Friday, January 31, 2014

How to get her in bed

How to get her in bed1. Try to get acquainted in an original way. "Girl, what time is it now? " or "How to get to the library? "is not good. It is necessary to apply tactics blitz Krige and ask the question, daunting and intriguing. For example, if you have noticed a pretty lady in a cafe, go to her and magazacilik say: "you know that at this table at one time sat Andy Warhol!? " Nine out of ten girls will ask you who it is, and will begin the conversation. And the ten percent that will answer you: "I don't care who was sitting here" or "I've been here two hours and did not see anyone" - women are not curious, and we are not interested in.

2. Now your task is exciting to tell about Andy Warhol. Of course, "historical by this cafe may be other, less worthy people. The main thing is that the girl is nothing about them had not heard. You, on the other hand, should be read special literature. Or at least familiar with the relevant article in the encyclopedia. Just try to do without your favorite players - women mostly indifferent to football, and your monologue will be of interest only to you.

3. Twenty minutes later abruptly interrupt the story at the most interesting place and ask: instead of distracting you my charming companion?" Making sure she doesn't rush and not waiting for your young person can get acquainted. Introduce themselves, tell about the way their classes. Profession choose better, best options, psychologist, sexologist, a psychic. First, all of this in one way or another connected with sex. Secondly, each curious girl will not miss a chance to get a free consultation with a specialist. Here, as you understand, I will need some advance preparation. It is, however, surface: girls are so gullible!

4. During the "consultation" be serious, behave with cool restraint of a professional. And do not overdo it! Questions like "How often do you masturbate? " is premature. If you had a psychic, the first thing you tell the girl that y it is a very positive energy field and that y it, for sure, a lot of fans. Talking about a lot of compliments in the mouth "professional" effectiveness of their impact at least doubled.

5. Now it's time to gradually withdraw companion for frankness. Summing up consultations, Saintes on "some problems". For example: "y-you all right. But lack confidence in themselves." Tell them that the reason is probably grounded in a subconscious negative experience with a man. Here you will not miss: y every woman had a lot of trouble with men. Delicately, as a doctor, ask about the incident. Tearful story about a man-sneak listen very carefully, nodding understandingly and pasting from time to time sympathetic interjections.

6. After this story just need to drink a bit. Alcohol will relax your companion and strengthen trust. Drink for acquaintance and ask to go to "you".

7. Time to bring the conversation to a more pleasant topic that directly relates to sex. For example, postcustom girl and giving her a few tips, posetite that in our days, unfortunately, the relationship between men and women lost their depth and richness. It used to be.. And to tell about the sexual traditions of antiquity and the middle ages. Definitely tap tantric sex. Recollect that the sexual act is an exchange of energy, the fusion of Yin and Yang and so on, Modern people often complicate everything, the world is full of bigotry and hypocrisy. But a truly free man will not go on about y self-appointed moralists. Do not forget to require girls confirmations each such statement.

8. Do not turn the conversation into a monologue, let me Express my opinion and the girl. Listening to her, often repeat: "that's it, that's what I had in mind" (what you had in mind actually, nikakog does not matter).

9. From General go to private. Tell her that means sex for you personally. In any case, not to show off their love wins and sexual prowess. Ask the girl what kind of men she likes. Then focus on some specific topic, for example, talk about oral sex.

10. Gradually get out of the way "the doctor". Show more attention to her, derivate her tender glances, strew compliments: "you Have amazing eyes" or "don't talk that you look like Mila Jovovich? Speak in a quiet voice - it creates an intimate atmosphere.

11. It's time to install the first physical contact. How would incidentally will obronie that you something about the palmistry and offer her to tell fortunes by the hand. Of course, the results are most encouraging: career, love, incredible longevity and so on Telling all this, gently Pat the palm of the girl. If she will respond to you the same stroking and not get your hand and you think that it's in the bag. Finally, gently squeeze the hand of the girl and tell me what you charged from her hands very positive energy. Hy as if to dance with her positive energy you would be enough for half a year.

12. If the cafe is not dancing, offer to go to another place. But not to the disco and not at a rave party is clearly not match your several romantic way. Chamber jazz or Blues club, where appropriate.

13. Going to the club, to ask, not whether your new friend to warn home. But do not try to advise her to take time off for the whole night - it might scare the girl. Most likely, she will do the right thing without your reminders.

14. On the road again show off your erudition and tell us about the close relationship of sex and dance. Explain that the slow dance is the aesthetic appearance of petting, facilitate the exchange of sexual energy. Let that sometimes the usual dance can bring much more pleasure than sexual intercourse.

15. Upon arrival, before you join in the dance, ask her companion a glass of good red wine. Wine will relax her and give her time to get comfortable in a new environment.

16. Dance is the most important moment in this story. Start with a very modest arms. Never stop talking, nagativity partner different compliments, easily touching the lips of the lobe of her ear. Gradually move from words to deeds: casually hug to the girl and gently run your hands over her back. If the response is favorable, you can move on to the kissing. After an hour and a half dance petting, when your passion is already ready to break out, gently ask the girl to continue the evening y your home. It is unlikely that she will refuse.

17. How to behave in his own bedroom, and you know yourself. If you need a language, it is only for sexual foreplay. The only thing in the morning to try and be a gentleman. Activates man and get ready for a long relationship with his new lover.

In my opinion, it is quite logical and consistent and it can work. Only have a few ambiguous points. The beginning is a typical gap pattern, but it is difficult even to imagine that in our prosovetskih cafes have been some interesting famous person, and to say this is just a lie. Next, listening to the lacrimal history, even under the guise of "doctor", you can automatically go to the category "friends", which is usually difficult to extricate himself. Finally, talk about oral sex is already in ten minutes after meeting; IMHO if that will scare the girl, it was this.



And March is not far off, or why in the spring we want sex

At the March surge in sexual activity there is a physiological and psychological explanation.

And March is not far off, or why in the spring we want sexBut winter sleepy oblivion together with sensuality emerges and the many problems associated with her. Once again we find that men don't understand women, and women men. We have little idea of its role and its goals in the sexual life. And often our frustration is not due to the lack of opportunities for sex, and the inability to receive the expected satisfaction.These expectations is the only thing that is common in relation to sex in men and women. Everything else is different.

Sex is the most important, after a survival thing for each organism, endowed with the floor. And for some, sex is on the first place: males spiders, for example, are willing to give their life for him. But humanity has come a long way, separating the pleasure of sex from its biological purpose, and man is the only life form capable by his desire to make sex without procreation and reproduction without sex. But where such difficulties at all stages of sexual relations? And why 80% of divorces occur in the sexual dissatisfaction, even if it is hidden behind the phrase "do not match the characters? Moreover, statistical dissatisfaction of women at all afraid, because their physiological ability to enjoy sex is immeasurably higher than that of men.

Perhaps blame accepted in society and the double standard of morality, including those relating to and different attitudes towards the sexuality of men and women. Our culture is associated with the concept of "fallen women", but no one talks about "fallen men". His unfaithful wife condemn and husband in such cases only criticize. Young woman under archaic, but enduring morality must be chaste, and a young man call just to be prudent. In case of equality of rights seducer welcome and seduced condemned. Whores cause disgust, sales men interest. It certainly has in-depth explanations, but in everyday life they are unlikely to work.

From mass media men and women also get a different setup. Women's magazines are always telling you how to build relationships or to develop new ones. Magazines for men inspire readers, what's best for image and self-esteem is to become a successful male. That is, to conform to traditional ideas of what should be a woman, and any man. Mismatch imposed parameters causes an inferiority complex in both men and women.

A significant obstacle in the development of male and female sexuality - parent instructions. The basic instructions of the parents of such genes. They tell us what stereotypes relations between men and women that interfere with these relationships to have. It may happen that your desire, for example, to marry, and not yours at all, and the parent program your single mother. And, if you are unable to immediately run the program, it becomes the cause of your sexual problems.

Parent programming is not the fault of the parents, since they only pass on what they themselves received from their parents. (So parents who want the best for their children should find their own scenarios and decide whether to pass them. They must find a way to modify these scripts and wrote the famous psychiatrist Eric Berne in his book "Sex in human loving" instead of frogs, which are themselves, to grow princesses. To make this extremely difficult. Even more difficult "than to cut yourself, and without the help of the psychotherapist is necessary.)

