's interested in on the Internet? What's his favorite food? Where in the journey, he would like to go? What kind of living the dream he always wanted to make? The answers to these questions will deepen your relationship.

Step 9: Write a solemn speech, devoted husband

Work on speech devoted to her husband every time a little. Try to notice what he was doing right. For example, every day, feeding the cat, because the smell of cat food cause you nausea. Save it in a solemn speech. Think that your husband may impress other people. What good would they say about him? Finish the sentence: "If someone truly knew my husband, he would then knew that he..."

Step 10: If necessary, repeat their attempts

You will be tempted to quit. Can lose the desire to work on the marriage. You will cry out to heaven: "does It really have to be so difficult? " Yes, it is. Most importantly always remember, the marriage can not be healed completely. This Project of a lifetime. Spravljaca with it.


A. Bowman


Love, mother-in-law and changes on the family front

Love, mother-in-law and changes on the family frontIn psychological materials recently on the relationship between daughters-in-law and a-law, well marked two global ideas. The first reflects the opinion of the daughters-in-law and formulated like this: "mother-in-law is a necessary evil with which you need to fight". The second expresses the point of view of mothers-in-law sounds like a trivial rezonerstvu: "we have to Live together".

The operative moral support and intellectual support modern daughter-in-law found in online communities. Facebook, for example, operates", where there is a lot of fresh stories, the main character of which has been the mother-in-law. LJ has and balanced community "of". In contrast to the lively "Swagruha", the life in him barely a glimmer. Appear once in a hundred years posts - examples-in-law with their own hands built a good relationship with daughters-in-law. The last time vividly discuss their pretty stereotypical claims to the law, which:

- repairing obstacles to their marriage;

- poorly educated son;

- unauthorized claim of moral and material help of the son;

- invade the bathroom/kitchen/bedroom/closets without a preliminary knock/ring/permissions daughter;

- give unwanted advice;

- not so smell, dress, cook, watch TV, read, talk to them, give gifts;

- inappropriate and/or in spite of ill.

Ad hominem attacks

In addition to the complaint in the community to Express concerns and give advice on how to behave in this or another similar (also another question) situation. Emotional discussions usually tied around tips to look differently at the situation. Sometimes the authors suggest to see in-law of a man. Among others, these proposals look very advanced in the spirit of professional psychology, which considers the family as a system of interpersonal relations. In our days more and more people come to build a family on that basis. And many already seems axiomatic that the Foundation of the family must be based on love and personal compatibility between husband and wife. And what was the start of a family are of the attitude of the two.

On the role of historical scenery in the family scenes

However, throughout the development of human society, the family was never built on the basis of feelings and personal relationship between two individuals. This trend has begun to dominate only in the twentieth century, when the so-called industrial family totally pushed the family tradition.

The main in the family was my grandfather. The grandmother. Next in seniority married sons, then their wives, unmarried sons and daughters and children of married sons.

Younger childless sister-in-law in the hierarchy of the traditional family has occupied the lowest step, however, giving birth, raising children, starting to live in their home and marrying sons, she was able to achieve higher for women stage in the family hierarchy to become a mother - in-law. The traditional family was large, and, hence, the probability of birth is not only girls but also boys for each women was high. She gave daughters in the family of her husband and at the same time took into his family the wives of the sons.

Traditional mother-in-law had a say over the choice of the bride; had accumulated over the years and own labour power in the family and the right to dispose of its property; had a guarantee of caring family members in case of sickness and old age.

Traditional daughter-in-law had no right to choose her husband, being married, had no opportunity to leave the family, was subordinate in the first place from the father-in-law and then her husband.

The lawlessness of the bride can look depressing, if you ignore the main point. It was the first step on her way to the family omnipotence of the mother-in-law and had a functional rather than personal meaning.

"Cast down and lifted up"

For external signs of the industrial family: lifetime fertility, the loss of the primacy of men, a brief period of existence - is a change in system quality. Family traditional regulated family life, and modern family-centered individual. Family, of course, remains the centre of domestic life, but the position of the person in it has changed. Insufficient personal satisfaction of their position in the family today is recognized by the company sufficient reason for breaking up with her.

Mother-in-law in the industrial and post-industrial family. She did not ask the blessing on the marriage and often just put before the appearance of the bride in the house; it has no right to family leadership of the son and of the membership; the opportunity to babysit or at least to see grandchildren depends on how the rest of her relationship with her daughter-in-law; will the son and his family members to take care of her in old age, in sickness, as it is not guaranteed. Daughter-in-law in the industrial and post-industrial family has full personal freedom in the choice of her future husband, as well as in establishing relations with all members of his family; has legalized the right at any time to terminate the marital relationship and also has no a priori guaranteed obligations future children and husband care in old age.

The vector of power in the relationship between daughters-in-law" and "law" turned 180 degrees. However, judging by the fact that I write about them in "", cast down from the commanding heights of many modern mother-in-law continue by inertia to act from a position of strength. Poured it into a farce, the less funny the more the gap between the actual situation of Marivanna and its attributes Patriarchal mother-in-law: husband, many children, money, real personal power. Now what was she to do? Perhaps, learn to tell the difference between really developing relationships and automatic execution of the role of yesterday's play. And not to forget that people are acting from a position of strength, which does not have, rarely cause sympathy.

