Hyperactivity is really a medical disorder
This diagnosis was officially recognized as major medical, psychiatric and educational organizations around the world. The syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a form of minimal brain dysfunction. This syndrome has a biological nature. Studies show that it is based on an imbalance of chemical transmitters, the neurotransmitters in the brain.
There are different opinions about the causes of hyperactivity. It may be genetic factors, features of the structure and functioning of the brain, birth injuries, infectious diseases, transferred to a pregnant woman or a child in the first months of life, etc.
The primary symptoms of hyperactivity disorder are inattention, inability to concentrate for a long time, impulsivity and restlessness. Hyperactive people have problems in some aspects of daily life, especially in the areas of organization and sense of time.
Hyperactivity is not the result of bad parenting!
When a hyperactive child jumps up during the lesson and begins to walk around the classroom, this is not due to the fact that he was not taught how to behave. He just can't control their impulses. He tends to act on first impulse under the influence of external emotions. It is difficult for a long time to sit still, not to fidget, not to talk, he often touches and drops different items, pushes peers, etc. And one strict discipline to overcome hyperactivity is not enough.
In reality, however, too strict upbringing, up to punish the child for the failure of self-control, often can only aggravate the symptoms of hyperactivity. If the child has a high need for physical activity, there is no reason to suppress it. Better to try to teach him how to project energy in an appropriate way: doing sports, dancing and mobile games. Emotional stress should also be reduced.
Hyperactivity equally affects both boys and girls
Despite the prevailing view that hyperactivity, usually boys, girls are equally vulnerable hyperactivity and show the same symptoms.
Hyperactivity often persists into adulthood
More than 70% of hyperactive children remain hyperactive and adolescence, although it may be, and to a lesser extent. And almost 50% of children with this syndrome remains into adulthood. In adolescence locomotor hyperactivity usually goes away, but the inability to learn, lack of attention, inability to concentrate most of the children are saved.
Hyperactive children are quite teachable
Such children for better learning should be active during lessons. This creates the impression that their brains work only when the body moves. They are more like training sessions, during which you do something by hand, conduct a visual experiments, building models, and in mathematics, for example, be considered in the accounts. While remembering information they usually touch or move any objects, and does not follow them in this way.
Hyperactive children can be very talented and successful
According to recent research, hyperactive children tend to have a higher level of intelligence than other children. And very often, that the child is unable to sit through a tutorial in the hands of more than 10 minutes, during this short period of time memorize the whole poem.
These children also have the rare ability to Express their feelings and to control themselves through movement. Often they become gifted actors, dancers or athletes. It is believed that hyperactivity was observed in many of the famous people of the past, including Mozart, Alexander the great, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, Alexander Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Newton, Thomas Edison, albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. The list of successful people can be continued up to the present day, for example, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and David Milman, founder of JetBlue Airways".
Al-Robaki M
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