Parental attitudes partly to blame and family conflicts, sexual violence: the psychoanalysts say that after four or five years of marital happiness many men dream of their wives in the image of the mother or in the scenes of childhood (even if, waking up, they don't remember, the images of wife and mother are merged, which is not conducive to sexual activity).

The desire to impose the culture of the ideal, or to follow the parent's instructions - the long-standing problems. But perhaps all of these settings is the only way to fight another global problem, hindering the understanding of the sexes. In fact, over the last two hundred years of social and sexual roles of men and women are so messed up, it's no longer clear who is responsible for what and who strives to do. The feminization of men, masculinization women, the struggle for gender equality not only in life, but in bed...

Man now often allows women to manage family relationships, including sexual. However, he believes that his duty is to "serve" a woman to satisfy her. It is the neurotic position, and it stems from a misunderstanding of the biological factors that determine the interaction of the sexes. After all, the mere presence of the body of penetration and muscular body suggests that the man should take the initiative in sexual acts. Most men consciously or unconsciously with disapproval treat women trying to take the initiative in sex, and unconsciously resist it. This resistance decreases the desire to have this partner, and sometimes impotence. Yes and the woman, no matter what a feminist was, unconsciously resents the passivity of men, without lowering his head. And this leads to alienation and reduction of mutual interest.

But, in spite of any social and cultural stratification based on sex is a simple and effective natural scheme. If women and men will remember about your destination and its associated roles, they will be able to avoid many problems. Not only sexy, but also psychological. the biological and social conflict

The mystery that distinguishes the Earth from any other blocks, flying in space, is a handful of human genes. From the point of view of evolution, our bodies need only as carriers of sperm and egg cells, so that the Earth was populated. The only function of sperm and egg cells, in turn, is to be held and wrappers for genes. Sex - fuel, which leads to this great project forward.

Originally roles and functions clearly divided: male - factor in the development of the species, the female factor in its preservation. The man provides a huge variety of solutions. And takes decisions a woman, ensuring the survival and repetition are the most

sustainable features. He proposes, she accepts or does not accept, based on their instinct of procreation. On this are based on anatomical and psychological characteristics of the sexes.

For example, a woman experiencing greater sexual rise, if a man behaves actively. The stronger the pressure, the woman is softer and pliable. Intense male courtship caused sexual tension. Once the voltage is removed, the courtship changes shape or terminated. On the relationship of the pair devoted to the child. Among primitive people, these relationships did not last long, and they can be called "serial monogamy".

"Initially people were United in pairs only for the conservation of the species. When the child was four years old, taking care of him took over the tribe, parents got rid of responsibility and chose new partners," writes American psychologist Helene Fischer. (By the way, the echoes of this system exist and still: the maximum number of divorces involving marital infidelities, is in the fourth year of marriage).

No matter how offensive to the modern man, these animals almost relationship, they are the basis of our sexuality. More animal physiological and chemical component of our love.

Sexual impulse

Physiologists explain love and its consequences in chemical terms. The fact that there are about a thousand of neural and hormonal substances, providing "a Symphony of sensations" experienced by lovers. The first violin in this concert played by serotonin in the ensemble with the already well-studied endorphins. A major role is attributed and phenethylamine, which, incidentally, is very much in the classic romantic gift - chocolate. This is especially true of women: the girls this substance is excreted easily; adult women deficiency often occurs discomfort and even exacerbated by various psychosomatic disorders.

In high doses, these substances create a feeling of bliss, weaken physical pain, have a positive effect on almost all physiological reactions of the organism. Unfortunately, these drugs produced by the "factories of the body", is short-lived: the half-life period and the impact on the brain of endorphins does not exceed five minutes, after which the brain needs recharging.

Now, women all love this cocktail is kneaded longer and in other proportions than men. Calculated: factory love elixir on average operates from two to four years, and this production is gradually declining. The critical phase is the transition from the production of phenethylamine, feeding the romantic enthusiasm, feeling smooth happiness and family protection, which ensures a uniform flow in the brain endorphins. Most often bankruptcy loving plants occur by the end of the fourth year of love.

Vision. If men's eyes more focused on, say, the middle and lower parts of the female body, women are much more concerned about the man's face. Women need just eight seconds to get to be the first, instinctive (and often the only correct) judgment about what a potential partner they are dealing with.

To mislead men much easier. The baboons stimulator amorous feelings of the male is bright red in the rear part of the body of the female. For men, in principle, the same kind of bait are brightly painted lips, processed cosmetics skin, Breasts and narrow waist ladies. While for the development of love females usually need physical contact, for the male is much more visual means of emotional-erotic stimulus.

Ethnopsychology say, "If females as fast respond to a visual stimulus as males, they would act when choosing a partner is much less critical and demanding, and this would have a negative genetic effects on offspring". For women this function performs not only physical contact, but also the context of relationships. It confirms or refutes their first visual impression. It is another level of protection against errors.

The scent. An important reason for the sudden love - scent. It is known that male insects fly to the smell of females for miles. People have a weaker sense of smell, but our body also produces a special odorous substances - pheromones. And if they bring a partner, he instantly falls in love. (Unfortunately, the effect of pheromones significantly weakened due to the perfume and clothing.) It works like this.

All people in addition to the normal senses are still small, the size of a match head, education in the anterior part of the nasal cavity - vomeronasal organ. From him are the nerve fibers in the hypothalamus, and he is responsible for the production of reproductive hormones and puberty stimulates a state of excitement, joy, pleasure.

"Bouquet" of pheromones is strictly individual. Thanks to pheromones that our subconscious decides whether to sustain a loving relationship. If the analyzer detects a partner in flying particles similar to their immune system, instead of craving arises dislike. If under the action of pheromones object is the release of the hormone amphetamine, it comes from the point of view of biochemistry, the present drug intoxication - passion erupts.

By the way, that pheromones are responsible for rampant amorous spring. Because they are all leather, and tight clothes hampers the flow. With warming all dress in light clothes and start to smell them. The most active areas, exuding pheromones - the tip of the nose, armpit.

Now known such sexual pheromones-aphrodisiacs, as androstenol and androstenone. The first stands out for the man in the youth season, i.e. during the period of puberty - from 15 to 20 years. Then androstenol almost ceases to be generated. During puberty the future men produce androstenol two to three times more than girls. Moreover, in women, the level of this pheromone falls when hormonal disorders (e.g., while taking the contraceptive pill) and in the days of menstruation. Androstenol only attracts attention without causing sexual desire.

Androstenone - pheromone aggressiveness, which is considered a masculine quality, it attracts women and repels men. And there's nothing surprising: for women on a subconscious level of male aggression (in the psychological sense) is associated with strength, and hence protection and support.

Men react more to pheromones than women. Just ladies are more careful, and it is easier to suppress the feeling. Sometimes people are gradually getting used to the pheromones of each other (that's you and them accept - slubitsa").

The fruits of evolution

The evolutionary purpose and biological objectives is, of course, is good. But the cosmic consciousness does not solve the specific problems of a particular people. A portrait of modern men and women cannot be reduced to primitive images. What exactly our relationship now?

Yes, almost the same as at the dawn of civilization.Only there are many nuances. Men are much more romantic than women. They fall in love more often and faster, while the love of women is not only growing harder and slower, so it should courtship, a long and loving relationship. In addition, they also tend to finish faster love relationship. But if it really has Prokhvatilov", then it becomes much more Africa and Express their feelings more openly than men. And it is quite difficult for her to hide their love from others. And in marriage the opposite is true: anxious to keep the remains of romance - the lot of women.

Consultant Irina Gavrilova, psychotherapist



5 rules to avoid divorce

5 rules to avoid divorceRupture of relations with the spouse in his youth more traumatic for health than divorce in old age, said scientists from the University of Michigan.

As shown by a new study, older people cope better with stress, which carries a divorce. In the course of work, scientists have compared the health information 1282 respondents with information about their family status. The result was that the health of their peers who are either divorced at a younger age were either married, is markedly different. For example, those who are divorced, often complained of various health problems.

"We believed that divorce less traumatic for younger generations, because they disconnection is more typical, however, everything turned out differently," comment the researchers. Perhaps the pressure to save a marriage in any situation that faced the older generation, was forced to divorce only the most unfortunate spouses, with the result that they felt relief after divorce.

In General, the study showed that those who know the major causes of divorce is not hearsay, health deteriorates significantly more than those who remain to live in the family. However, people who live alone for a long period, health differs little from the health of married peers. Thus, health is not affected marital status, and stress due to the experience of divorce.