Why mother in law cling to their old role, is easy to understand. Harder to grasp why it is so hard to part with "disenfranchised daughter" modern, young, and therefore, in theory, more mobile and ready for a new woman? Why, having so much freedom in the device order in the family, they just use it first to find a worthy partner on the role of the "terrible mother", and then long with her to sing a duet?

It needs to start with the belief that she is not the mother-in-law decides to be together or not. But now all on the contrary. Not less striking force of resistance to the awareness of our biologically objective fact that every man has a mother. So if we have chosen for yourself, complete with mother and other relatives. We don't think about it, not because fools, but because the choice of a husband being implemented in the logic of the other plays, in which about individual relations. So the first conflict between the old and new family roles in the head two ladies.

One imagines that it can choose the daughter-in-law, but in fact can not. Second, on the contrary, has the choice, just do not know how to dispose of it wisely. And as sensibly dispose of unheard-of freedom of choice in sexual and marriage partners? According to the principle: "Oh, without you I can't! "? For the test? By horoscope? How to deal with mutual freedom at any time to unilaterally terminate not only love, but marriage? Some issues. The absence of ready and simple answer makes family life a whole new risk, which is not known by the traditional family.


"Very interesting, but need practical recommendations," said anxiously, after reading the above, my dear young one of the staff. Honestly, I don't know what you can advise on this topic from the pages of the magazine. After all, family situation, all completely different, and sometimes very difficult.

Common to them is only that in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law always is the link: husband/son. Its role in the transition from traditional to modern family, too, has changed dramatically. Because a given family role hierarchy is no more, and the question of what the relationship will be built between the three independent people, is independent from the three men.

Therefore, to decide who will be the leader in the family, have each family independently. As well as to develop a relationship rules and boundaries to it. The freedom to choose and to be chosen, the freedom to decide provokes, tempts and creates risks. However, it also gives the freedom to learn, to try, to create a new, optional pre-razing of the old.

At the writing of this article inspired me six months reading community "". In hot discussions of individual situations is now living process of collective processing of group norms.

Here's what I think, if we discover today again traditional medicine, why and family development in the future not to go in the direction of the reopening and reconsideration of traditional forms of family relationships? Will go? Depends on all of us. So we'll see.

There is a solution!

Julia Marina, psychologist, sociologist

- Try to be less suspicious. It so happens that the experience of relations "daughter-in-law-mother-in-law for several years, and one or two women are still waiting for "the catch". Do not be guided by stereotypes, evaluate after the fact.

- I am not complaining about what each of you is "not perfect". You can be proud of? You should not think that our "Dudinka" something better than someone else. They're just different.

- Mother-in-law love to give advice, which they often have no one asks. But daughter-in-law sometimes advise mother-in-law no less, and stare at her home environment, sneer over her views on life.

- Do not make her husband and son's "trump card", don't try to "win" him over to his side, proving that you are right. Remember that both of you are the most dear to him women, each of you his place in the family system and the right to be.

- Try to imagine yourself in the role of mother-in-law. This is your daughter-in-law treats you the way you now feel about the mother-in-law. It limits you in communicating with your baby requires unambiguous performance of his "orders" to care for him. Does not want to see you visiting and jealous when your son gives you time. Appreciated? Seek partnerships.

- Talk to one another, find common conflict-free themes. Consent even a few questions significantly improves relationships. Try to not only listen, but hear what he says each of you. Thank each other, trying to find reasons for gratitude.


Our Psychology

Five rules of good family quarrels

Five rules of good family quarrelsGood family quarrel yet none of us hurt: the opportunity to let off steam, to resolve doubts and that is, to compare notes doesn't hurt.

However, if you approach a family quarrel without proper skills, you can apartcity: we wish to clarify yesterday's pastime and get yourself a divorce, be required to fold socks and learn about ourselves a lot like "you ever dropped your underwear", "you never let me understand" and "I always knew that we are not a couple".

So have a good family quarrel has its immutable rules, the execution of which saves family and your obvious mutual love.

The first rule sounds unexpectedly. Think about it: "before you start a fight, think, than it is to end".

If "mandatory reconciliation" is one scenario. If the "please buy me the second winter boots" is another.

"Try to distract him from a broken bumper - well before I had to stop when this moron started to slow down! "then the third.

And if the purpose of the argument to choose "to get him to leave me forever" - the script is very special. Pondering what to finish your argument, you're basically give up the idea to start it.

The second rule says: before writing to a spouse, give yourself.

Strange? And you try. Many accusations being said, what is called "the oven", disappear by themselves, because you will suddenly discover how they are petty, stupid and invalid.

The third rule says: never quarrel "for all Odessa", discuss the specific offense, the specific situation, a specific question.

In the heat of the scandal and pulls a move on, "you forever", "you always" and "you never" - do not give in to provocations, not slide gradually into the abyss unfounded accusations, otherwise your opponent really seems that the family has collapsed long ago, you just do to him about it for a long time not reported.

