Quite often families fall into two extremes: the first is the liberal educated family who are strangers to violence when parents become unnaturally pale, if the child came from the kindergarten will suddenly give a strong word. Punishment here are usually limited to a short mourning that "you're a big boy, must understand that to do that (to speak, to think, to breathe) is not good or any kind of restrictions - for example, financial. Another extreme is when the family is preached the cult of brute force, the child must deal with their own, for example a parent can recall the sensational film "the Return", in which the father specially catches bully, so that the eldest brother one-on-one was able to get his money. And when he has it, the child recognizes several defective.
Actually it is easy to see that neither approach is not wholly correct. Even if you manage to create in the house a sort of Paradise on earth, when the child will not be able to find a single acute angle to fill a bruise, it is unlikely that destiny will be to him always so merciful. Sooner or later the time will come when innate eloquence and educated intelligence may not be enough - especially that it is not necessary he would have to fight just fall, hit and. lose the respect of all present for the very inability to recognize and endure pain, which is not only a consequence of the blow, but also very important - that hurts, it hurts, what kind of injury this is indicative. It is only in the experience of analyzing one's own feelings can easily understand - broken if bone vivinet joint or stretched ligament. And to learn to understand your body can experience. As stated in one of the books by max Frei - "what if tomorrow a nuclear explosion? "the child must be ready to endure the pain without losing himself.
The second approach is when a child with childhood accustomed to pain, are taught to fight to the last, not to spare the enemy is also not too good. First, excessive cruelty, perhaps, a good help for future male trucker, but a very bad adviser in your personal life, family matters, and Yes, and just in the most ordinary resolution of business disputes. Quite often we hear even from the most senior politicians: "Yes if I could it (this means the opponent) in a dark alley, I would have showed him! ". This demonstrates the utter helplessness researched in dispute - it turns out that the discussion boils down to the usual comparison of the muscles, as in the community Gibbons. Human society, in my opinion, should use force in two cases for the energy discharge sat at the computer body in the gym, or to eliminate a direct threat to the life or physical health.
To resolve any other conflicts long ago invented words, why not use it? As an additional argument against the cult of physical strength can also be recollected, that in this case the child may occur perversion of sexual violence. Not, of course, to say that sadism is definitely bad (because of the crowd flagellant beat author rotten tomatoes), but sure are you that in the future they want something to take home their Winehouse child that just accidentally strangled his wife (husband) in a fit of passion? Prayed whether you're on a night Desdemona?..
What can be learned from the above? Very simple - you need to find a middle ground.
The child should be able to protect themselves, to cope at least with a not very sober bully or the raging of the same age, however it is not necessary to turn the whole process of education in the mastery of martial arts - except that you're the reincarnation of Bruce Lee and are going to grow actor for the next film "the Raven", where and kill him. Quite important here will be the rules invented by Polycom for his "Fight club" - the most important thing to a child, learning to protect yourself, learn to say stop.
Yes, of course, in everyday life opponents rarely able to stop, having reached a certain faces, but we must not forget that before you - the kid that his strength was much less than that of an adult, and reactions until they reach perfection. Any training should be done according to the method of training, and not checking for survival - if the child is tired, exhausted, was slower to respond, so the lesson you want to stop, even if it is stubborn and tries to fight because children are rarely able to appreciate their force. However, as many adults.
And when eight-year-old girl tries to battle with zabyvshiesya year old father - it can end very sad for both. For example, a fractured rib father... and this also happens because the child before that nobody taught to stop, and he just didn't pay attention to the fact that the parent fell.
You can, of course, to send their children to a special section of martial arts or any other sport. But first you need to talk with parents of other children already enrolled there or just with the trainers of the same area - it is very important to avoid frequent injuries because not every teacher adjusts rule learning Japanese mercenaries (for which the maximum age for entering school one year) for the average urban children from birth tortured allergies, scoliosis, anemia, myopia (nearsightedness) and excessive concern for parents, who for some reason were confident that if up to five years of the child to put on the sun, he in accordance with the best vampire movies will instantly burn out.
If the coach all collectively pray, and children, none on the second lesson, you will not require to break the forehead bricks - so, better to let his training is a Pro, after all, a good physical form will not prevent any student. Only it is not necessary to combine freestyle wrestling with playing the violin is still here working different muscle groups, and injury in sport is inevitable, so sooner or later the child will either fail a concert or competition, and it will not go in his favor. And then, it is not easy to imagine how it will look something Arnold Schwarzenegger with a violin in his hands.
So, the conclusion is very simple: to make life easier for the child in society the ability to stand up for themselves - a thing very useful, but self-defense should not become obsessive paranoid idea and the meaning of life. The harmony of physical and mental development - here are the top must strive every parent.
Litvinenko A.
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