Every other couple in Ukraine, unable to enjoy the pleasures of married life, divorce for one reason or another. This is evidenced by the data of the state statistics Committee. In January-August of the current year were registered in the country 195 225 marriage and 93 539 divorces.

Similar percentages of divorces and in other developed countries. For comparison, in Russia for various reasons divorce 57% of married couples in the USA 46%, Canada - 48%, England - 42%, France 38%, Japan 27%.

What are the causes of almost half of the marriages ends in divorce?

Razvedchitsa pairs, answering questions sociologists often call the following causes of divorce:5 rules to avoid divorce

  • emotional immaturity partners

  • the incompatibility

  • sexual incompatibility between partners

  • adultery

  • infertility par

  • the appearance of the child in the first year of common life

  • cohabitation of the spouses with parents

  • late or early age at marriage

  • wrestling partners for dominance in the family

  • long forced spouses live far away from each other (frequent visits, travel, migration, and so on)

  • marriage without love

  • different levels of education, a significant difference in social status partners

  • the material dependence of the spouses, for example, the wife earns more than her husband, or the husband contains family and whenever reminded of her.

  • the abuse of alcohol and drugs

Main advice: don't give reasons, to avoid any reasons for divorce

However, psychologists say that the circumstances which the broken pair is called a divorce, it is no more than the reasons for a breakup. The true causes of divorce often lie in the following:

  1. Fatigue and physical exhaustion. The mistake many couples that they want to catch everything at once. To bring up a child to learn in high school, working two jobs to repair the apartment. With such rhythm of life time for petting and attention to each other just do not have. Family happiness is threatened when his wife is engaged in the upbringing of the child, and the husband is entirely busy career.

  2. Hole in the family budget. The inability of the family to plan the budget, different views on the budgeting and expenditure of funds to different needs. Often, if one spouse from a family that accepted "to save and save, and parents second live "one day". In this case it makes sense to stipulate at once how much the wife will try to postpone, and in General, will they try to save.

  3. Selfishness and immaturity. In nature there are two types of people: taking and giving. Perfect for creating happy families - both the giver, the marriage between the giver and the beneficiary based on the offset ("I'm a soup dinner cooked, and you give me that? "...), the marriage between the two which is doomed for divorce. Selfishness and family is not compatible.
    The immaturity manifests itself in relations unwillingness to listen and hear partner, inability to compromise and forgive. The argument is based on the desire to show his superiority: "to hit more" partner in the weakest place.

  4. Boredom in bed. According to statistics, sexual incompatibility is the cause of divorce in 40 % of cases. According to psychologists purely physiological incompatibility of partners (big penis or a narrow vagina) is extremely rare. Where are often the cause of failures in bed - mismatch of temperaments partners, emotional indifference, inattention to each other.

5 rules to avoid divorce"Recipe for happiness" or there is no reason for divorce

To marry it is not tricky, it is much harder to build a strong family and not to give each other reason to quarrel. In order to preserve the freshness and newness of the relationship, just follow a few simple rules:

Rule 1.

There is no boredom in the relationship. If every day is like the previous, this is a sure signal that it's time to take the situation in hand. To refresh relations and return them past the acute need to make a small timeout. You should try as often as possible to be alone more often to talk to each other compliments, make small surprises. If you never give each other coffee in bed, you can start with this. Spend a weekend together, get into nature and just walk.

Rule 2. "Stick and carrot".

The best way to give the dynamics of the relationship it is the "stick and carrot". But everything should be in moderation. Small skirmish or showdown immediately after situations that seem invalid or touches one of the spouses ─ very useful. At least, much better than the silence of the conflict. However, by the end of this hassle is better to do violent sex. Do not hesitate to take the initiative. In family happiness no compromises!

Rule 3. "No problem"

Problems do not take it home, leave them at work. You should not vent their anger at the authorities for their loved ones. Better embrace my soul mate and feel how it's good that there is a near native shoulder (shoulder! and now it is in your arms.

Rule 4. "Sacred bedroom"

The bedroom is a sacred place. Here not means you cannot sort things out and especially to quarrel. The marriage bed is the area for pleasure and recreation, As cynical as it may sound, but the quality of sex depends on the happiness of your family life. Therefore it is impossible to prevent boredom in sex was the cause of the divorce. Liven up sex life, don't be afraid to experiment.

Rule 5 "Complexes not to Oedipus"5 rules to avoid divorce

Psychologists believe that men unconsciously choose to marry a woman like his mother. So you should look to your mother-in-law, to determine the positive and something to learn for yourself just in case. However, it is better not to do it if your mother-in-law's personal life has not developed and the son she raised. According to statistics, men raised by single mothers get divorced more often. These men 60% of marriages end in divorce.



5 most hated men women habits

5 most hated men women habitsHit parade of male habits that upset many members of the fairer sex can be replenished daily. We criticize, ridicule, discussion, and just put the jokes about socks scattered around the apartment and other incorrigible male shortcomings. And eventually close our eyes to many disadvantages.

But men are built differently. And if they start to irritate some women's habits, not always they can accept.

So, what female habits upset our blessed?

1. Occupation bathroom

Many of us often equip their area of beauty in the bathroom. We love to put cosmetics on the shelves and admire it, enjoy the number. And importantly, all of our tubes, jars, bottles and other accessories should be in a prominent place. It seems to us that the beauty and accompanying her helpers in the form of cosmetics for all parts of the body is infinite. About what excess can we talk?

But, alas, men who don't agree with it. Moreover, they are annoyed not only the amount absolutely unnecessary, in the opinion of men, things, but also the habit to fill them all shelves in the bathroom. They get nervous when you can't find on the shelf space for deodorant. In short, men can't stand when a private bathroom equipped as an area of beauty, where among shampoos for colored hair, depilatory creams and gels with the smell of barbarian it is difficult to find ordinary soap.

I think that will not be superfluous to once again recall that a woman's hair, noticed in the bathroom drain, not only irritate men, but sometimes force us to experience disgust.

2. Female gossip

If a man becomes a witness of your intimate conversations on the phone with a friend, it is that the typical female intimacy and irritates them. Because they always think that we are "shaken" them something extra, go into unnecessary details, losing the logical chain in their own thoughts and most importantly - we need to gossip.

But the thing is that men are annoying not gossip, but the fact that they are pronounced in our lips. Because only then the man realizes that all women are the same, and his ladylove - including. He becomes annoyed that she didn't meet his expectations and has not passed the test of "uniqueness", being also involved in the world of women's gossip. After all, what seems natural, is perceived as a flaw. And this, alas, nothing can be done.

3. Disorientation in space

Many women really suffer from this "disease". By and large, this shortcoming does not affect the quality of life, but very annoying representatives of the stronger sex. Why? Because women poorly focused in space only if they are not interested in memorizing the correct path.

And many men long ago uncovered a clever pretvori through collaborative shopping. Indeed, while shopping in an unfamiliar shopping center we are not difficult to find desirable thing. We quickly remember right departments and a good grasp of the range of goods. Therefore, disorientation in space is not perceived by men as a problem - they understand it as a habit to "mow" the fool.

4. Women's tricks

Typical female tricks, with which we try to manipulate men, lead them into a rage. They cannot tolerate inappropriate tantrums, tears and pleas for help, when we can deal with problems.

Yes, we know that no man will cry, if it will raise my voice, and will not ask us to fix the TV. But they do not know anything about that please peel the potatoes - it's just a desire to attract a man to commercial cases. And women's tears is an involuntary burst of emotion, after which many of us feel much better. Therefore, characteristics of female psychology is often perceived by men as a familiar female tricks that irritate them.

5. Female serials

If you like to watch TV series, which in turn give way during the night, is not surprised that sooner or later your partner will begin to stay on the job. Why? Because man does not understand how one can constantly see someone else, and most importantly - false and improbable life favorite characters of the series.

Moreover, he comes to the conclusion that you limit your life by narrow interests and gradually degradiruete watching soap operas. This habit requires immediate correction. It is better to tame my passion for the series, so that one day not be in an empty apartment will navedite with TV, which certainly will not be able to talk heart to heart. Good luck!



How did he know?!

Not necessarily, he learns of this, discovering on his own bed of a stranger (and may be quite familiar, it really is as lucky). Or heard in the heat of a quarrel from your heart-wrenching confession. Or from some friend of his dear inmensity. No, practice shows that most girls exposing in connection with other circumstances.

How did he know?!