The fourth rule requires: avoid long boycotts and away from home.

First, it never solves the problem.

Secondly, by their silence or withdrawal you make the partner feel guilty, and this is nothing like manipulation and psychological blackmail case unsightly and embarrassing.

Secondly, silence or care mean that the quarrel was not completed and nesovershennye quarrels kill a family in a thousand times faster than completed.

The fifth rule limits: only quarrel in the morning (morning because tomorrow is a new day, and healthy sleep has not been canceled neither you nor your partner) or children.

Family quarrel, as sex is a very intimate and mysterious.

So quarrel correctly and on health in the name of strengthening your family.


Belarusian women's portal

Team game: 12 rules for a successful marriage

Team game: 12 rules for a successful marriageI want a happy family life?

Virtually all of your favorite tales of girls of different ages end with weddings and the phrase "and they lived happily ever after". But the recipe for this very unique "happily ever after" is not in fairy tales, not in real life. There is only a practice, a way of trial and error. studied the experience of several pairs with different experience of family life and is ready to offer you a way to create from his family (existing or emerging) this team not just two loving people, but like-minded people. Because a successful marriage is not only a Union of hearts and a real team game, where partners are acting in the public interest. Otherwise, it is easy to quit and not to reach the finish.

Here's 13 rules that will help your marriage become truly successful.

Leave the skeletons in the past

Before marriage, each had its own life. No matter, stormy or calm. The main thing that it was in the past. No need to hide the names of ex-Boyfriends under Northallerton, Kristinae and Katyusha. Knowing such a sin, you and each telephone conversation, your partner will be able to see the invisible opponent. Resstance with unmarried past.

If we decided to tie the knot, all former young people need it and stay. Apply all this to myself and will most likely get rid of far-fetched jealousy to the past favorite, which is the first time in almost each pair.

Filter memories

The husband is not the type of person who needs to tell how many hearts you have conquered. Leave it to friends. For a loved thing is that you managed to win his heart. So don't Wake the beast in the den and one reason for the disorder in your team will be less.

Live his interests

One of my friends once said, "the interests of women, you can see who her lover". And true, loving woman so dissolves in your partner that begins to live his interests, is proud to share them with their friends. And even if you don't know what your husband internoise his successes and plans. Seeing live and, most importantly, genuine attention, your man will start to appreciate you more and that you can discuss at work.

Broken, it would seem that the phrase on the theme that in marriage you have to do everything together, is actually true. Taking some common steps, you learn to listen to each other, to trust each other and again to act in the command.

The rest?! Only two

Do you prefer to bask in the sun, and your man is an active vacation?

Joint vacation often puts many couples in a deadlock, because the interests of the people do not always converge. But not in marriage. Find a compromise! In any round can be successfully combined and a Siesta under the sun, and diving!

The budget is a delicate matter

Family life involves a joint budget. There are exceptions, when he and she have no idea what the amount on the card or in your wallet in the other. If your family so, the command fails and it is necessary to return to the correct position.

Offer your loved together to plan income and expenses. Make the family accounts are transparent. This will bring your relationship to a new level.

Don't let resentment obsolete

The art recognize their mistakes does not come immediately. Try to cultivate the ability to apologize when wrong. Not after a certain amount of time, and when the heat of resentment still radiates. Don't let opportunities quarrel grow strong roots in family life and ruin your relationship.

Learn to forgive

To forgive can only wise people. If you don't want to have a reputation in his own eyes stupid special, learn to accept an apology and forget insults. Believe me, if the man decided to apologize, then he truly repented and have a million times sorry that I have reproached you for another pair of shoes in the wardrobe or overcooked cheesecakes.

Joint plans for the future

A successful marriage is when a long time. And if your joint plans purchase of a new apartment, buying a first or second car, you can consider yourself wise and successful wife. You loved comfortably, and he is ready to make long-term plans to live together in a new cozy nest and in the morning to choose who is on which machine will go to work.

Marriage and life - two things compatible

How many times have we heard sustainable theory that life destroys love and marriage? Innumerable. And how many times have you talked about the fact that the birth of a child is a challenge for men, worst of all for him to see that his wife now belongs not only to him that the house dried diapers, and in conversations heard only the word "diaper"... Information about what sex over the years dulled, and feelings are not the same too sure until you reach...the truth, of course, all of this is. But remember that you yourself decide whether power over your marriage, these imaginary laws!

We will have a child

Your team will soon be the third?! This victory! So you have managed to create a microclimate in the family that loved the man decided on a very important step is to become a dad. Then he became responsible only for the two of you and is now ready to think-worry-be happy even for one person.

Household art

That life breaks the love boat, only those who do not want to save it. The wise wife will always be able to convince her husband to help her with cleaning or cooking. And make it so that the favorite will start to feel almost Hercules committing feat. And evening to wash the dishes he is not perceived as a duty, can, for example, it gently hug from behind and whisper in your ear different funny stupidity.

Xiu-Xiu, but in moderation

Ears like both men and women. Men don't often less important to hear what they are wonderful. Most importantly, do not peruserstub. Men all sorts of little annoying when they becomes very much.