Source first. Your confusion

If your friend is not the descendant of an Arab Sheik and absorbed with mother's milk all Sharia law, he understands that you can be male colleagues, childhood friends and family, schoolmates, classmates, just friends-friends and even former lovers. And, most likely refers to this variety of, shall we say, more or less loyal. Up until...

"I met her on the street, she's with some guy came out of the restaurant. And pretended that they didn't notice me, or the truth is not noticed. I'm actually in that moment, nothing bad thought. Do not even think it was. Decided, just a colleague or acquaintance what, no matter what. Walked up. But my girlfriend, instead of us to imagine all paled at her directly stupor found. Everything is understood, the situation was not pleasant. I gently withdrew: then let's talk. Talked. In this restaurant we went together, and she really liked it. To my tastes it and then not changed. We parted then, however, met again. There are now together in a state of unstable equilibrium".

The second source. The importunity of your new partner

Perhaps he does not know your surroundings, and if there will be someone new (or will come up a long-forgotten old), he can simply ignore. However, if this someone will be calling you in his presence or to appear on your horizon with exceptional regularity, hardly he will leave it unattended.

"Sashka I changed only once. It was classic, holiday romance. We then tangled, and I went to relax one. With the first favourite man found himself in bed. But, first, sex, he was so-so. Secondly, ardent passion, for which everything had been arranged (not counting revenge, of course), was not observed. He tried, but I don't liked a. The next morning was embarrassing before Sasha. Stuck in my mind: "if Only he did not know! " Commander, I was put out of the room almost rudely. After a few days, went home. But that's not all. The fact that the gentleman I foolishly gave my phone in full confidence that he still never calls. He called. First called in cinema. I politely refused. Then dinner. The same story. Then just to chat. Sasha clearly strained. "Who is calling? asked. - Work. Well. " What I tell him? To lie I can not really. The climax was when the gentleman called and said that his brother's wedding and why don't we go together, at the same time get acquainted with his family. At this point, the Sasha just ran out of patience, he slammed the door. We pretty soon after that broke up, because its my confused explanations from the phone completely convinced that I have someone else".

The third source. The evidence

A man will not become regularly to rummage in your bag in search of evidence, will not sniff the clothes on the subject of men's Cologne, will not check your mail and your phone to the new mailing and sms love messages. However, he may change these rules if, suspecting something was wrong ten times, the same ten times will receive from you an angry rebuff saying that his jealousy is so bad... Then he can dig and sniff and check out, despite the baseness of these procedures.

"I started Dating a girl. At some point it turned out that before me she had one friend that she was going to get married, but there's something they have not evolved. I didn't pay attention to it. We are all adults, all with the past. With this unlucky husband, they parted friends. And this is understandable, I too with his former girlfriend were talking, sometimes called each other, met in companies. All clear. But her ex has had a passion for sms, just some sms incontinence, and he wrote them in packs and often in the night. And no one else my friend this way not communicated. What is she there with him talked, I, of course, not reported. My girlfriend and then reached for the phone and something scribbling. On the question of what to write, she replied: "Nonsense". Anyway. Called and wrote it increasingly. But I, for example, hard and hadn't wanted him to acquaint. It was unclear. I'm his girlfriend with the former introduced. To me it eventually got tired and I decided to check: I have paranoia or girl I really modifies. Got something in her phone. Message - sea, and all from this fellow. The most innocent were these: "I want to see you. ""I think about you, then I'm with you. ". For "just friends" obviously Robin. With my friend we talked, thought, discussed everything, it turned out that she had some outstanding relationship-problems with this unlucky husband. I understand it happens, but why I was head to fool all this time? With this girl we parted".

The fourth source. Your new habits

About negligence men favorite legends. But meanwhile, men do not realize just what does not concern them. He doesn't remember what color it was you dress at the last party. Have u been. And why should he? If you have a long and serious affair, he just can't leave "traces" in your daily life. And, most likely, you these changes in yourself will notice the last, but the legal husband or boyfriend if he is not blind, not deaf and he does not care about, will certainly notice. "Remember, I noticed that my girlfriend was strangely close the door in my car. The fact that I have Central locking and a button, when you come out, to give it is not necessary. And she suddenly began methodically to press the button before shutting the door. I told her about it. She was confused and explained that her mother in a car broke down, Central locking. But, first, my mother didn't break, and secondly, she goes with her extremely rare. Friend was careful: first instinctively button pushed, then pulled out and the door slammed. I was suspicious, and then began to notice other changes. And they multiplied with catastrophic speed. She had changed flavors: now instead of meat, she began to order in restaurants fish, and if not fish, then something Caucasian, lamb, for example, fell in love with green tea, which previously could not tolerate, and I increasingly began to notice her jeans, although I (and she knew it) liked something elegant, classic. I became suspicious and decided to find out: it turns out that she has a few Bohemian friend who loves fish and lamb, drinking green tea and nothing but jeans, wears. And who in the car, apparently, no Central locking! "

The source of the fifth. New words and phrases in your speech

At first glance, this absolutely from exotic - exposure beloved on the basis of linguistic analysis of her speech. But here we must remember that. First, there are people linguistically gifted with a special sensitivity to the peculiarities and subtle nuances of a foreign language. Your friend may well be one of them. Secondly, there are people who are usually not even aware of the report is very precisely copy the speech of those with whom constantly. If your attitude to them, then your friend will not need special skills in order to catch your monologues something fresh. And finally, your lover can be a person with a very striking and peculiar language, which usually is copied, and then recognized in someone's speech is completely without problems.

"I'm a translator, so one cannot fail to notice what people say and how. And yet - how people learn each other's language habits when often close and communicate. Something I noticed from my friend. I have one friend is the owner of the brand and specific in my understanding expressions. For example, time-related and the number. He likes to say "through poleconomy will do (I'll go finish)", "five more minutes of sleep", "drink more pollomacho tea". When he calls, instead of "hi, this is Peter," says just, "hi, Peter" instead of "come" - "pogreba" instead of "I'll call you" - "I'll type", and "hide" weekend (out of town, to the country or somewhere else) means he just leave. Now, all this beauty, I began to hear from his wife, with my friend she crossed only a few times so I thought. When at dinner, I twice heard from her, "Tell me something life-affirming" (also Petina words), I asked her: "And you've talked with Peter? " She's as much a Cup dropped from surprise. It turned out that recently and very close. And another friend called".

The source of the sixth. Big changes for the better in you

From Dating to start living together takes some time during which man has enough time to Orient in tastes, preferences and habits, as well as the shortcomings of his girlfriend. So, as it is banal sounds, he explores the science of love it for what it is. Therefore a radical change, even if objectively positive, can't put it on some thoughts: "suck up means, blame it".

"Funny, but I suspected that my girlfriend someone appeared when she had prepared soup. So, the usual soup, which by the way, I love. The fact that my friend didn't know how to cook and not be loved in every way, and it paraded. To get a hot dinner, it was necessary to show the wonders of diplomacy. And now we come home, dinner on the table, and of the three dishes, linens washed and the kitchen floor clean. Weird. All night my girl was very tenderness and courtesy, though she did not sugar and swore we often. The following signal was the fact that, despite all the tenderness, sex she to do that night refused and reasons immediately found a great many, one louder than the other. Something is wrong here, decided I. All, of course, is: and the mood is lousy and tired, and don't want. But then behave differently, it seems to me. Suspicions all my strength, and strengthened. And, as always happens in such cases, eventually found their confirmation. By this time I was mentally ready to divide.

The source of the seventh and the last. His intuition

Well what can I say - you seem to have never made any blunders, girlfriend surprised your conspirators talents, and your lover is deep underground and therefore extremely cautious. And with all that your boyfriend or husband suddenly gets endlessly repeated: "you Have someone there! Say, is there? Can not say, I know... " Conclusion: you are faced with is not a rare example of a thin male intuition. In regard to change, intuition for men and the truth is not bad.

"I changed my husband with his colleague, with whom before very long flirted. It all happened at a corporate party. I came back with her late husband was asleep. And the next morning woke up and said, "Well, what changed me? " Of course, I joked, but was very surprised. Previously, he had such conversations started, although, sometimes, I have friends to spend the night remained, and in the company was hanging out late. Further - more. For two weeks everything was quiet, colleague didn't seem interested in continuing the husband too the subject was not raised. And then a colleague invited me to myself, and everything happened. And on the same day in the evening, the husband spoke about the fact that I have someone there! And then within three months that I periodically met with that man, "reminded" me about my infidelity. As a rule, in those days, when treason, in fact, occurred. I thought it is a complete mystery, but then, talking with friends, I realized that not I one such story, they also repeatedly confronted with the animal instinct of men to infidelity. My husband, of course, there is no evidence, and the connection is long gone, but our family relationships since obviously lost something. Because of this, and exploits new pulls, I still hope to return to what was before my betrayal".


What is the girls a chance to change and not get caught? It seems relevant examples are available. But it is known that an absolute guarantee in this case gives only one. Namely categorical unwillingness permanent partner know about your edit. Because he madly loves you, because change itself or because you "haven". And in any case, because he has "such a character". Who doesn't want one and don't know. The rest there are always plenty of opportunities to bring islandica to clean water. Like it or not.

Aphrodite Strogova

Source: Journal Of Rocco



Who's new!

Who's new! The transition to a new school - the test for the student: to change the usual circle of classmates and teachers is not easy.

It would be wrong to assume that it is enough to talk with about how him tomorrow to behave. Most of the information will simply evaporate from its memory after a few hours, and the child is nothing left to do, how to navigate by the circumstances.

To prepare schoolchildren

"Sticks-virusologii" for parents of children 8-10 years are fairy-tale therapy and play therapy. Games and fairy-tale characters are still very attractive for the younger student, and it must use.

"Games" option:

Ask the child: "let's play! I this game you know! ". Rare child will not respond to this call. Pick a few favorite toys. It can be dolls, plush animals, men from the designer, and even playing cards. The "main character" should be the most cute baby toy, one with him sex. It will symbolize your "beginner". Also need a "teacher", "new classmates" and "mom" (you can also "dad", "grandma", depending on how the important place they occupy in the child's life).

The first few times you play "hero". Try to keep in the game's plot is intertwined possible problems: children do not immediately talk with newcomers, and he had to start a conversation, etc. Draw, as the new first hesitated, and then realized that the guys are ready to make friends.

Let the "main character" will be the traits of your child: leader, whether he is a modest one, the bully.

Any game should end positively, and the problem, which was solved by "new" must be enabled.

Sooner or later the child will want to play for "main". Your task is to direct the game to give him guidance of correct behavior. Can be interrupted to discuss controversial issues. Play the game periodically during the summer, and in late August, you will only need to "Polish" all learned the final conversation.

"Fabulous" option:

Probably in the summer you will be in the way: train, car, plane. What to do? Of course, to invent a tale! You can offer a beginning, from which it will be clear that the point in the story will focus on "brand new".

Especially good story forest school, where each animal has its own personality. And who is like your child: hare, lion, wolf? Let the selected animal reflects his character. But the tale is a fairy tale: the hare can show their bravery, lion - respect for others, and the wolf - loyalty to friends.

Agree that each of you in turn comes up with only one sentence. As in the games option, you must be sure that the tale was stated and solved some problem.

Well, if you come up with some fairy tales, and the most successful record and ask the child to do the illustrations.

Playing and coming up with the plot, the child would live the time of entry into a new class. The more plays, the more of these "stays", and they occur in a safe child environment. So by the time nastojashego September newbie will not perceive this situation as new. This will allow him to feel more confident, and confidence is the key to success.

To prepare the adolescents

In adolescence foreground relationships with their peers, but because guys much pridirchivye perceived "outsiders." But no need to be afraid. If you have a trust relationship with a teenager, he will ask you many questions. And if not, you can involve him in an adult conversation with friends at a barbecue, going on vacation, the holiday table.

Discuss who remembered his first day of work. Tell us about her troubles in the first day at work, meeting with colleagues, and (necessarily! ) how gradually you won in the team the authority and the location of colleagues.

In casual conversation, tell us how you took the beginners in your class. The child will be an interesting look from the outside, even if it is only a listener.

In summer, you can send a child to camp, preferably in the first or second shift. This will give him the experience of adapting and communicating with new people.

However, if the teenager his vision of how to spend the summer, do not insist on the camp.

Do not think that at the end of August you put your child on a chair in front of him and say, "now I will tell you how to behave in the new class".

The teenager will likely be at this moment more important things to do or he will include pohrustite", as stated in one of the ads, and will miss your speech on deaf ears.

Therefore unobtrusive stories from his own experience during the summer is what you need.

And remember, if the transition to a new school care of a teenager, then he will look for information on this issue: friends, Internet, movies, books.

The question of whether you can trust the information received at various youth forums on the Internet remains open.

Actually, information is hard to call. But the teenager can thus learn how to say "brand new" in the class, what guys are paying attention, as his brothers in misfortune talk about their first days at school.

All this will give him useful food for thought. But in adolescence the child is quite capable of designing situations and play them in your head.

Rest assured, he will be able to find solutions to possible problems.

Well, if you can confidentially talk to a child to know that it excites and scares, to Express their opinions, give advice with respect to any decision.


The health of the schoolchild

Debunking myths about hyperactivity

Debunking myths about hyperactivityHyperactivity manifested in attention deficit and impulsive behavior disorder, in varying degrees, affecting up to 20% of children in primary school. However, this medical condition is not yet recognized by all physicians and psychiatrists. In regular, non-professional environment of hyperactivity there are many different myths, most of which has nothing to do with reality. And what is the reality?

Hyperactivity is really a medical disorder

This diagnosis was officially recognized as major medical, psychiatric and educational organizations around the world. The syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a form of minimal brain dysfunction. This syndrome has a biological nature. Studies show that it is based on an imbalance of chemical transmitters, the neurotransmitters in the brain.

There are different opinions about the causes of hyperactivity. It may be genetic factors, features of the structure and functioning of the brain, birth injuries, infectious diseases, transferred to a pregnant woman or a child in the first months of life, etc.

The primary symptoms of hyperactivity disorder are inattention, inability to concentrate for a long time, impulsivity and restlessness. Hyperactive people have problems in some aspects of daily life, especially in the areas of organization and sense of time.

Hyperactivity is not the result of bad parenting!

When a hyperactive child jumps up during the lesson and begins to walk around the classroom, this is not due to the fact that he was not taught how to behave. He just can't control their impulses. He tends to act on first impulse under the influence of external emotions. It is difficult for a long time to sit still, not to fidget, not to talk, he often touches and drops different items, pushes peers, etc. And one strict discipline to overcome hyperactivity is not enough.

In reality, however, too strict upbringing, up to punish the child for the failure of self-control, often can only aggravate the symptoms of hyperactivity. If the child has a high need for physical activity, there is no reason to suppress it. Better to try to teach him how to project energy in an appropriate way: doing sports, dancing and mobile games. Emotional stress should also be reduced.

Hyperactivity equally affects both boys and girls

Despite the prevailing view that hyperactivity, usually boys, girls are equally vulnerable hyperactivity and show the same symptoms.

Hyperactivity often persists into adulthood

More than 70% of hyperactive children remain hyperactive and adolescence, although it may be, and to a lesser extent. And almost 50% of children with this syndrome remains into adulthood. In adolescence locomotor hyperactivity usually goes away, but the inability to learn, lack of attention, inability to concentrate most of the children are saved.

Hyperactive children are quite teachable

Such children for better learning should be active during lessons. This creates the impression that their brains work only when the body moves. They are more like training sessions, during which you do something by hand, conduct a visual experiments, building models, and in mathematics, for example, be considered in the accounts. While remembering information they usually touch or move any objects, and does not follow them in this way.

Hyperactive children can be very talented and successful

According to recent research, hyperactive children tend to have a higher level of intelligence than other children. And very often, that the child is unable to sit through a tutorial in the hands of more than 10 minutes, during this short period of time memorize the whole poem.

These children also have the rare ability to Express their feelings and to control themselves through movement. Often they become gifted actors, dancers or athletes. It is believed that hyperactivity was observed in many of the famous people of the past, including Mozart, Alexander the great, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, Alexander Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Newton, Thomas Edison, albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. The list of successful people can be continued up to the present day, for example, Henry Ford, Walt Disney and David Milman, founder of JetBlue Airways".


Al-Robaki M


Hit me if you can

Hit me if you canYour child is constantly bullied peers or older kids. Someone will take away the car, playing in the sandbox, and will assign it to yourself, someone will give in the nose in kindergarten - teacher can't keep track of all, someone will put a footstep near the entrance or will call "sissy", "youngster" or otherwise... any parents immediately heart because the bad guys hurt their beloved son, and before them the question arises: whether it is necessary to teach a child to fight?