About sex openly

Family sex some men perceive as a duty. Motivated by the fact that it is banal. The error is that in these pairs, one thinks only of his own interests and does not take into account the wishes of the partner. To avoid stepping on others ' mistakes, be as candid with their loved ones. Ask about his desires, tell us about your. Trust and no complexes are two conditions in which your marriage will be perfect in sexual terms.


Marriage, love and romance

Marriage, love and romanceThe formation of pairs, i.e. one-man - one woman", was the basic concept of people's lives for a long time. Usually there were such a relationship, where the man kept his beloved woman and if you could provide some more from time to time engaging in one on the side. Modern marriage is the product of Christian ideals, and his purpose is clear: to recruit adherents. If two adults are persuaded to obey a set of rules, requiring obedience to God, the offspring appearing in the marriage, will automatically come into the fold of the religion of parents. Whenever any human activity heralded an elaborate rituals and solemn oaths, then such activity is usually contrary to what some of our biological nature. The ritual is meant to get us to do what naturally we wouldn't have to have. Rolling parrots don't need a ceremony to enter into a monogamous marriage is a natural biological state. To insist that a polygamous animal, for example a RAM, was confined to a single sheep, equally funny. This isn't to say that marriage in modern society should not be. We, the authors, married, but it is important to understand the history of marriage and its relationship with our biological nature. Therefore, what are the benefits of marriage for men? From the point of view of biological nature - no. The man is like the rooster that seeks to dispel his genetic seed as widely and disperse it as often as possible. However, the man is still married, divorced, then married or supports pseudoprojection relations. Thus, the company demonstrates a remarkable ability to limit biologically lustful man. When the man asked: "What brings you married? "most usually begins unintelligible mumbling something about a warm safe shelter, cooked food for him, ironed shirts. At the heart of these issues is the desire to get something between his mother and his personal servants. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud argued that these men probably are looking for in a marriage relationship with his wife type mother-son. Only 22% of men mentioned that his wife was named best friend. Best friend of most men is usually another man, because they better understand the thought processes of each other. When women asked: "Who is you best friend? " 86% said another woman, in other words, someone with the same brain. When men are going to marry, many imagine that this is the beginning of an endless succession of sexual services on demand, but such expectations were never discussed before marriage, but the woman imagines marriage quite differently. However, surveys show that married men sexual intercourse more than a single and a married man at the age of 25-50 years have sex on average 3 times a week, but only 50% of the single so often get the opportunity to deal with a woman. The average for the solitary man - once a week. In 1997 in Australia, 21% of single men have not had sex a single time in the year of the survey, they married these men was 3%. As we have already mentioned, sex brings health. Unmarried or widowed men die prematurely more often than married.

Why women want monogamy

Although marriage in Western countries has become from the point of view of the law toothless tiger, most women wish to register their official matrimonial relations, and 91% of all people are married. The reason for this is a woman's desire to demonstrate to the world that the man considers it to be "special" and intends to pair with it to stick to monogamous relationships. The feeling that she was "special", has a great influence on the chemical reactions in the brain women. A proof of this survey data, which showed that the frequency of women reach orgasm four or five times higher than in the marital bed, and two to three times higher in the case of monogamous marriage. The older generation now have the feeling that young people consider marriage an outdated institution. Survey 1998, conducted among 2344 students, colleges equally, and at the age of 18-23 years, showed that it is not. On the question of the desire to marry 84% of girls and 70% of young men said that they will marry. Only five percent of young men and two percent of girls thought the institution of marriage obsolete. Friendship was considered more important than sexual relations, 92% of the representatives of both sex. When he was asked about the prospect of remaining a wife or husband one person for the rest of his life, 86% of girls and 79% of young men reacted positively to this. Only 35% of couples felt that the relationship between young men and women currently are better than those who had their parents ' generation. Fidelity took a very high place in the list of priorities for girls: 44% of those who had not yet turned 30 years, said that disconnects after learning that a man changes. In women over 30, this figure had dropped to 32%. Still less was this figure is for women more than forty years: 28%, and over 60 dropped to 11%. This means: the younger the woman, the more tough it will be compared to walking on the side of the man, the more important it is for her loyalty, the higher monogamy is in its values. This approach to men is not clear. Most of them sincerely believed that a random link on the relationship will not be affected: the brain men easily separates sex from love. But for women, love and sex are closely intertwined. Sexual relationship with another woman can be regarded as her greatest possible betrayal, and that is the cause of the break.

Why men are reluctant to take the marriage commitment

The man, a long-time married, always secretly concerned that a man has more sex and more fun. He imagines himself a fascinating Orgy, free sex without any obligations and sauna full of naked supermodels. He is afraid that opportunities pass by him, and he with nothing. And of no importance to the fact that at the time when he was alone, such opportunities he never had. He forgets about all the nights spent alone in front of Cup level canned, about the humiliating failure of women who openly defied them in the face of friends at the party, about the long periods of complete sexual abstinence. It constantly disturbs the idea that marriage commitment means missed opportunities.