Quite often families fall into two extremes: the first is the liberal educated family who are strangers to violence when parents become unnaturally pale, if the child came from the kindergarten will suddenly give a strong word. Punishment here are usually limited to a short mourning that "you're a big boy, must understand that to do that (to speak, to think, to breathe) is not good or any kind of restrictions - for example, financial. Another extreme is when the family is preached the cult of brute force, the child must deal with their own, for example a parent can recall the sensational film "the Return", in which the father specially catches bully, so that the eldest brother one-on-one was able to get his money. And when he has it, the child recognizes several defective.

Actually it is easy to see that neither approach is not wholly correct. Even if you manage to create in the house a sort of Paradise on earth, when the child will not be able to find a single acute angle to fill a bruise, it is unlikely that destiny will be to him always so merciful. Sooner or later the time will come when innate eloquence and educated intelligence may not be enough - especially that it is not necessary he would have to fight just fall, hit and. lose the respect of all present for the very inability to recognize and endure pain, which is not only a consequence of the blow, but also very important - that hurts, it hurts, what kind of injury this is indicative. It is only in the experience of analyzing one's own feelings can easily understand - broken if bone vivinet joint or stretched ligament. And to learn to understand your body can experience. As stated in one of the books by max Frei - "what if tomorrow a nuclear explosion? "the child must be ready to endure the pain without losing himself.

The second approach is when a child with childhood accustomed to pain, are taught to fight to the last, not to spare the enemy is also not too good. First, excessive cruelty, perhaps, a good help for future male trucker, but a very bad adviser in your personal life, family matters, and Yes, and just in the most ordinary resolution of business disputes. Quite often we hear even from the most senior politicians: "Yes if I could it (this means the opponent) in a dark alley, I would have showed him! ". This demonstrates the utter helplessness researched in dispute - it turns out that the discussion boils down to the usual comparison of the muscles, as in the community Gibbons. Human society, in my opinion, should use force in two cases for the energy discharge sat at the computer body in the gym, or to eliminate a direct threat to the life or physical health.

To resolve any other conflicts long ago invented words, why not use it? As an additional argument against the cult of physical strength can also be recollected, that in this case the child may occur perversion of sexual violence. Not, of course, to say that sadism is definitely bad (because of the crowd flagellant beat author rotten tomatoes), but sure are you that in the future they want something to take home their Winehouse child that just accidentally strangled his wife (husband) in a fit of passion? Prayed whether you're on a night Desdemona?..

What can be learned from the above? Very simple - you need to find a middle ground.

The child should be able to protect themselves, to cope at least with a not very sober bully or the raging of the same age, however it is not necessary to turn the whole process of education in the mastery of martial arts - except that you're the reincarnation of Bruce Lee and are going to grow actor for the next film "the Raven", where and kill him. Quite important here will be the rules invented by Polycom for his "Fight club" - the most important thing to a child, learning to protect yourself, learn to say stop.

Yes, of course, in everyday life opponents rarely able to stop, having reached a certain faces, but we must not forget that before you - the kid that his strength was much less than that of an adult, and reactions until they reach perfection. Any training should be done according to the method of training, and not checking for survival - if the child is tired, exhausted, was slower to respond, so the lesson you want to stop, even if it is stubborn and tries to fight because children are rarely able to appreciate their force. However, as many adults.

And when eight-year-old girl tries to battle with zabyvshiesya year old father - it can end very sad for both. For example, a fractured rib father... and this also happens because the child before that nobody taught to stop, and he just didn't pay attention to the fact that the parent fell.

You can, of course, to send their children to a special section of martial arts or any other sport. But first you need to talk with parents of other children already enrolled there or just with the trainers of the same area - it is very important to avoid frequent injuries because not every teacher adjusts rule learning Japanese mercenaries (for which the maximum age for entering school one year) for the average urban children from birth tortured allergies, scoliosis, anemia, myopia (nearsightedness) and excessive concern for parents, who for some reason were confident that if up to five years of the child to put on the sun, he in accordance with the best vampire movies will instantly burn out.

If the coach all collectively pray, and children, none on the second lesson, you will not require to break the forehead bricks - so, better to let his training is a Pro, after all, a good physical form will not prevent any student. Only it is not necessary to combine freestyle wrestling with playing the violin is still here working different muscle groups, and injury in sport is inevitable, so sooner or later the child will either fail a concert or competition, and it will not go in his favor. And then, it is not easy to imagine how it will look something Arnold Schwarzenegger with a violin in his hands.

So, the conclusion is very simple: to make life easier for the child in society the ability to stand up for themselves - a thing very useful, but self-defense should not become obsessive paranoid idea and the meaning of life. The harmony of physical and mental development - here are the top must strive every parent.


Litvinenko A.



Daddy daughter

Daddy daughterPsychologists believe that a man, faced with the need alone to raise children is in a more difficult situation than a single woman. And it's not just that most men don't know how to wash, cook, clean, diapers, etc. It can be learned. Much more complex are psychological problems. How to deal with them?

Big changes

- When friends know that I'm the only one I have a daughter, I immediately prepare to Express sympathy and compassion, - says Alexander, a single father. "And if I explain that annoy mom's all right - she is alive, healthy, and after a divorce lives in another city, where she has better working conditions, all are shocked. "How can it be that the mother is not doing her own child? ", "How can a man to raise a girl? " - about the comments I hear from relatives, and from employees, and even from teachers daughter. But I'm used to, and for me in this situation there is nothing strange.

It often happens that life changes are happening faster than we begin to understand them. And changes that are part of modern life, so rapid and global, that will long be regarded as a deviation from the norm. It is hard to imagine that people can change views on such traditional things as a family, the role of men and women, raising children, but... this is happening.

In the modern world, man and woman become more and more similar to each other both external appearance and inner world. We equally strive for professional achievement and material success, we have become very similar moral principles. Sociologists believe: women who see their primary task of caring for her husband and children left in the past, as men, who traditionally have been responsible for the material support of the family, and therefore sought to professional achievements. This is the main reason that the number of single fathers in the world is increasing. Of course, the situation when the man left without wives, can be very different, but if another 10-20 years ago, children in most cases entrusted to grandparents or other relatives, now fathers and ready themselves engaged in their education.

Paternal parenting

As strange to others either looked like a family consisting of dad and daughter, in some areas it is even more successful than the family in which the mother is raising her son. Dad can be assured that she will receive an example of feminine behavior - even if it is nurtured them from a very early age. Teachers in kindergarten, teachers in school - almost always women, the older generation by 75% presents grandmothers, and that is enough to provide the girl with the communication with the members of their own sex. But mom raising a boy, you have to think with whom the child will take an example.

Lonely dad is almost always the choice of the men. The woman left without a husband, much stronger through its position and increasingly seeks to change it. Both can take the form of a very unfavorable for families and children. Men, whether by virtue of the nature of my psyche, whether because they know that their ability to create a family with age is absolutely not decrease much calmer endure the loneliness and more feel in such a situation happy. The result is "daddy" children are much less likely to suffer from neurotic disorders and behavioral disturbances than children of single mothers.

Children raised by man, are more balanced, calm for another reason. The presence of the father increases the child's status among peers, gives him a sense of confidence. Everyone knows, as we argue children about whose dad is taller, stronger and better. If you translate these arguments into the language of psychology, they sound something like this: "I have a father, it is authoritative to others, so will always be able to protect me".

Problem: to foresee and cope!

- It so happened that I'm the only one raising my daughter ever since she started first grade, " says Nicholas. - First, all was well. Teachers treated me with understanding and tried to help. But the older daughter becomes, the more I have problems with others. I am often called in school, while the child learns well, and with her daughter constantly talk to the school psychologist, sociologist and someone out there... Revealed to me do not speak, but sometimes it feels that I suspect in some deviation from the norm. This situation seems to me to be offensive and unfair, because the woman raising a son alone, the ratio is more than tolerable. No one doubts her sexual adequacy and educational abilities.

This is perhaps one of the most significant challenges for modern fathers assertion of his right to live as they see fit. But it is, of course, not the only one. With what other difficulties are faced by the fathers-singles and girls, which they bring up?

If the man was alone in the result of some dramatic story (adultery of the wife, her care), it can be very long to store in the shower negative feelings. And distrust of one woman can spread to the entire female half of humanity. And in the family it will be necessary to appear, rather, to be felt on an unconscious level. The girl in that case acquire low self-esteem and a distorted view of how they should behave.