Where in the brain breeds love

American scientist, doctor of anthropology Helen Fisher of Rutchenkovo University, new Jersey, has conducted original research using techniques of brain scans to determine what areas of the brain are responsible for the love. Although this work received only preliminary results, it was determined the position of the three types of emotions in the brain: lust, passion, and affection. Every emotion corresponded to their specific chemical reactions that are catalysed the brain when its owner was attracted to someone. From a biological point of view, these three components of love provide a practical implementation of vital reproductive function. Once conception has taken place, the system is deactivated and love the process stops. The first stage, the lust, which is associated with physical attraction and proceeds without words, we have already discussed. Fischer writes: "passion is a stage on which the other person does not leave your head and you can't get rid of it. Your brain focuses on the positive qualities of a loved one and ignores all negative".

Stage a passionate desire is an attempt of the brain to communicate with a potential partner, and there is an emotion so powerful that they can cause incredible euphoria. If this stage is decisive refusal, then the result may be inadequate despair, which is not excluded, will be followed by obsession, obsession. In the most extreme cases can occur even murder. At the stage of a passionate desire there are several powerful chemicals that cause feelings of upliftment. Dopamine gives a sense of well-being, phenylethylamine increases the excitation level, serotonin creates a sense of emotional stability and norepinephrine creates you the impression that you can achieve any goals. The don Juan syndrome peculiar to people who can't do without this delicious cocktail of hormones and wish to reside in this state always. But stage a passionate desire is a temporary condition, lasting on average from 3 to 12 months. People mistakenly believe this stage actually love. However, this is only the biological acceptance of nature, which wants to ensure that man and woman stay together long enough for reproduction. At this stage lovers danger: they believe that their sexual desires are ideally suited to each other, but make this Conclusion based only on the fact that they have sex like rabbits. Real differences in their sexual drives are detected only after the stage of passionate desire and the commencement of the next stage - attachment. When real life will finally prevail over the passionate attraction, each or one of the partners or reject the other, or will come the third stage of attachment, which is building a connection strong enough and long for joint cultivation of children. Fischer suggests that, given the rapid development of technology brain scans, it will be able, continuing research, find those areas of your brain that are responsible for love, both men and women. Understanding the three stages will help you cope with the stage of passionate desire and get ready for the not so pleasant events.

Love - why man fell in love, and the woman he loved?

They say that love is a state akin to insanity, and this is true above all for men. Men full of testosterone by the throat, and he pushes them to the stage of passionate desire of love. During this stage men are so much inflamed by testosterone, which can not distinguish top from bottom, right from leva. The reality, having reached them, beat them fiercely. The woman who was so exquisite in the middle of the night after sunrise seems totally not attractive, and not clever to the same. Women centers of emotion and logic in the brain are more connected, testosterone it smaller and it is easier to assess whether it's worthy chose a partner. That is why in most cases the ensuing novel often break off women and why so many men can not understand what happened. Women operation parting spend softer men, even if you despise the man. In a farewell letter many do not even forget to say that her love will last forever.

Why man it's hard to say "I love you"

The phrase "I love you" always gives a woman so much easier than a man. Thanks to specific brain a woman's world is full of feelings, emotions, communication and words. The woman knows that, feeling protected, cherished and adored, and at the stage of attachment, she will probably love. The man is vague about what love is, and often confuse lust and passionate attraction with love. He knows that he could not tear away from her hands, maybe it is love? His brain is blinded by testosterone, he has a permanent erection, and he is unable to think clearly. It often happens that will take years after he began an affair, until a man realizes that he really loves and understands retroactively. The woman immediately recognize that there is no love, and so often terminates the relationship first.

Many men don't know how to communicate. They think that by saying the word with the letter "L", they are forever bound by the obligation and cherish is the word for extraordinary case of naked supermodels in the sauna. When a man crosses the Rubicon and says the secret word, then he wants to tell about this event, everywhere, to everyone. However, men usually do not notice that the frequency of orgasm, the woman rises after he said the word with the letter "L".

Both men manage to separate love from sex

Cheating happily married women - a rare thing, and married, and happily, the adventurer side commonplace. More than 90% of the novels initiate men, and more than 80% complete novels women. This is because the woman is aware of first: a novel no longer carries with it the emotional connection, but only physical, and he begins to chafe. The male brain, with the ability to separate love from sex, because it is divided into separate sections, is only one thing. Him often enough and excellent, purely physical relationship that completely absorbs his attention. It is still unclear where exactly is placed love in the brain, but studies have shown that women in the brain has a network of connections between the centre of love and the center of sex (the hypothalamus), and to strengthen the centre of sex only after activated the centre of love. Men, apparently, these compounds do not, so for them there is a separation: love separately and sex separately. For men sex is sex and love is love - sometimes, to come together.

The first question asked by the woman, catching her husband's betrayal: "You love this woman? " Man, answering: "No, it's purely physical" may be telling the truth, because he can separate sex from love. The female brain is unable to understand or accept this answer, so many it's hard to believe, when a man tells her that it means nothing. For women sex is love, love is sex. For the female brain offensive is not a physical act with another woman, and a violation of emotional contact, loss of confidence, which she feels for him. If a woman has and says it means nothing, it is likely lying. For women to cross the line, followed by sex, means to establish an emotional connection with another man.