The opposite situation, when a man idealizes the mother of his child, assures us that everything is good in moderation, even love. Hearing about what mom was (because this attitude is often to late) the best woman in the world - the most beautiful, intelligent, talented, a girl can buy a real inferiority complex, which will complicate all of her personal life. Because the first experience with men she receives, communicating with his own father. From him she hears the word about their attractiveness, their positive qualities, and gains confidence that it will all be appreciated and other men.

A girl who is brought up by the father, often feels too heavy loads. And it's not just that she has to take daily care of the house. The fact that the atmosphere in the family by and large depends on women is due to their emotionality, openness and speech activity. For adult women is not difficult to maintain at home positive attitude is a natural part of its existence in the family. But the school itself still needs emotional warmth, support, and care. Therefore, the responsibility for emotional atmosphere in the family may be too heavy load.

Living with his father, the girl soon begins to learn all the subtleties of male behavior. This seemingly well, but it should help in relationships with the opposite sex in the future. However, it is often too "sober" attitude toward men deprives the girl of romance, prevent her fall in love for real. At an older age it will be a wonderful wife and mother, but can be a partner in the act. And this, of course, can interfere with family relationships.

There are many opinions about whether the father to participate in the sexual education of daughters: from complete openness to ignore this topic. The truth is, probably, as always, in the middle. Specific questions you should answer kindly and tactfully, but not necessarily everything that relates to sex, the girl should learn from his father. There are special books and programs that are well informed and help to avoid natural for such situations embarrassment.

And the last one. No matter how wonderful a teacher nor was the Pope, yet the best he can do for his daughter is to create a complete family.


Employees C.


The health of the schoolchild

The sound of music

The sound of musicMusic is the voice of life. The singing of birds, the voices of the animals, and other natural sounds resonate in the soul of man. The impact of the world of sounds on the person really is huge: the music even before the birth of the child may affect the development and its intellectual potential, and his physical abilities.

If you look at the history of music, you'll find that people all over the world from the earliest times used music not only for aesthetic pleasure, but also for treatment: the music can raise or lower the levels of hormones in the blood and help to cope with stress. In the far East and in India, this technique has been widely developed. In Africa and America, the aborigines have long used musical instruments to slow down or speed up the rhythm of his heartbeat.

That's why when you're expecting, you need to consider some points. Yes, the child in the womb of the mother perceives the sound of her body, but, for example, "Fifth Symphony" Beethoven child responds with movements of the body, increased heart rate... Imagine, you affect the very soul of your child, listening to some music!

Indeed, this is a very touchy subject. How many tragedies happened because of the careless attitude of the mother to that kind of music she chooses! Recently heard a story about a girl who went to a rock concert. It was on the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. The girl quite conscious, did not drink any alcoholic beverages, generally lead a healthy lifestyle, and at the concert she was standing on the sidelines. Later she said that the child was very much pushing his feet, but she did not immediately notice it. She had a premature birth, although no prerequisites, it would seem, was not.

In General, to understand how music is heard by the child before birth affects his life, for his ability.

Many studies have proven that music heard before birth, accelerates the development of the child, helps to cope with some problems.

If the mother is on the twenty-eighth to thirty-sixth weeks of pregnancy listened to the music, her child faster than others begin to respond to sounds, learn the melody. Such children memory is generally better developed.

But, of course, the influence of music on child development does not end at this. I guess you noticed that young children love music: they begin to sing and to dance. Music can control the mood of the child. In addition, scientists have shown that the more information you have the brain of a child at an early age, so it will be more developed. Music education contributes both to the development of analytical thinking and the formation of trust relationships in the family: "the General rhythms of music such "common language", that is people listening to the same music, it is easier to understand each other. This, again due to certain frequencies and vibrations that are detected by the human brain.

Your baby is growing, its needs change, and you realize that it's time to send him to kindergarten. Yes, today is a bit of good kindergartens, where'd like to send your child. But, nevertheless, the need often arises. Of course, the dominant and most important thing here is the teacher: what is it, how to behave with children and so on. But it was important to choose the right methods of education, which is used in a particular garden. Scientists have found that early violent training children in the various Sciences (reading and numeracy, for example) is bad for their further development. There are a number of systems of education-education that allow you to painlessly teach the child all the necessary wisdom.

It systems such as anthroposophic, "humanistic pedagogy, orphanage M. Montessori, the views of E. I. Theeway and techniques used in some private kindergartens kindergartens.

The main advantage of these systems is that here, occupying a child interesting games, promote spiritual and mental development. One of the main points is introducing children to music: they are taught to perceive and listen to her. They learn to play, for example, the flute, the violin, piano or any other instrument. In some systems (for example, in anthroposophic) undergo eurhythmy. It is scenic, medical and educational. Here the point is that teaches eurythmy expression: child under music or the tale expresses what he heard movements. Of course, there are schools with an individual approach, but psychologists recommend to send their child to a school where he will learn life and not be exposed to the "greenhouse effect": if music education is already included in the child, he will more easily find a common language with other children and with the world in General.

One time, when I was teaching in a mug, I had six children, which led them to simply communicate with their peers. It was Aikido, where children at this age are taught exclusively elementary coordination and give some physical training. I noticed that the guys who studied music or those who listen to it every day, really much more quickly grasp new information and more easily oriented in space. Perhaps you have noticed that people who engaged in any of the dances are not only beautiful gait and good posture: they are as much organic stuff in the world.

You may argue that not all children have hearing, many have other abilities that must be developed, and not waste time on futile exercises in music. It's the truth. But any contact with the music is worthwhile. In addition, a certain music educates and taste: the man listening to the jazz will never dress up as someone who loves rock and roll. Music is also a circle. When you choose the music, your child, listening to her, will assume that it is the "right" music, will look for other people who love the same music, because my mom listens to it! This trend in most cases, the subconscious, and when the child reaches puberty, then you have a feeling that it all turns upside down, destroying all that you built so many years.

But this is only a feeling: to understand the child, to accept the changes and try to make his aspirations, he will soon turn into a beautiful butterfly, which will delight both you and the whole world.

Speaking about coming of age, it is impossible not to mention changes in music. You probably remember how your parents didn't understand your fascination with new music trends". But it was a certain time, a certain rhythm, which whirled planet and you along with it.

Yes, of course, the foundations are laid at an early age. That is why it is very important that parents were particularly attentive to your baby in the most seemingly small things. The sounds that he hears, those relationships that he sees deposited in his subconscious mind and affect his future.



My child has a white crow?

My child has a white crow? "My child does not like everybody else" - it is with this kind of problem often turn to psychologist concerned parents. However, if you compile all their complaints, it becomes clear that the boundaries of the rules are vague and subjective. According to the observations of psychologists, in the category of "special" can get almost any child: hyperactive and slow; too emotional and vicious; overly sociable and shy; stubborn and too flexible; impulsive and inhibited; vulnerable and insensitive; the Prodigy and the baby, which science is not given.

In search of norms parents often turn to his own childhood: "when I was a kid... ". But the child can't be sort of a clone, a copy, a replica, in a literal sense a continuation of their parents. In addition, we must not forget that the generation gap is now much deeper and patelnie than before, and, accordingly, much more acute is the problem of "fathers and children". The change of the social system, breaking stereotypes, the search for new ideals and values, social stratification and at the same time the rapid development of new technologies. Generation of screens, monitors, mobile lives in another world and in another rhythm. Interaction with new media (the Internet and mobile phones) is playing a larger role in the lives of adolescents. Parents don't always think about what your own child should be considered as a representative of another generation...

Most often the question that the child is "not the same", is exacerbated when the baby goes to nursery staff and begins to learn how to build equal relations with peers and to abide by the rules of subordination adults. For a kid is a real challenge, because so far it was all good and love mom, dad, grandmother. And suddenly it all went awry: the mother is sad, angry dad, grandma grumbles that correctly educated. The first steps of socialization can be very painful for the baby and his parents. The main task is not to fall into any of the extremes: either "all is not right, just my "special" child rights" or the opposite "all children as children, and I... ".

Parents generally difficult to be objective about your own child. Very often we are cheating ourselves. And speaking about what the child is "not the same", do not bring the thought to the end: perhaps not as convenient to the teacher, or not as we want? Almost no fathers and mothers, which at least to some extent, would not be affected by parental vanity, because there is no sweeter feeling that my child is "best". It is very difficult to forgo the dream image of the "worthy" successor. Someone from fathers want to see their son energetic, all advanced and loves sports. Mother dreams quickly to ensure that their baby has outstanding abilities, and also attacks of convulsive yawning whenever he sees a book...