When women make love, men having sex

There is an old saying: making love is the very thing that makes a woman until the man seizes her. However, the same thing that happens often is the cause of the quarrel between lovers. A man calls sex sex, but the woman in this word reacts negatively, because in its definition, the term is wrong. Woman making love", which means: she wants to feel loved and wants she felt love before the actual sex. For many women, the act of "sex", devoid of love, best for one side only of the act, because the female brain can't accept the definition of love as sex. When a man says "sex", he is referring to a purely physical act that does not mean lack of love to the woman he. When a man wants to "make love", he still wants to call it a sex. The reaction to this word the woman may be negative, but the expression "making love" causes many men feeling that he was cheating on her, because sometimes he just want pure sex. If the man and woman understand the issue, and agree not to pay attention to the terminology used by each, of the controversy surrounding this issue does not occur: another reason to quarrel eliminated in the Bud.

Why great partners look so attractive

Research Institute Kinsey found that during sexual intercourse the perception of women a man depends on the depth of the inner feelings for her. This means that he is above evaluates its physical attractiveness, if he loves her, even if others consider it ugly. If he is not particularly interested in it, then evaluates its attractiveness is lower than perhaps it deserves. When a man is in love with a woman, the size of her thighs already has no value. From his point of view, they are perfection itself. These data show that if the first meeting physical beauty plays a significant role, while long-term relationship becomes the most attractive warm affection, and this is confirmed by the studies mentioned in the section "What are we looking for" Chapter 9. However, the attractiveness of men to women, the situation is different, and this was shown in a very interesting study that was conducted in bars frequented by lonely people. Scientists have discovered: the later the hour, the more attractive seemed to be a man free woman. The woman, on a scale of ten men put five at seven o'clock in the evening, at ten thirty in the evening already received a rating of seven, and at midnight to eight and a half, and the more alcohol in the blood, the higher was the score. Women, however, putting in seven hours five, the same assessment was given at midnight.

In women, alcohol does not affect the assessment of the degree of attractiveness, sometimes after alcohol mark is even decreasing. Women continue to appreciate the man as a partner primarily for personal qualities, not physical attraction, and its opinion does not affect neither the hour nor the amount of alcohol consumed.

Is there a pull of opposites to each other?

In 1962, for the first time, a study was conducted in which it was determined that we attract people with the same interests, values, attitudes, and perceptions. With such people we instantly come into contact. In subsequent studies it was demonstrated that under such circumstances lovers have higher chances of long-term relationships. However, too much similarity can be boring. We need differences, complementary to the partner seemed to be interesting, but not so large that it took to change the lifestyle. For example, a quiet man may attract sociable woman, but they are hardly too for all experiencing.

Physical opposites attract

Take a look at the results of any research on the physical attractiveness of the opposite sex, and you will see that we prefer physical traits, a contrast to our own. Men prefer women soft where they firmly, and with curves where they have a direct line. Men prefer women with wide hips, narrow waist, long legs and round the chest with all the attributes that they do not have. He loves small chin, small nose and a flat stomach, because he has these traits usually the opposite. Women also love the contrasting traits in men, including broad shoulders, thick arms and legs, strong protruding chins and big nose. However, there are some interesting exceptions. Some studies have shown that men who do not use alcohol, prefer women with small Breasts, and women with large Breasts prefer men with a small nose, and men with a small nose attract just women with flat chest. Extroverts are drawn to women with very large Breasts.

The key is the ratio of the hips and waist

If you watch how varied tastes of men for centuries, you will see that men have been in fashion all from the big the biggest women in the XVI century to skinny supermodels, whose figures are similar to pencil. Standing there was only one feature: never escape the attention of the men did not escape the ratio of waist and hips. It is established that the woman whose waist is 70% of the hips, has a better health compared with other women and a higher level of fertility. Dr. Devendra Singh from the University of Cambridge examined the men of many nationalities and found that the man instinctively knows this, and his brain properly configured. Women will be pleased to know that if they have the ratio of waist and hip size in the range from 67 to 80%, then men will not leave them to their attention, even if the excess weight from five to ten pounds, because the main criterion is the curvature of the bend. Women are still attracted to men with a shape similar to a triangle with a wide top side, that is, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist and strong hands, which is the attributes of a successful earner food. Women around the world prefer that the man had a small tight ass, but few of them realize why they think it is attractive. We are the only primates that have protruding ass, and it serves two purposes. First, it acts as a counterweight, providing a direct position on two feet; the second, he gives the man the opportunity to make a strong direct attack during sexual intercourse, which increases the chances of fertilization.