The child is not only the fruit of family upbringing. The birth of the new creature is a great mystery. Each child has his own temperament and intellect; its own unique set of genes; the cocktail of diverse abilities and inclinations, not always, by the way, nice. It is best to treat their child as a being, who has yet to meet and try to understand and accept the way God made him or nature. And believe me: no class is more interesting than to know your own child - you have a lot of discoveries, and not very pleasant. You will wonder and despair, rejoice and be angry. The look in his genealogy of the ancestors with the same qualities, "calculate" the harmful effects side. And yet we must begin with the acceptance of the child as it is. And then you have a long way soft adjustments, which, however, should be parent firm hand: positive qualities should be encouraged and developed, negative - smooth and even (if you're lucky) to turn in dignity.

Mania "differences"

But sometimes the other extreme: the child really has problems, but the parents are not going to enter into acceptable to the community the scope of his beloved son. They like that their child is not like the others.

Psychologists and neurologists recognize that today's children are hypersensitive and excitable, often they are very gifted. The number of non-standard, special, difficult children is so great that there was a special term - "Indigo children", meaning "children of the future", which supposedly have a new unusual psychological characteristics and behaviors. The term arose as a result of observations Nancy Ann tappe, who argued that non-standard children special color of the aura - dark blue, or Indigo. The theory about the existence of some special children has become quite popular among parents whose pride sustains the idea of the singularity of their children.

Most often it is the mothers who came for a consultation with a psychologist, excitedly talk about how unique their kid is gifted, gentle, sensitive and vulnerable. And here is a rough environment is unable to understand and appreciate her "little Prince" or "gentle Princess". Or, on the contrary, the child is very active, captures everything on the fly, makes it much faster than others, but teachers and classmates "somehow" unfair to him. And in the first and in the second case, it is necessary to work not only with the child but with the mother. Quite often parents themselves cultivate in their children "mania differences" form from their not-so-special offspring inconvenient, difficult, not favorite any peers or teachers rogue.

Where are the "white ravens"?

Unfortunately, very often parents are risking themselves to make their child a "white crow". Child, undoubtedly is a kind of risk:

- If the family decided to constantly compare ourselves to other people: we are better, worse, better, poorer, richer, smarter; we old - timers or, on the contrary, people visiting, etc.

- If the family lives is closed, and strangers are always suspected as a possible source of trouble and even danger.

- If you criticize others is the usual way of communication between adults.

- If a child is constantly made to compare with peers and to reiterate that he's not like all: stronger, weaker, sicker, smarter, dumber.

- If a child will learn that he is always right, and all the conflicts and troubles to blame others.

If he is brought up in an incomplete family, and parent consciously or unconsciously seeks to "close" son or daughter on itself.

- If the child is for parents (or one of them) by means of self-assertion.

- If the baby is brought up by the mother (grandmother), which made sense of his life.

If elderly parents make the child a "little old man".

- If the family is dominated by the extremes in the way of education. Equally dangerous as permissiveness and indulgence, and rigid authoritarian style, the constant criticism of the child.

- If the baby is limited in communicating with peers and mostly satisfied with the company of adults.

- If in the family there are serious psychological problems among adults.

If the parents rudely trying to "break" some innate quality of the child instead of gently adjust them and create conditions for the development of alternative qualities.

When you start to worry?

The parents have no reason for concern, if the child is happy and not concerned that he is "not this, not depressed and not aggressive; it has good relations with peers, and its features are not alienate from him the other children; he knows how to communicate with adults, to obey and to obey; does not oppose themselves to others, does not see around enemies, friendly and respectful to the people; if the idea that he is not born at the time of puberty, which is quite normal.

Parents have good reason to suspect that their child is "white crow" if he feels a sense of alienation and rejection, became an outcast in the children's team; there is a suspicion that he had developed symptoms of the victims, which he provokes peers that he was hurt; he was used to attract attention in unhealthy ways (crusada, Kuznitsa, hurt those who are stronger than him); he has no friends among peers; always speaks badly about all.

What to do if you have any doubts that your child is not the same as all:

- Try as much as possible to articulate what you see abnormalities in the behavior and development of your baby;

- Ask the psychologist or in any textbook on developmental psychology, not whether "special" behavior of your child under the norm for his age;

- Think about what exactly is your reason for concern: the fact that your baby is criticized around; he's got bad grades, complex relationships with peers or he just creates some inconvenience for adults; does not justify your hopes and not feeding your feelings;

- Analyze, does not cultivate anyone from a family of ideas "features" of the child;

- Try to place the child in an adequate request Wednesday: "too smart" - in a special school for gifted children; child, which "pulls" the exact Sciences in Humanities class; fidget - the sports section; the demure - in circle drawing. It is important that the child have had the opportunity to communicate with children who have similar interests and would like to feel on top.

But at the same time care should be taken that the child was developing those qualities that he lacks (perseverance, the ability to play with other children, willingness to share, the ability to consider the interests of others, and others);

- If your child has difficulties in communication arise only at home, look for the origins of problems in family relations, not the child.

- If you feel that you cannot cope with the situation, you should consult with a neurologist and a psychologist regarding your son or daughter.


Kirilenko M, Yatsenko A.


Zerkalo Nedeli

How to care for skin

How to care for skinBeautiful skin given to each nature, but many to save this beauty has meticulously cared, after all, without leaving even a perfect face may lose its beauty. To care for your skin is not so difficult, just pick up the tools and do not forget to regularly use them.

For a thorough skin care products must be purchased:
1. foam or lotion cleanser that match your skin type,

2. moisturizer,

3. nourishing cream,

4. mask,

5. scrub or peeling cream,

6. cream, fluid, or serum with vitamin C for the skin.

Before going to the beauty shop, you need to determine what type is the facial skin. For normal skin you can use any tools, for oily, you need to look for the ones that slow down the activity of the sebaceous glands, and for dry, on the contrary, the right tools, providing extra hydration and nutrition.

To start the care you need with regular cleansing, this helps to prevent the development of inflammatory processes and allows you to breathe pores. Using special tools, you need to wash twice a day, and, if desired, during the day you can enjoy thermal spray for the face.

Taking care of your skin, you should not forget about hydration, without which no cost, no person. Moisturizer should be applied on the skin, not later than half an hour before leaving the house. Also, you can replace multi-function BB cream that simultaneously protects the skin and acts as a makeup base.

In the evening, after removing make-up, must be applied to the skin nourishing cream, massaging fingers on the skin of the face except the eye area. Around the eyes, use special tools, because there skin is much softer. In the summer, in hot weather, you must use a lighter cosmetics that will allow the skin to breathe, but will also nourish the cells need nutrients.

Once a week you should clean the skin more thoroughly, using peels and scrubs. They not only remove dirt, but also help the skin regenerate faster by getting rid of dead skin particles of the epidermis. To complement skin care can masks that nourish the skin with nutrients. They can be purchased in finished form, and to create from what is in the house, the recipes, the appropriate skin type.

Beauty through the years

Beauty through the yearsEvery woman wants to preserve her beauty even in the later years. But is it possible? Needless to sacrifice themselves or it is better to assume that beauty is beautiful in any year? How can that be and what can you do? To all these questions, you will get a timely response on the website

Scientists confirmed that the real key to the beauty and health in old age is optimism and love of life! Yes! You were not mistaken, and I for sure! This is the essence of the secret young age.

It is proven that people who are happy and try to lead an active lifestyle, look much younger and feel the same way! Amazing? No how! Remember, there is an English saying: "over the years you become older, and better." I'll tell you why.
Every day when you go out into the streets and see what the progress is not in place, and the people on the contrary degrades, you can become very sad and ashamed of people. But this just yet and spoil your external and internal appearance. Are you anxious, suffer and can't calm down. While your brain and body are boiling, receiving the charge of a bad mood. Stoop! Let's slow down and get back to our main condition. Be full of positive emotions. Positive emotions are good for your body. So keep this is the main condition. It is not only medicines can help you feel younger.

Unlike drugs, physical exercise, proper nutrition will do you only good. You can pull up your figure and help all your sores to disappear. Because proper nutrition is key to good health.

Now the elderly even in 80 years studying in higher institutions, learn languages, go to dances, and just a good time! And they are very beautiful, and most importantly happy! And you can be the same, because you are no different from other people.