Men and seduction

Not that the man did not want to seduce a woman romantically, he just doesn't understand the importance of courtship for women. The demand for books is a good indicator that we are interested in the. Women each year spend millions on a romantic works of the type that produces the publishing house "mills and boon". The main topics in women's magazines, love, romantic courtship, gossip about other people or how to keep yourself in shape as eating and dressing to romance. Conversely, men spend millions on books and magazines filled with useful technical advice on subjects such as computers and other mechanical devices that require spatial imagination, or on hunting, fishing and football. It is therefore not surprising: when it comes to courtship, men don't know what to do. Modern man has never had before my eyes a relevant example, And therefore, his predicament is understandable. His father didn't know how to care, because this is not needed. On one of our workshops woman recently told how he asked the man, so he often showed love for her: in response, the husband washed and polished her car. This case shows that men believe in love. This man bought his wife a Jack for a car as a birthday present, and by the tenth anniversary of the wedding - two tickets in the front row on wrestling.

While Europeans have earned the reputation of people who romantically to care, although it is slightly overestimated, the vast majority of men around the world do not have any idea about the romance of courtship. Previous generations were too busy fighting for survival to worry about such niceties. In addition, the male brain is configured on technique and not on aesthetics. Not that the man wasn't trying to do something in this regard, but he just doesn't understand the importance of gesture: to open the door of the car, bring flowers, to dance, to cook the woman lunch or to change a roll of paper in the toilet. Sex comes as a result of such gestures. Men often start with sex, and only then begin to think about how to build other aspects of the relationship.

Several reliable romantic tips man

When it comes to love and courtship, the woman has no problems, but the man is in complete darkness, so he prefers to think that he is ready to love always, anywhere and at any time. The ability of the man to care (or lack thereof) plays a huge role in whether they want a woman to make love to him, so we give the man six true tips that will help the man now as he helped him and five thousand years ago.

1. Organize the environment.Whereas women's sensitivity to the environment and high sensitivity to external stimulation, the man has the sense to pay attention to the place where the meeting will pass. The female hormone estrogen makes it sensitive to illumination: dim light dilates the pupils, and people begin to look more attractive for each other, besides less noticeable imperfections and wrinkles. Excellent hearing women requires a properly chosen music. You need also a secluded pure cave, which is guaranteed not able to break at some point a bunch of children or anyone else. The urgent desire of women to have sex only in an intimate setting explains why the most common secret fantasy women associated with sex on the mind of the public. At the same time, secret fantasy men - sex with a perfect stranger woman.

2. Feed her. Since you evolved as a hunter, you will not be difficult to understand that by feeding a woman, you will Wake up in her primitive instincts. That is why the invitation to lunch is the most important for her part of the ritual, even if she is not hungry, because the gift of food shows that you care about her well-being and survival. When a woman is preparing you meals, and this is for her and for you an even more powerful symbol that is associated with the deepest instincts.

3. Light the fire. The collection of firewood and kindling of the fire service, which was made man for woman for hundreds of thousands of years. For women, this action looks very romantic. Even if it is a gas fireplace, and it can easily ignite, he must do it himself, if he wants to create a romantic atmosphere. Important the act of providing the service and not the fire itself.

4. Bring flowers. Most men don't realize the impact force of a bouquet of flowers. The man thinks: "Why waste such Prorva money on a thing that have to be thrown away in a few days? " Male logic is ready to accept the act of donation pot with a flowering plant, because the plant is in the care and care will live, maybe even profit will bring! However, the woman sees things in a different light: she wants a bouquet of flowers. After a few days the flowers will wither, and they have to be thrown away, but it appears an excuse to buy the next bunch, and again to appeal to the romantic instincts, to appease her sublime desire.

5. Dance with her. Not that the man is not actively wanted to dance: simply many in the right hemisphere there is no region that is responsible for the sense of rhythm. Go into any aerobics class and look at the men (if at all), trying to keep the rhythm. The man, who gave himself the trouble to learn how to dance rock and roll or waltz, invariably popular among all women at any party. About the dance they say that it is a vertical act of a horizontal desire and its history is the history of the ritual, which was allowed contact between the male and female body as one of the methods of courtship. Analogues exist in animals.

6. Buy chocolate and champagne. This combination for many years associated with romantic courtship, although few know why. Champagne contains not found in other alcoholic beverages, chemical substances, which is associated with increased levels of testosterone in the blood. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine which stimulates the center of love in the woman's brain. Daniela Piomelli from the Institute of neuroscience in San Diego in a recent survey revealed three new chemicals called M-acyl-ethanolamines, which, as a matter of hemp, are attached to the receptors in the female brain, causing feelings similar to those that appear after Smoking marijuana. These substances are contained in dark chocolate and cocoa, but not in white chocolate and coffee.

Why a man stops to touch the woman and talk to her

"Before we got married, he always held my hand on the walk, patted on the back and constantly spoke. Now he's my hand does not want to talk to me, and touches only when he needs sex". This complaint is probably familiar to you. During courtship the man touches his beloved more than will to do it ever in their life together. This is because he's dying from a desire to "master" it, but not having permissions to sexual touching, he compensates for this by touching anywhere allowed. When it gets the go-ahead for sexual embrace, his brain sees no reason to return to the already travelled stage. So he focuses on the "more desirable". His conversation during courtship is a collection of information, data and facts about the girl and providing her with information about yourself. By the time when they were married, he knows everything he needs to know about it, and he sees no point in further talks. Man must understand that the female brain is programmed on the call that her sensitivity to touch ten times higher than he should learn the art of communication through words and touch, which will lead to a sharp increase in the quality of his love life.

Why men love touch

The hormone oxytocin is known as the "hormone of arms". He enters the blood when someone's skin gently Pat or someone locked up in a gentle hug. It increases sensitivity to touch and causes a sense of community, representing the main factor determining the behavior of women in relation to children, and men. When a woman starts feeding the baby, this hormone gives impetus to the allocation mechanism of milk. If a woman wants to give pleasure to the man, touching him, she touches him, as I would like to feel the touch of her. She'll scratch his head, Pat your face will be massaged his back and gently through hair. Such affection by many men have no effect and can even irritate. His skin has a sensitivity smaller than the female, so that he felt no pain and didn't notice the wound while hunting. Men prefer to be touched only in one place, while the more, the better. These differences lead to disagreements. When a man wants sensual to touch a woman, he is drawn to those places that are most sensitive at himself. The woman hates too intimate touch above all: the result of mutual repulsion. When a man and a woman will learn to give each other pleasure, touching a partner as he loves most about, the relationship will become much richer.

The blooms do love spring?

The biological clock is supplied so that the females give birth in the warmer months to ensure the best conditions for the survival of infants. If an individual must yield the fruit of, say, three months, males peak of desire occurs in spring, and the young are born in summer. People child carrying nine months, so higher levels of testosterone observed in the nine months earlier in the fall. The old adage "all Spring feelings turned to love" is true only for those members of the animal world, in short, about three months after, the period from conception to birth. Studies show that in the southern hemisphere the highest level of testosterone in men is in March, and North to September. In these months the men also exhibit greater competence at reading maps, because testosterone increases the capacity for spatial thinking.

How to mentally put themselves in a sexual condition

Because the mind is a combination of chemical reactions, there is the ability to mentally put themselves in a sexually excited state. This technique taught many texterity. It is in focusing on the positive qualities of your sexual partner and accessing the memory of the sexual scenes that took place. The brain responds to this selection of chemical substances that cause sexual arousal, and you have the appropriate desire. This desire occurs naturally when a lover is being passionate desire or courtship, when he sees his beloved only good, and mutual attraction seems endless and never-ending. There is also the opportunity to turn away from the desires, focusing on the negative qualities of the partner, resulting in the brain will cease to develop appropriate substances.

To experience a passionate desire anew

It's nice to know that once you thought to get yourself to come into a state of sexual arousal, you just can thought to bring yourself into a state of passionate desire, remembering how you cared before. That is why such a good effect have a candlelight dinner, romantic evening walk around the beach, held in a joint retreat weekend - all the things that cause hormonal impact, the feeling, which is often called "vlyublennosti". Lovers waiting, the status of a passionate desire will last forever, be prepared for disappointment, but at a reasonable planning sensations inherent in it, can be revived again and again whenever you want.

How to find a couple

Love begins with lust, which can last for several hours, several days or a few weeks. Then comes the period of passionate desire, which can last on average from three to 12 months, before the advent of the attachment. When after a year or so blinding you a cocktail of hormones will cease to intoxicate, you will see your partner in the cold light of day, and those cute trifles, which you were so dear, will start to annoy you. You seemed ridiculous that he can't find the cheese in the refrigerator, but now you want to scream. He loved listening to your talk about the smallest trifles, but now he wants to kill you, if only you stopped. You ask yourself the question: "will I be Able to tolerate it the rest of your life? What I found in the us? " It is not excluded that the total you have little, and to tell you is not what. Nature has reached her goal: she left you in the arms of each other, vozdeistvovat powerful chemical cocktail, which was forced to breed, but don't think. To find the right fit means to decide what you shared with someone, keeping in mind long-term relationships, and this must be done before you come natural peak hormonal Blinder. Later when the stage of passionate desire, and she will be sure - will you be able to build a relationship based on friendship and common interests?

Write a list of priorities and interests that you would like to find her a pair, and then you will know exactly what you are looking for. A man will store up a list of qualities of a perfect pair for themselves, but the party will go, filled with testosterone. And start looking for the "perfect" woman under the influence of this hormone - beautiful legs, flat stomach, round ass, nice Breasts - all symptoms associated with intermittent function of reproduction. Woman wants man, sensual and caring, with a triangular torso, wants a strong personality - all characteristics associated with the upbringing of the child, with a residence time of food and the protection of the family. And in either case there is a short biological needs that have little to do with success in modern society. If you write a list of desirable qualities of an ideal partner and will have it on hand, it will help you to objectively evaluate new/th friend/th next time, when nature tries to take control of your thoughts and passion. Nature wants you to be bred as often as possible, and is a potent substances, pushing you to it. When you will understand this and will work with a description of their ideal pair, you will find it more difficult to cheat, and your own hunting for the ideal partner will be successful, and that will bring you happiness in life.

In the book by Allan and Barbara Pease "Language relationship (Man and woman)"